Set PORTHOME to ${WRKSRC}, since the build system creates a ~/Desktop
dir for some reason (from ajacoutot@)
This commit (and all the upcoming moz-related ones) are ok jasper@ sthen@ naddy@
- bump nspr dependency to 4.10.6.
- remove libIDL BDEP, not needed anymore
- add a gtk3 FLAVOR for firefox only, provided as a tech preview. Not
everything works, it's in pretty good shape, but not considered ready
yet upstream. You have been warned! Note this also needs to be built
with system-cairo.
- shuffle LDEP/WANTLIB around for gtk3 FLAVOR.
- enforce dependency on nss 3.16
- fix spellchecking by building against systemwide hunspell. For some
reason the bundled hunspell can't open its own dict (#991278)
- add SHELL=/bin/sh as mozbuild now relies on it
- remove all the cruft that was here for 'old' mozillas now that they're
in the attic
- sanitize CONFIGURE_ARGS, remove all the unneeded stuff.
- reorganize *DEPENDS, and finally fix WANTLIB | 144 ++++++++++----------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)
during bulks just to see gcc 4.6 blowing at some given spots. Firefox 3
was running fine there though... but xulrunner/1.9 and
productivity/sunbird are soon going to the attic anyway. Only a masochist
with alpha & gcc skills + enough patience might be brave enough to look
at it..
- stop building ff/tb/sm with systemwide cairo, it differs too much from
the bundled cairo and brings us too many issues (font weirdness,
crashes on i386 when links are dnd'ed, maybe system slowness when
displaying huge images, and others i dont remember..). Anyway, this is
not really "supported" upstream. To be revisited once mozilla updates to
cairo 1.12.x, if ever (#739096).
- move comment about system-jpeg, krb5 WANTLIB, and post-extract target
about sydneyaudio sndio backend when they belong (ie in the 'old' users
- Add gtar to BUILD_DEPENDS everywhere in, since fx 18 will
start using gtar-only options. Ditto for unzip, used during install.
- special-case the deps for firefox/thunderbird/seamonkey, since those
are maintained on the long-term. Only those need to depend on the
latest and greatest nss/nspr.
- move the '--relax LDFLAGS for ppc' to
- move the 'yasm BUILD_DEPENDS for i385/amd64' to
- move more common CONFIGURE_ARGS to (libevent,gio,bz2,gconf..)
- fix MODMOZ_WANTLIB wrt nss/nspr majors
- ensure we depend on sqlite3>=21, needed for fx/tb 18
- use --with-system-jpeg only in firefox36/sunbird/fennec/xulrunner,
fx/tb 18 will have to use its bundled libjpeg-turbo (#791305)
- bump REVISIONs for the WANTLIB/LIB_DEPENDS change.
- remove useless patch to gfx/thebes/ adding -lpangox-1.0 to
EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS, this was maybe useful before ffx 3.0, but mozilla
stopped using pangox between 2.0 and 3.0. See for the last traces of
pangox.h use : See
also bugs #323671/#338446
- backport the patch from #528941 to remove useless pangox.h inclusion
from www/firefox35.
- remove the RUN_DEPENDS on pangox-compat
- bump all corresponding REVISIONS
- while here, make sure all moz ports depend on latest nspr 4.9.2 since
it'll be a requirement for upcoming gecko 16 releases
- S/b/beta/ in MOZILLA_VERSION for simpler PKGNAME by default
- only add js/src/xpconnect/shell/ to MOZILLA_SUBST_FILES if
branch is 1.9.1/1.9.2, file disappeared in 10
- add LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-keep-memory" to CONFIGURE_ENV to prevent libxul
linking from failing on low memory archs.
- garbage collect _MOZ_PROJECT_SHORT, it's useless since the
mozilla-{firefox,thunderbird} rename to {firefox,thunderbird}
- introduce MOZILLA_DIST & MOZILLA_DIST_VERSION (defaulting to
DISTNAME/MASTER_SITES/HOMEPAGE for ports like firefox{35,36},
xulrunner and sunbird.
1.9.x) using the old handrolled do-install target, which is hopefully
going to die soon. By default, the betas/wip ports now use the regular
make install target provided by mozilla.
* do some plumbing to allow one to build from {mozilla,comm}-central
tarballs (aka alphas/betas)
* specialcase branch=~2.0 & branch=central for do-install: target and
sqlite dependency (the latter will be removed when we enable
UNLOCK_NOTIFY in systemwide sqlite)
* add --enable-profiling & --enable-debug-symbols to debug FLAVOR
* add a comment about why the builtin crashreporter is still disabled
(basically, google breakpad need to be ported to *BSD)