ok bentley@
Cascadia Code is a monospaced font that includes programming ligatures
and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the terminal.
monotype font for developers
JetBrains Mono. A typeface for developers
1. Increased height for a better reading experience
2. Adapted to reading code
3. code-specific ligatures
4. 145 languages
5. weights with matching italics
6. JetBrains Mono is free & open source
Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <ports@openbsd.org>
WWW: https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/
Firs port from espie@, second fro from Greg Steuck and last one from
"clematis", feedback and tweaks from "clematis", gkoehler@, sthen@ and me.
A long mail history for a simple font port.
The Scientific and Technical Information eXchange (STIX) fonts are intended
to meet the demanding needs of authors, publishers, printers, and others in
the scientific, medical, and technical fields. They combine a comprehensive
Unicode-based collection of mathematical symbols and alphabets with a set of
text faces suitable for professional publishing.
From George Rosamond; thanks!
ok kmos@
Crimson is a free and open-source text type family.
The font is designed in the tradition of beautiful oldstyle type,
and inspired particularly by the fantastic work of people like Jan
Tschichold (Sabon), Robert Slimbach (Arno, Minion) and Jonathan Hoefler
(Hoefler Text). It features
- six cuts (regular, semibold and bold; with a Roman and Italic each)
- characters for a wide range of European languages - though some are
still better supported than others between different cuts
- spacing/kerning done by Igino Marini's spectacular iKern
- an unbeatable price of zero!
ok jasper@
Siji is an iconic bitmap font based on the Stlarch font with additional
It inherits additional glyphs from Sm4tik xbm icon pack, Lokaltog
Symbols font, xbm-icon font, Uushi font, FontAwesome, and Tewi font with
personal additions.