As Mirabilis servers have problems w/ v7 protocol, all the Unix ICQ
clients work very unstable nowadays - some messages never arrive, or
get delivered over an incredible amount of time, etc. Until there is
a good free library for icq2000 protocol, the centericq author
implemented other IM protocols in the client. With this version, Yahoo
and MSN protocol support are introduced.
The author seems to have dropped gettext and any NLS support.
* Fix a minor bug that caused problems when sending files,
* Shows a warning when you run more than one clients with the same UIN,
* Fix a big that caused some messages not to appear in history,
* Manual page included in the package - centericq(1),
* An ability to turn off local mailbox checking was added.
- Install locale files.
- Use the gettext port rather than building the included one.
help from naddy@
Brief ChangeLog:
o Now it's possible to open a received URL with a browser directly;
controlled in the ~/.centericq/actions file.
o Cancelled messages are now being postponed for later editing.
o Substring search in history is implemented.
o QuickFind feature works in multiple contact selection mode as well
as in the contact list and is case insensitive.
- Contact list is now sorted by "who-last-send-an-event" criteria.
- Quickfind mode is available.
- Unsent messages counter on the top of screen has been added.
Kill a dead MASTER_SITE (found by naddy@) and add a new one in the US.
reviewed by naddy@
A curses-based textmode ICQ client implementation. It is a
fully featured client, can do things like file transfer. Has
the ability to associate sounds with different actions/evens
and play them through a sound card, as well as the standart
Things like colors are not hard-coded in the program itself,
but can be set in the corresponding config files