This software comes in a client only configuration! If you want
to setup a mixmaster server, read through the example files,
man page and keep in mind, that the server stores all it's files
in $MIXPATH (/etc/mixmaster by default).
The purpose of anonymous remailers (hereafter simply remailers) is
to provide protection against traffic analysis. Traffic analysis
is the study of who you are communicating with, when, and how often.
This reveals more than you might expect about your activities. It
will indicate who your friends and colleagues are (and they can be
told apart by looking at the times you contact them). What your
interests are, from which catalog companies you contact, and which
ftp and WWW sites you visit. Traffic analysis can even reveal
business secrets, e.g. your frequent contact with a rival could
give hints of an impending merger.
Remailers protect your e-mail from traffic analysis. The original
remailers did this by removing all headers, except the subject line,
from any message you sent to them and then forwarding them a
destination of your choice. The recipient of such a message would
not know who had sent it.
The addition of encryption to this scheme gave significant protection
from attackers who simply look a the primary improvement with the
type 2 remailer Mixmaster.
WWW: http://mixmaster.shinn.net
Submitted by Nikolay Sturm <nikolay.sturm@desy.de>
Poppy is a small perl script that allows you to perform simple tasks
on a POP3 or IMAP server. It is of most use in a "limited resources
environment" whether thats low disk space, slow internet connection,
or no graphical environment.
- A workaround for a bug in old versions of the CISCO PIX firewall software
l that caused mail to be resent repeatedly to systems behind such a product.
The same workaround will be folded into the "stable" release when time
- A much enhanced pipe delivery agent with flags to control case folding of
the $nexthop, $recipient, $user, $extension or $mailbox command-line macros.
- A much enhanced pipe delivery agent with proper quoting of white space and
other special characters in the expansions of the $sender and $recipient
command-line macros. This is necessary for correct operation of the "simple"
content filter, among others.
- Retraction of one RFC2821-induced change that was causing more problems
than it solved.
Submitted by Joshua Stein <jcs@rt.fm>.
Grepmail searches a normal, gzip'd, bzip'd, or tzip'd mailbox for a given
regular expression, and returns those emails that match it.
to mutt via a patch provided by Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>,
located at http://www.spinnaker.de/mutt/compressed/.
Also, add a patch to browser.c to handle proper handling of timestamp in
folder view of Maildir forlders.
Okayed by fgsch@
Postfix official release 20010228 patch 03 fixes all known problems that were
also fixed with snapshot 20010525.
The official Postfix release does not change except for bugfixes. New
features are introduced in Postfix snapshots; the snapshots eventually evolve
into the next official release.
Only only major fix is for a memory leak in the LDAP client module. If you do
not use LDAP, then there is no urgent need to apply the patch.
A fully patched version will be made available via the usual sites listed on
the www.postfix.org web site.
- Many little revisions of little details in the light of the new RFC 2821
and RFC 2822 standards. RFC features considered less urgent or less useful
are discussed in source code comments. See the RELEASE_NOTES for possible
- A much enhanced postsuper queue maintenance tool that can fix Postfix
queues restored from another machine or from backup. The postsuper tool
corrects file names when a file name does not match the message file
inode number. My respect has doubled for people who write fsck-like programs.
The qtools package comprises several utilities for use with qmail,
typically as part of .qmail command processing.
The provided utilities can do things like:
* Parse 822-formatted email messages
* Perform address matching
* Conditionally deliver mail to a maildir
* Filter, forward, and autoreply to email messages
Submitted by Brian J. Kifiak <bk@rt.fm>
- Split into subpackages: courier-pop3 and courier-imap
- pop3 FLAVOR no longer needed, so removed
- Disable ipv6, since if it detects ipv6, it will bind only to the ipv6
socket and expect that to also accept ipv4 connections. Author notified