Changes in version 0.9.0
Enhancements / new features
* Customized icons for special folders (Desktop, Images, Music, Documents, System, Library)
* default font size instead of fixed 12 points
* re-enabled sound playing in content inspector
* webloc file handling
* Extensive drag-operation fixes
* volume mounting ported to NetBSD, FreeBSD and generally a more robust FSNodeRep
* portability issues fixed (SPARC crashes, HURD constants)
* security fixes
* crash fixes
* updated to work with changes in recent base and gui packages and obj-c runtimes
* draw fixes for recent gui rounding
* build system fixed (GWMetadata)
OK jasper@
GWorkspace is a clone of the NeXT workspace manager with some added
features as spatial viewing, an advanced database based search system,
As for the rest of GNUstep apps under OpenBSD, it is somewhat