can be used to run targets that may fail without impacting further stuff,
or to collect stats on anything.
For instance
BULK_DO= mkdir -p ${PORTSDIR}/config/${FULLPKGPATH}; \
cp -f ${WRKBUILD}/config.{log,status} ${PORTSDIR}/config/${FULLPKGPATH} || true; \
cd ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/all && perl ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/package/check-modes ${PKGNAMES} || true
- make sure locks happen when they should, including for lib-depends-check.
- make sure various targets set PACKAGING as they should.
- let BULK=Yes be invoked only from make package.
Fix for the BULK_COOKIE and UPDATE_COOKIE issue. They can no longer depend
on PACKAGE_COOKIES, since this needs to get built with PACKAGING set. So
instead, simply remove the cookies when we create a new package succesfully.
By any kind of reasoning, both bulk and update are `reset' when a new
package appears, so this seems to be the right semantics in most cases.
Thanks for wilfried and nikolay for error spotting. Hoping this will be
what's needed, finally.
building a subpackage, and then we definitely want the `current' stuff,
not the stuff that's already installed.
Allows shared libs updates in MULTI_PACKAGES to proceed gracefully without
having to uninstall stuff.
(we do not do this stuff in general, because in other cases, builds are
`staggered', e.g., a port is built against the existing base, not the stuff
in other WRKDIRS)
Add a message to that effect so that users don't get confused.
(specifically, make itself does not change dirs, so if you do ^Z,
you're not where you think you are...)
end up there with PACKAGING not set.
We do not try to `fix it' ourselves, because PACKAGING not set may have
some non obvious issues, like PKG_ARCH or PERMIT_PACKAGE_* not set correctly
at all.
Move BULK_COOKIE for package to the redirector, so that we do not
clean in subpackage cases, but instead wait for all the packages to be built.
Also, introduce FORCE_UPDATE=hard: with signatures, -F installed is
most often not necessary...