- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/15.0/releasenotes/
- add -Os hack to fix a relocation error when linking on ppc (as was
done in tb since 10..)
- garbage collect nsSound.cpp, the original one uses libcanberra
properly and thus sndio.
- remove patch from #750620, merged upstream (mfbt/double-conversion)
- remove patches from #747257, merged upstream (gstreamer fix)
- remove patches from #691898, merged upstream (yarr jit ppc)
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/12.0/releasenotes/ for details
- two patches moved (patch-widget_src_xpwidgets_nsPrintSettingsImpl_cpp
and patch-widget_src_gtk2_Makefile_in)
- add two new patches for bug #691898 (patch-js_src_jsapi_cpp and
- add patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp to workaround regression
introduced in bug #715658, which prevents one from building against
systemwide cairo.
- patch-extensions_auth_nsAuthGSSAPI_cpp from bug #667325 got merged
- patch-js_src_js-config_h_in and patch-js_src_jscpucfg_h from #714312 got
- patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_dir_reader_posix_ -from #714315 got merged