UID switching was controlled via git-dameon's --user option in $daemon_flags.
This is problematic in case $gitdaemon_flags is unwittingly set to some value
which omits the --user option: git-daemon would then run as root.
The fix implemented here sets $daemon_user to _gitdaemon by default,
and leaves $daemon_flags empty by default. This ensures that git-daemon
runs as user _gitdaemon regardless of the value of $gitdaemon_flags.
Anyone using git-daemon should check their system. If gitdaemon is
currently running as root, set gitdaemon_user=_gitdaemon in rc.conf.local
and restart the service.
ok kn@
Documentation updates only: clarify "multi-standalone" mode
as combined, remove references to amalgamation, clarify where tag
symbols may be used, add more meaningful examples, etc. No code change.
From Bryan Vyhmeister, thanks.
description field from the JSON about the module rather than the
summary (which is used for COMMENT in the Makefile). This provides
a better starting point to create the DESCR from.
OK afresh1@ sthen@
round compared to the one in base; swap them, fixing a failure with net/bro
in cluster mode tracked down by Matt Dunwoodie. ok aja@
(libbind is the BIND resolver used in very few specialist cases where the
resolver in base isn't compatible enough - previously used for mtr but now
it's only used by bro. I am still quietly hoping that bro will switch to
another resolver library sometime and we can remove this hack of a port
again :-)
to update audio/picard.
Python binding of MusicBrainz Libdiscid. Libdiscid's main purpose
is the calculation of an identifier of audio discs (disc ID) to use
for the MusicBrainz database.
That identifier is calculated from the TOC of the disc, similar to
the freeDB CDDB identifier. Libdiscid can calculate MusicBrainz
disc IDs and freeDB disc IDs. Additionally the MCN of the disc and
ISRCs from the tracks can be extracted.
This module is a close binding that offloads all relevant data
storage and calculation to Libdiscid. On the other hand it gives a
pythonic API and uses objects and exceptions.
Version 1.2.0
Input from sthen@
OK edd@ sthen@
only available in the directory of one of their committers who's been
inactive since 2001. It's not licensed such that it can be packaged.
OK rsadowski@ jca@
only available in the directory of one of their committers who's been
inactive since 2001. It's not licensed such that it can be packaged.
Time to delete it.
OK rsadowski@ jca@