make has been passing around its flags in MAKEFLAGS since
at least 1996... so passing them explicitly around means we
duplicate them.
This avoids the make -k -k -k -k -k -k -k -k -k syndrome
that turans@ has noticed
already swamp us with information.
- perform the same optimization for README.html, namely don't invoke
depends-list and package-depends if they're known not to be needed.
target, shortcuts can't be taken.
This involves moving those default target around so that they appear AFTER
Note that these tests mean ANYTHING adding to *_DEPENDS *MUST* come before
the targets that test these for to work...
The `pname hack' already catered to some of that (only computing the
package name if dependencies exist)
This removes the hack and simply optimize dependency computation out of
existence if it's not needed.
Improves make index time by >15%.
make it a supported variable
(so that I can clean up the few uses of underscore variables I've done...
which were wrong; underscore variables are plain unsupported interface
which may change)
- provide error location for failing recursive dependency computation.
- remove hard-coded limit on topdir, always try to use make package-name
and fall back on directory name otherwise.
Since that cookie is only used for automatically creating plists,
and since mtree information does not belong in the plist (duplicates...),
this was a definite bug.
and mirror sites of two popular window manager suites
- add MASTER_SITE_TCLTK which is Tcl/Tk master sites
depends-list and package-depends now give out output suitable for tsort,
so they are INCOMPATIBLE with the previous version.
PACKAGE_NAME_AS_LINK disappears, functionality is replaced by
FULL_PACKAGE_NAME, which makes more sense anyway.
*This does fix the package dependencies problem*
Still missing: mechanism to output a decent error message in case tsort
finds out a cycle.
files that are not always needed for all builds, but that must be fetched
for maintainance purposes (makesum, mirror...)
Not to use for intl/usa programs, probably...