- use getdents(2) now that we have it; previously OpenBSD was special-cased
to use getdirentries(2) instead.
- interim fix: declare getdents() to allow firefox/seamonkey to build on
-current until consensus has been reached on return types/adding to system
discussed with landry@, clues from guenther@.
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.20/
- fixes MFSA-2013-63->75 (all but 66, 71 & 74, rly)
- use disable-debug-symbols on ppc too :(
- fix enigmail RDEP to depend on -main, otherwise it can be installed
without sm, and this doesnt make much sense..
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.19/
- Fixes more or less the same list of MFSA fixed in ffx 22
- Finally back on track after missing 2.18 due to build infra issues
- Add a patch to workaround #886095 (which puzzled me for 3 weeks)
- remove no longer needed sydneyaudio patches
- add TERM=xterm hack to workaround mozbuild issue
- reenable clang on i386, using --disable-debug-symbols
- sync patch-mozilla_gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp which the one from ffx
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.17/
- Fixes MFSA 2013-30->40
- switch back to use clang on i386, now that llvm got fixed there
- backport libffi i386 fix (TODO: switch to systemwide libffi if possible)
- nicer fix to avoid installing the sdk lib/headers
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.16/
- fixes MFSA 2013-21->28
- provides a builtin pdf viewer (pdf.js)
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp (#805202), firefox
now properly links with gio instead of dlopening it
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_xre_nsXREDirProvider_cpp and
patch-mozilla_xpcom_io_nsAppFileLocationProvider_cpp, merged upstream (#803955)
'JavaScript related stability issues' for a well known social
network site (bug #831626).
While here remove patch for #830303, commited upstream in
mozilla-release just after 18.0.1.
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.15/
- fixes MFSA 2013-01 -> 20
- build with clang on i386/amd64 and with gcc 4.6 on powerpc. Required
since upstream dropped support for gcc < 4.4.
- don't build against systemwide jpeg anymore since it now needs its
internal libjpeg-turbo.
- add a stub method to sydney_audio_sndio.c in post-patch.
- add patch-mozilla_toolkit_mozapps_installer_packager_mk to fix a tar
vs $(TAR) usage (bug #815793)
- remove patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_atomicops_h, not needed anymore
- remove enigmail genxpi patch, and to a SUBST_VARS dance with an
XPCOM_ABI variable for the consistent naming of the new internal
libsuprocess ipc lib.
- add an enigmail patch to link with -shared
Forgot to cvs rm patch-configure_in, leading to a packaging failure
since libmozgnome.so was forcedly disabled by the patch.
Reported by sthen@ and nigel@
No bump since it didnt package, and the PLIST doesnt change anyway.
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.14/ for details.
- enable the gio/libnotify interaction. If libnotify is found at
runtime, a popup will show incoming messages notification/download complete.
- install an icon in pixmaps/ for the desktop file, like in ffx/tb
- fix desktop file Exec line so that an argument can be passed to seamonkey
- remove patch-mozilla_browser_app_profile_firefox_js, this is spar^Wseamonkey!
- for the other patches removed/added, same comments as for ffx apply
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.13/ for details
- remove patch-mozilla_build_unix_mozilla_in, useless since bin/seamonkey
is not a script anymore since a while
- remove patch-mozilla_build_unix_run-mozilla_sh, seamonkey can be directly
debugged in gdb now. update README accordingly
- fix plugin path in README
- remove useless patch to gfx/thebes/Makefile.in adding -lpangox-1.0 to
EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS, this was maybe useful before ffx 3.0, but mozilla
stopped using pangox between 2.0 and 3.0. See for the last traces of
pangox.h use : https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=528941. See
also bugs #323671/#338446
- backport the patch from #528941 to remove useless pangox.h inclusion
from www/firefox35.
- remove the RUN_DEPENDS on pangox-compat
- bump all corresponding REVISIONS
- while here, make sure all moz ports depend on latest nspr 4.9.2 since
it'll be a requirement for upcoming gecko 16 releases
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.12/
- garbage collect nsSound.cpp, the original one uses libcanberra
properly and thus sndio.
- remove patch from #750620, merged upstream (mfbt/double-conversion)
- remove patches from #691898, merged upstream (yarr jit ppc)
- remove useless crashreporter patch, we don't have breakpad
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.11/
- remove the -rpath hack, not needed since matthew's ld.so fix from
- backport cset from #750620 to fix ppc (and other exotic archs) build.
- force-disable gconf in configure.in (bug #765556)
- remove the chunk from #763408, packaging was fixed
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.9/
- add patch-suite_installer_Makefile_in to avoid installing the SDk
(corollary of Tb's patch-mail_installer_Makefile_in)
- use MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS="-Os" on ppc as done in Tb to avoid a
relocation overflow when linking libxul on ppc (reminded by aja@)
- Fixes MFSA 2012-12->19
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.8/
- complete patchset for #691898, still fixes build on ppc (and hopefully
commited in firefox 14...)
- add patchset from #706955, workarounds #669050 (xpcshell hangs during
make install and chokes on CSPUtils.csm, threads related..)
- remove obsolete/commited patches