(it wants Data.Serialize.IEEE754).
Bump the other ports where necessary (because their haskell package
signatures changed).
Suggestion about bumps, and ok kili@
for ruby scripts, so they work correctly without setting up
symlinks manually. Use nginx 1.2.3 for standalone version.
Heads up on curl issues from Peter Ljung via william@
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.13/ for details
- remove patch-mozilla_build_unix_mozilla_in, useless since bin/seamonkey
is not a script anymore since a while
- remove patch-mozilla_build_unix_run-mozilla_sh, seamonkey can be directly
debugged in gdb now. update README accordingly
- fix plugin path in README
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/16.0/releasenotes/ for details
- install an icon into share/pixmaps to fix desktop file icon path
- garbage collect patch-browser_installer_Makefile_in, and
patch-browser_installer_package-manifest_in, were from upstream
- remove patch-build_unix_mozilla_in, useless since bin/firefox is not a
script anymore since a while
- remove patch-build_unix_run-mozilla_sh, firefox can be directly
debugged in gdb now. update README accordingly
- remove patch-config_autoconf_mk_in, XCFLAGS are already passed
- update patch-content_media_gstreamer_nsGStreamerReader_cpp to fix
gstreamer on BE archs (#777696)
- update patch-extensions_spellcheck_hunspell_src_mozHunspell_cpp after
nsILocalFile api removal
- remove useless patch-gfx_thebes_Makefile_in pangox patch
- fix PLIST to use proper MOZILLA_VERSION instead of beta MOZILLA_VER
on the whole gstreamer gang which are only uses by web browsers to
display audio/video.
So remove RUN_DEPENDS, it'll be explicitely added to webkit browsers
with a small comment so that maintainers of such browsers can decide
which gstreamer dependencies they need/want.
ok landry@ (maintainer)
* Fixes some issues in the admin area where some older browsers (IE7,
in particular) may slow down, lag, or freeze.
* Fixes the use of multiple trackback URLs in a post.
Prevents improperly sized images from being uploaded as headers from
the customizer.
* Ensures proper error messages can be shown to PHP4 installs.
(WordPress requires PHP 5.2.4 or later.)
* Fixes handling of oEmbed providers that only return XML responses.
* Addresses pagination problems with some category permalink
* Adds more fields to be returned from the XML-RPC wp.getPost method.
* Avoids errors when updating automatically from very old versions of
WordPress (pre-3.0).
* Fixes problems with the visual editor when working with captions.
Tested on i386.
Ok merdely@
ports, for the ports that are built both on ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9,
switch the category Makefiles to explicitly list the ruby18 FLAVOR
instead of the ruby19 FLAVOR.
Also, for home_run, fastri, and fastercsv, explicitly build only the
ruby 1.8 version of the port. These libraries can run on ruby 1.9, but
it doesn't make sense to build a ruby 1.9 version by default.
FLAVOR and FLAVORS set to ruby18, so attempting to build them without a
FLAVOR set still builds the ruby 1.8 version.
Remove MAINTAINER at his request.