- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.11/
- remove the -rpath hack, not needed since matthew's ld.so fix from
- backport cset from #750620 to fix ppc (and other exotic archs) build.
- force-disable gconf in configure.in (bug #765556)
- remove the chunk from #763408, packaging was fixed
- See http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.9/
- add patch-suite_installer_Makefile_in to avoid installing the SDk
(corollary of Tb's patch-mail_installer_Makefile_in)
- use MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS="-Os" on ppc as done in Tb to avoid a
relocation overflow when linking libxul on ppc (reminded by aja@)
- Fixes MFSA 2012-12->19
- see http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.8/
- complete patchset for #691898, still fixes build on ppc (and hopefully
commited in firefox 14...)
- add patchset from #706955, workarounds #669050 (xpcshell hangs during
make install and chokes on CSPUtils.csm, threads related..)
- remove obsolete/commited patches
Same comments as for thunderbird, and remove i18n xpis from the port,
they bring 20Mb to the package without reason and will be better as
no-arch in www/seamonkey-i18n.