the gecko 27 cycle made it impossible to build enigmail within SM as
it used to be the way. Upstream enigmail has a new build system separate
of mozilla, which i'll shortly import (once i've figured out how to make
systemwide extensions working for different products)
- See
- Fixes MFSA 2014-01->13
- remove GStreamerLoader.cpp patch, merged in 927898 (or now useless)
- remove patch-gfx_layers_BufferUnrotate_cpp, merged in 929439
- remove patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_debug_util_posix_cc, merged
in 927810 (was p_psflags change in base)
Note: firefox 28 is due in ~10 days, but is depending on a SQLite
update in base, currently being worked on.
- Fixes MFSA-2014-01 to 13, excluding 06 and 10
- remove GStreamerLoader.cpp patch, merged in 927898 (or now useless)
- remove patch-mozilla_gfx_layers_BufferUnrotate_cpp, merged in 929439
- remove patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_debug_util_posix_cc, merged
in 927810 (was p_psflags change in base)
There *might* be an issue building enigmail, but i dont remember if it
appeared in 2.24 or 2.25, and i'll handle that shortly. Let's ride the
gcc4+www/mozilla MODULE change!
- update dependencies
- sort and indent Makefile according to template
The list of dependent broken regression tests does not change.
OK gsoares@ nigel@
- Fix some videos not playing
- Remove obsolete categories in the Browse tab
Use local patches because 2.1.6 has been released, but upstream
forgot to upload the properly versioned tarball on his server.