OPAL is an open-source class library for the development of applications
that wish to use the SIP and H.323 protocols for multi-media
communications over packet based networks.
ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a pure-Python module that
provides an implementation of SOAP messaging, as described in SOAP 1.1
Specification (see http://www.w3.org/TR/soap). It can also be used to
build applications using SOAP Messages with Attachments (see
http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments). ZSI is intended to make it
easier to write web services in Python.
gtk-update-icon-cache is part of gtk+2: adding gtk+2 to run_depends just
to update the icon cache (which only gtk apps can use) is overkill to
say the least!
As from now, each time icons are installed under %D/share/icons, we try
to execute gtk-update-icon-cache and if it is not there, we just ignore
the error.
What it means is that if you have gtk+2 installed, then it'll run fine
and your apps will be able to use the cache. Otherwise, it will silently
fails which is fine since it means none of your apps would have been
able to take advantage of the cache anyway.
discussed with jasper@
- Work properly with nagios-3.x status.dat
- Removes need for patch-configure with --with-status-file
configure argument.
Fixes from Steve Rader, cnagios author
ok sthen@ (MAINTAINER)
Net::FTP::AutoReconnect is a wrapper module around Net::FTP. For many
commands, if anything goes wrong on the first try, it tries to
disconnect and reconnect to the server, restore the state to the same as
it was when the command was executed, then execute it again. The state
includes login credentials, authorize credentials, trans- fer mode
(ASCII or binary), current working directory, and any restart, passive,
or port commands sent.
from Girish Venkatachalam
ok merdely@
This module will parse a Zone File and put all the Resource Records
(RRs) into an anonymous hash structure. At the moment, the following
types of RRs are supported: SOA, NS, MX, A, CNAME, TXT, PTR. It could
be useful for maintaining DNS zones, or for transferring DNS zones to
other servers.
from Girish Venkatachalam
ok merdely@
V1.2 adds nice "account set #" feature to manage accounts.
Remove a lot of string handling patches.
Remove patches to rename bitlbee "root" user to "bitlbee".
tested by Andrew Dalgleish (MAINTAINER), James Turner and Wiktor Izdebski
ok martynas@, simon@, okan@, wcmaier@
iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens
to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current
bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. Handy for answering the question "why
is our ADSL link so slow?"
from maintainer Girish Venkatachalam with small tweaks
ok landry, merdely, kili
* extends virtual queues to work on unregistered calls,
* adds per prefix capacity limits and Q.931 cause code translation per
* adds H.460.9 realtime, QoS monitoring, H.460.interop support and H.350
problem found and fix sent upstream by Mark Peloquin, who notified the
port maintainer. thanks Mark!
this patch is from brad@ (MAINTAINER) via ktorrent svn