into MODRUBY_WANTLIB and using CONFIGURE_STYLE = ruby gem ext. Use the
lang/ruby module for all dependent ports, setting
MODRUBY_{BUILD,RUN}DEP=No if necessary.
ok landry, phessler, sthen
SHARED_ONLY = Yes wasn't set before, but it is set
automatically now, which is the correct setting. This
requires removing PFRAG.shared and integrating the
contents into PLIST.
ok landry, phessler, sthen
aria2 is a multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download
utility. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, Metalink.
It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to
utilize your maximum download bandwidth.
REGRESS_DEPENDS+=::devel/cppunit from dcoppa@
ok sthen@
unmaintained upstream, etc. Another mozilla port bites the dust.
(i'll port its descendant fennec once ffx4 works, if it works someday..)
no objections from zaurus/arm users (sthen, kili, deraadt, todd...)
agreed by stephan@ & steven@ at trofea
The Link checker module extracts links from your content when saved and
periodically tries to detect broken hypertext links by checking the
remote sites and evaluating the HTTP response codes. It shows all broken
links in the reports/logs section and on the content edit page if a link
check has been failed. An author specific broken links report is also
available in "My Account".
Provides a central transliteration service to other Drupal modules, and
sanitizes file names while uploading. Generally spoken, it takes Unicode
text and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters (universally
displayable, unaccented characters) by attempting to transliterate the
pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system to
Roman letters.
In simple use cases the search_config module allows site admins to
decide which fields to display on the advanced search form when enabled.
There is also the option of excluding node types from search results.
Once selected they are also automatically removed from the advance
search form. This gives more control over the content that can be
searched to those who need it.
On 404 Not Found error pages, Drupal will skip rendering of several
pieces of your website for performance reasons. This module simply
revives those features on 404 pages to show lost users how to get
to real pages.
This module provides two ways of referencing relevant content. Both of
these methods provide configuration to filter for specific content types
and vocabularies, limit the maximum size of the result and provide some
header text. The result on both cases are a list of nodes which the
module considers most relevant based on the categorization of the
current page. This is achieved by finding other nodes which are of one
of the allowed types and have the most number of terms in common.
This module enables you to make the Menu Settings required on specific
content types. It forces a node from one or more content types to be
included in the menu system before the content will be saved
successfully. This can be useful in a number of situations, e.g. when
using [menupath-raw] in the Pathauto settings, which expects a node to
live within the menu system.
The Override Node Options module allows permissions to be set to each
field within the Authoring information and Publishing options field
sets on the node form. It also allow selected field sets to be set as
collapsed and / or collapsible.
This module allows you to grant access for specific user roles to view
unpublished nodes of a specific type. Access control is quite granular
in this regard. Additionally, using this module does not require any
modifications to your existing URL structure.
Used in concert with the Override Node Options module, you can give
specific roles the ability to publish/unpublish certain node types
without giving those roles administrative access to all nodes.
The tables module allows you to create a table in a node using a simple
markup. Tables are entered using a simple macro format.
This module allows you to set the "class" for the table to allow
different appearances for different tables. It also comes with a css
sheet to do a number of different appearances.
The SpamSpan module obfuscates email addresses to help prevent spambots
from collecting them. The problem with most email address obfuscators is
that they rely upon JavaScript being enabled on the client side. This
makes the technique inaccessible to people with screen readers. SpamSpan
however will produce clickable links if JavaScript is enabled, and will
show the email address as example [at] example [dot] com if the browser
does not support JavaScript or if JavaScript is disabled.
This module will create a main book page for content type selected in
BookMadeSimple settings. This is a shortcut to create a node and click
on Update book outline.
A dropdown listbox will be added in books links. Only allowed content-
type (define in content-type settings) are printed. Selecting a content
type will add it as a child page of the book page.
Adds a block for every CCK field you selected for being available as
block. This makes it possible to show the field's value of the
currently shown node in the block (placed left, right or in whatever
region) instead of (or next to) the node's main content area. Kind of
a simple panel variation.
The notify module allows users to subscribe to periodic emails which
include all new or revised content and/or comments much like the daily
news letters sent by some websites.
Even if this feature is not configured for normal site users, it can
be a useful feature for an administrator of a site to receive
notification of new content submissions and comment posts.
This module adds a tab for sufficiently permissioned users. The tab shows
all revisions like standard Drupal but it also allows pretty viewing of
all added/changed/deleted words between revisions.
The idea behind the Zen theme is to have a very flexible standards-
compliant and semantically correct XHTML theme that can be highly
modified through CSS and an enhanced version of Drupal's template
system. Out of the box, Zen is clean and simple with either a one,
two, or three column layout of fixed or liquid width. In addition,
the HTML source order has content placed before sidebars or the navbar
for increased accessibility and SEO.
The Lightbox2 module is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay
images on the current page. The module places images above your
current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the
layout, particularly column widths. It keeps users on the same page.
ok landry@