in PLISTs to avoid a conflict with "COMPILER" used in,
remove a hackish workaround, and allow COMPILER to be used as intended.
Use COMPILER to build with ports-gcc on !base-clang arches, needed with
-wx on these arches.
ok cwen@
produced packages are named according to PKGNAME-main/PKGNAME-wx) but
means that the port work directory has 'erlang' in the name rather
than 'otp', making it easier to identify the responsible port when
searching a big tree of source unpacked with "make extract".
- pick some <space><tab> nits while there
from configure and disable explicitly it on arm and hppa. The 4
versions build fine on amd64 with and without smp enabled. The port
will also add a symlink to the erlang interpreter on those
architectures to avoid the use of a PFRAG file.
Based on a patch from phessler@. OK phessler@.
html documentation is available online ( where
it's searchable (offline it isn't).
This saves about 18M for -main (1/3rd) and 14M for -wx.