files are always fetchable, even when new versions are published and the
old version is moved to archive/
Fetch breakage reported by Pascal Stumpf on ports@
Suggestion to add archive url to MASTER_SITES from phessler@
ok phessler@ jasper@
pointed out by ajacoutot@, naddy@, landry@
- while there, remove use of gcc4 module, and use x11/gnustep module
- fix compiler warning regarding 'struct in_addr' declared inside parameter list
- update MESSAGE file, to recommend using defaults tool, instead of handcrafting
gnustep defaults file
OK nicm@ (MAINTAINER), ajacoutot@
Chroma can also play levels from the game Enigma. It features a "warts and all"
reimplementation based on a reverse engineering of the game engine, meaning
that, unlike various other conversions, solutions found with Chroma are
guaranteed to match those for the original game.
From Danil Levai on ports@ with tweaks by me, looks good to jasper@.
Chroma is an abstract puzzle game. A variety of colourful shapes are arranged
in a series of increasingly complex patterns, forming fiendish traps that must
be disarmed and mysterious puzzles that must be manipulated in order to give up
their subtle secrets. Initially so straightforward that anyone can pick it up
and begin to play, yet gradually becoming difficult enough to tax even the
brightest of minds.
From Daniel Levai on ports@ with tweaks by me, ok jasper@
major new features include completely redone graphics and sounds.
we redrew the missles, because they were hard to distinguish at the
more advanced levels
OK edd@, espie@
"The Mother Of All Games" on which it is based. Scorched 3D incorporates
a lively three dimensional landscape that includes animated jets, naval
vessels, water, and even birds, in addition to detailed tanks and
projectiles. Other enhancements include LAN and internet play and music.
Scorched 3D is totally free to play and is available for both Microsoft
Windows and Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris etc.) operating
OK edd@, armani@