just a matter of following upstream and untarring under htdocs.
webapp as a pkg needs to have some added value and no, 'pkg_add webapp' is
not easier if the app has actually no maintainer -- it is safer to follow
webacula is one of them and is not even maintained upstream, so zap it.
discusssed with and ok sthen@
just a matter of following upstream and untarring under htdocs.
webapp as a pkg needs to have some added value and no, 'pkg_add webapp' is
not easier if the app has actually no maintainer -- it is safer to follow
photoshow is one of them and is not even maintained upstream, so zap it.
discusssed with and ok sthen@
Racket (formerly called PLT Scheme) is a multi-paradigm programming
language in the Lisp/Scheme family, that also serves as a platform for
language creation, design, and implementation.
The primary components of Racket platform are:
- The implementation of Racket (including a rich run-time system,
various libraries, JIT compiler, and more).
- DrRacket (formerly named DrScheme), the Racket program development
- Teachpacks to use together with various books.
- pkg.racket-lang.org, Racket's web-based package distribution system
for user-contributed packages.
- raco, command line tool for finding documentation, compiling Racket
source to bytecode, packaging executables, and packaging installable
The port isn't maintained and rather out-of-date, it doesn't add much
value by way of easy installation instructions, and additionally if we
were to update to a current version, the upgrade procedure requires
going through an intermediate version. As such, users are advised to
install through standard distfiles instead.
You served us well but you're EOL'ed upstream since 17 months, and your
only reason d'etre was sparc64, but those days www/mozilla-firefox works
Users will be upgraded for free to www/mozilla-firefox !
(note: not cvs rm'ed yet, since devel/xulrunner still uses the patches..)
- see https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/24.0/releasenotes/
- remove BROKEN-sparc64, it even works \o/
- switch to build with clang on i386/amd64 and gcc4.6 on ppc/sparc64/alpha
- dont link with systemwide jpeg anymore, needs libjpeg-turbo
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
- remove patch-ldap_sdks_c-sdk_configure_in, merged in #720373
- remove patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_atomicops_h, not needed anymore
- add patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_dir_reader_bsd_h, should be
needed now as on ffx/sm.
- remove libsydney audio patches \o/ - now uses cubeb with native sndio backend.
- shuffle enigmail patches for 1.5.2 as was done in seamonkey
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp (#805202)
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_xre_nsXREDirProvider_cpp and
patch-mozilla_xpcom_io_nsAppFileLocationProvider_cpp, merged upstream (#803955)
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.21/
- fixes MFSA 2013-76 -> 92 (84, 86 & 87 didnt affect SM)
- remove BROKEN-sparc64 \o/
- add sparc64 & alpha (insane!) to MODGCC4_ARCHS
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/24.0/releasenotes/
- fixes MFSA 2013-76 -> 92
- remove BROKEN-sparc64, it now works thanks the awesome work of
martin@netbsd.org in bugs #871101 & #871555 among others i forgot
- add sparc64 & alpha (insane!) to MODGCC4_ARCHS
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
(note: a spellchecker issue since fx 23 is known, and might be fixed
later on)
- stop building ff/tb/sm with systemwide cairo, it differs too much from
the bundled cairo and brings us too many issues (font weirdness,
crashes on i386 when links are dnd'ed, maybe system slowness when
displaying huge images, and others i dont remember..). Anyway, this is
not really "supported" upstream. To be revisited once mozilla updates to
cairo 1.12.x, if ever (#739096).
- move comment about system-jpeg, krb5 WANTLIB, and post-extract target
about sydneyaudio sndio backend when they belong (ie in the 'old' users
replace "unchanged for 28 seconds" by "frozen for 28s"
remove frozen message for "waiting-for-lock" entirely... there's already
a depend/junk task that shows this clearly, and the message tends to be
WAY too long anyways.
WARNING: file /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).
- add a runtime dep on security/p5-Digest-SHA1 to avoid the error:
FATAL: Error loading the Perl module Digest::SHA1 needed for freedns update.
FATAL: On Debian, the package libdigest-sha1-perl must be installed.
OK jung@