- all the plugins which were distributed separately are now bundled in.
- @conflict/@pkgpath markers added for upgrade path.
- add a pdfviewer plugin using poppler
- replace the dead gtkhtml2-based htmlviewer plugin by one using webkit.
- given the deps, pdfviewer and htmlviewer are subpackages.
- remove BDEP on libgcrypt, shouldnt be needed with gnutls >= 2.11.
- remove patches merged upstream.
From Ido Admon, thanks!
It was the cloud of the web 1.0, had builtin addressbook/calendar/webdisk/ssh
console/antivirus/antispam... but it never made it past the javascript bump,
and is mostly dead upstream since 6 years.
Was nice in 2004 though, when plain perl CGIs ruled the world.
ok sthen@
- see https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/24.0/releasenotes/
- remove BROKEN-sparc64, it even works \o/
- switch to build with clang on i386/amd64 and gcc4.6 on ppc/sparc64/alpha
- dont link with systemwide jpeg anymore, needs libjpeg-turbo
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
- remove patch-ldap_sdks_c-sdk_configure_in, merged in #720373
- remove patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_atomicops_h, not needed anymore
- add patch-mozilla_ipc_chromium_src_base_dir_reader_bsd_h, should be
needed now as on ffx/sm.
- remove libsydney audio patches \o/ - now uses cubeb with native sndio backend.
- shuffle enigmail patches for 1.5.2 as was done in seamonkey
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp (#805202)
- remove patch-mozilla_toolkit_xre_nsXREDirProvider_cpp and
patch-mozilla_xpcom_io_nsAppFileLocationProvider_cpp, merged upstream (#803955)
- remove 6 out of the 10 flavors maze, only keep the ones that make
sense (ie clamav, ldap, domainscale & largescale)
- build pgsql & mysql drivers as subpackages, as $DEITY intended
- @pkgpath & PFRAG.[flavor]-main tweaks from sthen@ (thanks!)
- remove init_pwent_cache() patch until i can make some sense of it
- remove painful strlcpy patches
- add patches to fix pgsql support with PSQL > 9.1 from
http://sourceforge.net/p/dspam/bug-tracker/112/ &
- add an rc script running dspam --daemon as _dspam
- patch default dspam.conf to trust user _dspam (pointed out by jca@;
thanks!) and to use port 2424 by default. Taken from debian.
Discussed at length with todd@ (MAINTAINER), been running on amd64 with
pgsql &| sqlite backend since a while, also tested on sqlite/ppc.
Some tweaks might still be needed (a README ? Fix some weird crashers ?),
but at least it's better than what we had for the past years.
kettenis@ says there is more work involved since we are different from the
others... I have no time to take care of it properly so put back whatever
was there before which seemed to work fine.
Lumail now depends on gmime instead of mimetic so update LIB_DEPENDS and
WANTLIB. Also, switch to MAKE_FLAGS which removes the need for
patch-Makefile. Suggestions from sthen@ and aja@.
"fine with me" sthen@