- Use mmap via the configure argument instead of hard-coding it.
- Define USE_MMAP_ANON for OpenBSD when --enable-mmap is configured
- Remove unused ELF_CLASS define for OpenBSD.
- Remove old HAVE_DL_ITERATE_PHDR workaround for OpenBSD.
- Don't use old GC_find_limit_openbsd() which is only needed for uthreads.
Tested on i386/amd64/sparc64/aarch64/powerpc/powerpc64/mips64
okay sthen@, gkoehler@
Upstream still ships the tarball, that's it, as per CVS log:
"primary distsite and homepage have gone away".
The only TCP port I've been able to detect (after producing traffing on a
variety of them) is SSH -- and that only worked after enabling IPv4.
Siphon does not seem to support/detect IPv6 at all and it's OS fingerprints
are extremely old; besides Gentoo we're the only ones still packaging it
according to https://repology.org/project/siphon/versions .
Fails with "-fno-common".
OK cwen
That's a NetBus 1.6 client... upstream's dead as in NXDOMAIN, we seem to be
the only folks still packaging it.
It has not changed in twenty years (surprise!) and basically only exists to
screw around with old old Windows boxes which... still run the server?
Fails with "-fno-common".
OK jsg
No release from upstream since 2004, no IPv6 support and the port now fails
to build with "-fno-common".
There's net/scapy in our tree which can do everything that nemesis does and
OK bcallah
Our packaged 1.0 version seems to be the last one that can be fetched
from upstream, which is long dead; HOMEPAGE http://packit.sf.net points
to a generic corporate stub.
FreeBSD packages an "updated" version, see
which effectively is the old source could with all readily available
distribution patches from Debian, Gento, etc. applied on top; other than
that there's no development, the project README explicitly asks for help
from actual developers to keep such life support running.
Since noone could be bothered with updating our port since at least 2016,
I doubt there's much interest.
packit is a mixture of tcpdump(1) and scapy(1), it's synopsis uses every
letter (upper and lower) of the alphabet and IPv6 is not supported at all
(not even printing captured packets).
Basic tests showed no output when capturing on lo(4) devices.
tl;dr: There's little to no value in beating a dead horse.
OK solene
fmt needs to be built without -Wl,--as-needed on these archs, add a AS_NEEDED
option to do so. This fixes the build on powerpc and mips64. Thanks to jj@ for
testing on mips64, where there is still an int128 related test failure.
OK jca@ and Ashton Fagg (maintainer)
It fails to build with "-fno-common" and HOMEPAGE indicates that it's
no longer being worked on.
The website points at https://cronometer.com/ (website / mobile app) to be
used in the interim until upstream's NUT rewrite is done.
There is NUTsqlite on the sourceforge site's files section, not sure
but perhaps that is the rewrite talked about on the website. It is
written in Tcl/Tk. (thanks sthen)
OK sthen
Imported in 1998 and modified in 2009 to "fix Y2K bug" which means
"we may not distribute modified versions [due to its license]".
There has been no update and it now fails to build with "-fno-common".
The servers used by "getsts" and "gettle" to fetch satellite information
no longer exist.
FreeBSD removed it in 2011, "No more public distfiles". (thanks naddy)
OK naddy
Both are Python 2 only, collecting dust, their common upstream is dead
and py-vorbis is the only consumer of py-ogg.
Nothing in the tree uses either of them, not even as TEST_DEPENDS.
py-ogg now fails to build with "-fno-common".
OK sthen