LibreWMS is a light-weight, elementary simple free software application
implementing the functionalities of an almost complete standard compliant WMS
client; in other words, you can use this simple tool in order to directly access
an external WMS server.
ok ajacoutot@
librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge
raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. It doesnt conflict with the
existing librasterlite.
with tweaks from and ok ajacoutot@
SpatiaLite is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core
to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities. It provides a
complete and powerful Spatial DBMS (mostly OGC-SFS compliant).
It is to sqlite what postgis is to postgresql.
freexl-1.0.0e: extract valid data from within an Excel spreadsheet
readosm-1.0.0b: library to extract data from OSM files
libspatialite-4.0.0: sqlite extented with spatial SQL capabilities
libgaiagraphics-0.5: common-utility raster handling methods, used by spatialite_gui
librasterlite-1.1f: store rasters coverages within spatialite, used byspatialite_gis
spatialite-tools-4.0.0: CLI tools for spatialite
spatialite_gis-1.0.0c: minimalistic GIS on top of spatialite and rasterlite
spatialige_gui-1.6.0: GUI for spatialite
ok/tweaks ajacoutot@