separate from the version in the base OS which deliberately does not include
the mail proxy and additional modules. rc.d/enginx script is added (not
rc.d/nginx to avoid conflicting with base). Lua module is also supported.
Most of the work done by william@, with a few tweaks by me and ok william.
README could use more work and as pointed out by ajacoutot we need to
review permissions of the tmp directory, but the diff is already long enough.
@pkgpath markers are set to update from the 1.0.x packages to 1.2.x (with or
without the passenger flavour as appropriate).
nginx [engine x] is a HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server.
The basic HTTP features:
* Handling of the static files, index files, and autoindexing
* Accelerated reverse proxying without caching, simple load
balancing and fault tolerance
* Accelerated support without caching of the remote FastCGI
servers, simple load balancing and fault tolerance
* Modular architecture, filters including gzipping, byte
ranges, chunked responses, and SSI-filter; Several subrequests
in one page handling in SSI-filter via FastCGI or proxy
running in parallel
* the SSL support
The IMAP/POP3 proxy server features:
* User redirection to IMAP/POP3 backend using an external HTTP
authentication server
* Plain text authentication (LOGIN, USER/PASS)
* SSL and STARTTLS support
ok and help steven@