Fotowall is an opensource creative tool that lets you play with your pixels as
you've always wanted! Make the perfect arrangement with your photos, add text,
live video from your webcam and the best internet pictures.
With fotowall you can:
* create original pictures, wallpapers, postcards and covers
* print superbig posters with a small printer
* play with live video, internet content, text and picture
OK landry@
several features which make it a good choice for this purpose:
* It is fast enough to be used with realtime video: extracting and decoding
from VGA frame takes about 50 ms on a modern x86 core.
* It has a robust and tolerant recognition algorithm. It can correctly
recognise and decode QR codes which are rotated and/or oblique to the
camera. It can also distinguish and decode multiple codes within the same
* It is easy to use, with a simple API described in a single commented header
file (see below for an overview).
* It is small and easily embeddable, with no dependencies other than standard
C functions.
* It has a very small memory footprint: one byte per image pixel, plus a few
kB per decoder object.
* It uses no global mutable state, and is safe to use in a multithreaded
* BSD-licensed, with almost no restrictions regarding use and/or modification.
OK sthen@
These remnants weren't catched up before, because previously cmake
was just issuing a warning for missing includes:
/usr/ports/pobj/ctl-1.5.2/CTL-ctl-1.5.2/lib/IlmCtl/CtlTypeStorage.cpp:67:20: warning: alloca.h: No such file or directory
While now (cmake>=3.6) it properly errors out.