"lib/kde3/foo" where appropirate, but also many missing desktop goo items
added, some PFRAG.shared removed and so on.
input and okay landry@ and ajacoutot@, also okay espie@
Don't redirect errors to /dev/null and don't return true(1)
unconditionally. Instead, don't check for the existence of index.theme.
This will allow us to catch errors that may be happening because of a
missing dependency in the chain.
Some hidden issues may appear, in which case please contact me.
discussed with and ok blind jasper@
KGuitar project was started for developing an efficient and easy-to-use
environment for a guitarist. There are many tasks that guitarists do
every day and that can be made easier to do when using computer.
Examples of such tasks include finding of chord fingerings, writing &
reading tabulatures, converting classic note score to the tabulature
form and vice versa, transposition of the whole song or its parts and
many others.
with tweaks and ok jasper@