- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.30/
- Fixes MFSA 2014-74-->82
- build with systemwide icu4c, workarounds #1064665 (and as a side
effect shrinks the libs/packages by 1 or 2 megs)
- for consistency with firefox, build with gstreamer1 instead of
- add patch-toolkit_library_libxul_mk from bug #1036832 to workaround a
linking failure with our ancient binutils
- remove patch-media_libvpx_Makefile_in from #982693 fixing libvpx build
on i386, a variation of it was merged upstream
- remove patch-mozilla_js_src_configure_in, didnt apply anymore and was
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.29/
- this is based on gecko 32, so contains all the new changes since gecko
20 (which was the basis for seamonkey 2.26)
- remove patches to fix lightning display (merged in #1001985)
- remove mozilla/browser/components/certerror/content/aboutCertError.xhtml,
boring patch.
- add intl/icu patch from #990196
- remove
patch-mozilla_toolkit_components_downloads_nsDownloadManager_cpp and
patch-mozilla_xpcom_io_SpecialSystemDirectory_cpp, they neved made any
sense to me and this is the wrong place to modify this.
lightning 3.1.
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.26/
- Fixes MFSA 2014-34,36->39,41->47
- remove now useless config.mk patch, was only here for enigmail
- add patches to fix lightning display (#1001985)
- set spellchecker.dictionary_path to look for systemwide dicts
(note that seamonkey-i18n is not update yet on purpose, as 2.26 final is
not yet available, langpacks are not there *yet* - will be fixed tmrw)
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.25/
- Fixes MFSA-2014-15->32 (except 21,24,25, not relevant to SM?)
- Remove enigmail subpackage, build goo & patches, will be
superseded by mail/enigmail,-seamonkey
- add an all-openbsd.js file to customize default preferences and
install it in defaults/pref/. Use it to set
extensions.autoDisableScopes to 3, so that extensions installed in
${LOCALBASE}/lib/mozilla/extensions/${APPID} are enabled by default.
- remove libffi patches, were merged upstream in #928390 and #928381
the gecko 27 cycle made it impossible to build enigmail within SM as
it used to be the way. Upstream enigmail has a new build system separate
of mozilla, which i'll shortly import (once i've figured out how to make
systemwide extensions working for different products)
See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.24/
- Fixes MFSA-2014-01 to 13, excluding 06 and 10
- remove GStreamerLoader.cpp patch, merged in 927898 (or now useless)
- remove patch-mozilla_gfx_layers_BufferUnrotate_cpp, merged in 929439
- remove patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_debug_util_posix_cc, merged
in 927810 (was p_psflags change in base)
There *might* be an issue building enigmail, but i dont remember if it
appeared in 2.24 or 2.25, and i'll handle that shortly. Let's ride the
gcc4+www/mozilla MODULE change!
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.21/
- fixes MFSA 2013-76 -> 92 (84, 86 & 87 didnt affect SM)
- remove BROKEN-sparc64 \o/
- add sparc64 & alpha (insane!) to MODGCC4_ARCHS
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
- use getdents(2) now that we have it; previously OpenBSD was special-cased
to use getdirentries(2) instead.
- interim fix: declare getdents() to allow firefox/seamonkey to build on
-current until consensus has been reached on return types/adding to system
discussed with landry@, clues from guenther@.
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.20/
- fixes MFSA-2013-63->75 (all but 66, 71 & 74, rly)
- use disable-debug-symbols on ppc too :(
- fix enigmail RDEP to depend on -main, otherwise it can be installed
without sm, and this doesnt make much sense..
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.19/
- Fixes more or less the same list of MFSA fixed in ffx 22
- Finally back on track after missing 2.18 due to build infra issues
- Add a patch to workaround #886095 (which puzzled me for 3 weeks)
- remove no longer needed sydneyaudio patches
- add TERM=xterm hack to workaround mozbuild issue
- reenable clang on i386, using --disable-debug-symbols
- sync patch-mozilla_gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp which the one from ffx
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.17/
- Fixes MFSA 2013-30->40
- switch back to use clang on i386, now that llvm got fixed there
- backport libffi i386 fix (TODO: switch to systemwide libffi if possible)
- nicer fix to avoid installing the sdk lib/headers
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.16/
- fixes MFSA 2013-21->28
- provides a builtin pdf viewer (pdf.js)
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp (#805202), firefox
now properly links with gio instead of dlopening it
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_xre_nsXREDirProvider_cpp and
patch-mozilla_xpcom_io_nsAppFileLocationProvider_cpp, merged upstream (#803955)