ghc and the hs-packages now simply include the necessary (haskell)
package description files in lib/ghc/package.conf.d and update the
package.cache by running ghc-pkg recache at the end. register and
unregister scripts are no longer needed.
and the line with the script down to the bottom of
the plist. Silences all the blurb about ".../*.haddock doesn't exist
or isn't a file."
because jasper@ wants the cpphs library.
Put the library into a separate subpackage (hs-cpphs).
Shorten DESCR-main (formerly DESCR).
Tested with both ghc and nhc98 (the latter on armish).
Tweak WANTLIB (gmp only required when built with ghc).
Take maintainership.
Not that some regression tests fail. This will be fixed in the next