wrapper that will need to be rewritten each time (looks like another GNU
software engineering malpractice to me).
Patches taken from netbsd. problem duly noted by Todd Fries.
OCamlDuce is a merger between OCaml and CDuce. It comes as a modified
version of OCaml which integrates CDuce features. CDuce is a modern
XML-oriented functional language with innovative features: it is
statically type-safe, efficient, and offer powerful constructions
to work with XML documents.
CAN-2005-2491, http://securitytracker.com/id?1014744
A remote or local user may be able to supply a specially crafted
regular expression to trigger a heap integer overflow in PCRE.
ok pvalchev@
packing-lists was changes in significant ways, and they do not have
enough dependencies that pkg_add can detect they changed through their
Bump the pkgname, so that pkg_add -r will choose to update them.
okay pvalchev@
As noted on ports@ recently, pkg_add -r relies on conflicts, and the
sheer existence of updates means we MUST take the past into account in
conflicts now.
Note the renaming of hugs98 to valid package names where versions are
This commit shows clearly the renaming of the xfce4 plugin packages, the
ditching of eclipse flavors, the splitting of nessus into subpackages,
the splitting of various other software documentations, some packaging bugs
in kdeedu, and a lot of files moving around...
okay pvalchev@
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented
programming language that combines remarkable power with
very clear syntax.
tested by djm@ and mpech@ (but more tests are needed!)
mbalmer@ and xsa@ want it to go in