In theory, those should never fail, but espie@ frequently noticed failure
of (with a broken / incomplete ghc package db resulting in
hs libraries like Prelude or Distribution/Simple not found).
No bump yet, because it only adds spam during pkg_add.
Also, use a new(er) bootstrapper; note that we have to use 7.8.3
for this, because if the built ghc and the bootstrapper have identical
versions, things will fail badly. May be it's not the ghc but the
cabal version which is problematic, but at the moment, I really
don'y call about *this* problem.
Still marked as broken. I hope to send promised diffs and new ports
for discussion tomorrow and then enable ghc and haskell-platform
on monday.
stop other people wasting time on updates which should not be done.
ian@ ran into this (while working on devel/hs-aeson and
textproc/hs-attoparsec), and even I didn't notice before trying to
build all Haskell ports (including meta/haskell-platform) with his
So let's switch to compiling Setup scripts once more, to give at least
a few more hs packages to be built on i386, until I figure out a fix
for rts/Linker.c.
Unfortunately, the current breakage also affects template haskell,
which still leads to a lot of unbuildable ports, for example
old-time and time. After comparing all the .hi files before and
after (using ghc --show-iface) I guess this changes had been triggered
by the suseconds_t change some weeks ago (my previous ghc build was
from october 23rd, so just a little bit before that change).
People following -current and using Haskell for serious work should
wait with updates until the new ghc and hs-packages are built and
copied out to the mirrors. Any Haskell additional libraries built
manually (i.e. using cabal something) should be rebuilt. If in
doubt, run ghc-pkg check to see if anything is broken for you.
the 64 bit time_t switch.
If anyone wants to beat me, grab ~kili/ from cvs
(or, *read and try
to understand it*, downgrade the lang/ghc port to the last 7.4.
version (for example, cvs -q up -dP -D 2013-07-09) and then run (but be aware that you'll need a lot of time, disk
space, memory, and alcohol).
This may work or not (it worked for 5.3-current back in may). If
it doesn't work, either wait or go using some real programming
is poisoned with code from some very early bootstrapper, which
causes failure when bootstrapping from 6.6 via 6.10, 6.12, 7.0
to 7.4. So just overwrite it with /bin/pwd.
While here, remove the commands that attempt to rename
*-x86_64-* to *-amd64-*, because it currently doesn't
work anyways (VERSION_DATE is ignored by the bootstrapper
(e.g. large Fibonacci numbers): link GHC with its bundled gmp library
that has customized memory allocation functions.
While here, fix two other problems as well:
- undefined references to 'ffi_call_unix64', 'ffi_closure_unix64'
on amd64
- unknown symbol '__guard_local' (caused by gcc's switch from __guard
to __guard_local)
Joint work with kili@
OK kili@
may detect it but dpb(1) may remove it afterwards, which causes the
build to fail (spotted by naddy).
This *could* be done simpler (by adding TarCmd=/bin/tar to
CONFIGURE_ENV), but this would break the bootstrap target.
Some more dependency odditiies (dblatex, docboo*, libxslt may be
not necessary for the no_doc FLAVOR, also noticed by naddy@) will
be checked and fixed later.