Add an example for filter_relay() that works out of the box.
Rename the mimedefang_daemon rc.d(8) script to mimedefang as it's
supposed to be...
ok okan@ (maintainer)
swiggle is a small command line tool that generates HTML pages,
including thumbnail indexes, for given images (a so called
"web gallery"). It's intended to be easy to use, and since
it is written in C, it's quite speedy.
with feedback from ajacoutot@ and sthen@
ok sthen@ and Sergey Bronnikov (MAINTAINER
A specific query can cause BIND nameservers using DNS64 to exit
with a REQUIRE assertion failure.
BIND nameservers that are not using DNS64 are not at risk. CVE-2012-5688
- Fixes bug #814101 - Font Issue
- Reverted user agent change (was bug #588909) causing some website
incompatibilities, see #815743
- Readd the --with-system-jpeg locally (to remove in 18), and remove all the
configure_env/args/build_depends stuff that moved to
- add @pkgpath/@conflict markers to update www/firefox35 users to the
latest and greatest !
for this cycle. Readd the --with-system-jpeg locally (to remove in 18),
and remove all the configure_env/args/build_depends stuff that moved to
Shrinks Makefile by 18 lines.
You served us well but you're EOL'ed upstream since 18 months, and your
only reason d'etre was the java plugin from jdk 1.6. But those days this
one doesnt receive updates from oracle, and icedtea-web seems to do a
good job at running java crapplets.
Users will be upgraded for free to www/mozilla-firefox !
General agreement/yays from ajacoutot@ tobiasu@ dcoppa@ krw@ kurt@
- Add gtar to BUILD_DEPENDS everywhere in, since fx 18 will
start using gtar-only options. Ditto for unzip, used during install.
- special-case the deps for firefox/thunderbird/seamonkey, since those
are maintained on the long-term. Only those need to depend on the
latest and greatest nss/nspr.
- move the '--relax LDFLAGS for ppc' to
- move the 'yasm BUILD_DEPENDS for i385/amd64' to
- move more common CONFIGURE_ARGS to (libevent,gio,bz2,gconf..)
- fix MODMOZ_WANTLIB wrt nss/nspr majors
- ensure we depend on sqlite3>=21, needed for fx/tb 18
- use --with-system-jpeg only in firefox36/sunbird/fennec/xulrunner,
fx/tb 18 will have to use its bundled libjpeg-turbo (#791305)
- bump REVISIONs for the WANTLIB/LIB_DEPENDS change.
* Avoid a free on an uninitialized variable by setting optval to
* Fix fparseln flags to remove escape characters in the result.
* Fix issue where rapid window crossing events might get ignored.
* Validate bound spawn programs after conf is loaded.
* Fix move/resize to bail if the window gets destroyed.
* Fix bar clock not getting updated during periods of inactivity.
Ok aja@
dnsfilter is a filter and rate limiter for the Domain Name
System. DNS queries should be redirected into the filter using
the pf(4) divert-packet command.