undiscovered bug in the SignatureHandlerLibrary. Code generated at runtime
was put into malloc()'ed memory and later attempted to execute it without
first making it executable with mprotect(). Debugging suggestions and help
from tom@, weingart@, marc@, millert@. Thx!
- make sure linux emulation is on for the build phase. needed if you reboot
after extracting.
okay tom@
stack. When forking, the child process deallocates the threads stacks it
inheritated from the parent. The junk malloc option then attempts to write
to the deallocated memory and segfaults because its not all writable. The
child proc stays in a SIGSEGV loop when this happens. okay ian@
the FULLPKGPATH, thus providing changes to packing-lists which shouldn't
happen, and making update more difficult.
Accordingly, bump all pkgnames with PSEUDO_FLAVORS, and provide an
update @pkgpath for the bug for most of them (left out the ones with 3
or 4 pseudo flavors for space constraints...)
- teach ClassLoader how to load native libs with version numbers
- fix writes to HOME complaints
- point license URL to license itself
- fix timezone problem noticed by Roy Morris
- bump package name
ok alek@