- Merge multimedia/phonon-qt5 into multimedia/phonon and remove the
phonon MODULE.
- Update all phonon ports to the latest version.
- Regen all consumer WANTLIB's and bump them.
It's time to get rid of KDE4. x11/kde4 contained all applications and the
desktop environment. All applications and the framework have been ported to
KDE5 and are available under x11/kde-applications and devel/kf5.
The desktop environment has not yet been ported and is NO LONGER available!
You can't have everything.
What happened here:
- Remove multimedia/phonon kde4 bits and set set phonon FLAVOR=qt5 for now.
- Unhook x11/kde4
- Unhook meta/kde4
- Mark kmymoney as broken, update is coming.
- Unhook all kde4 module consumers:
- klogic
- soprano
- strigi
- automoc
- prison
- qimageblitz
- cagibi
- libkvkontakte
- akonadi
- attica
- libalkimia
- libkfbapi
- libkgapi
- qoauth
- kwebkitpart
- grantlee
- libkscreen
- polkit-qt
Updated to the following versions:
- phonon-4.10.1
- phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.9.0
- phonon-backend-vlc-0.10.1 (enable qt5 FLAVOR)
- phonon-qt5-4.10.1
- Many Makefile tweaks
All consumers were built fine. Runtime tests with many KDE4/KDE5 applications.
Fixes my playback MKV/x264/AC3 issue with kde4/dragon.
hold your breath, there is still a lot of things to do.
Main change is that relative paths in FindPhononInternal.cmake are kept
relative now; things worked only by accident before. This requires a bump,
though, as this file is included in package.
KDE4 builds fine still (at least major suspects like kdelibs and dragon).
due to changing "-I/usr/local/include/kde4" to
"-isystem /usr/local/include/kde4". Still investigating, who to blame:
CMake, Phonon or maybe someone else... not me, right?
(note for myself: there is no such thing as extra build for KDE stuff)
Breakage noticed by naddy@: thanks and sorry.
This also updates its backends, due to some API changes it's easier to this
in a single batch. The biggest news here are that phonon-gstreamer switches
to GStreamer 1.0, finally.
Main change is that VLC backend becames the default (and really performs
better than GStreamer one).
(now please get your children out of display)
Another change is that due the fact that Phonon now supports library
renaming upstream, libphononexperimental.so becomes
libphonon_sexperimental.so. This doesn't affect any ports imported as of now.
REVISION bumps for the dependant ports to follow.
* Main library renamed from "phonon" to "phonon_s", to avoid clashing
with Qt4's one.
* Backends now live in multimedia/phonon-backend port (committed earlier).
* The multimedia/phonon module added, to avoid adding complicated
RDEP strings to ports of Phonon users.