Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and
easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and
information you deal with every day.
ndesk-dbus is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred
to as dbus-sharp, or "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with
existing bindings (which wrap libdbus).
D-Bus is an inter-process communication framework that lets
applications interface with the system event bus as well as
allowing them to talk to one another in a peer-to-peer
This module provides GLib integration as an optional extra.
ndesk-dbus is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred
to as dbus-sharp, or "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with
existing bindings (which wrap libdbus).
D-Bus is an inter-process communication framework that lets
applications interface with the system event bus as well as
allowing them to talk to one another in a peer-to-peer
Mono.Addins is a framework for creating extensible applications,
and for creating libraries which extend those applications.
Mono.Addins has been designed to be easy to use and useful for
a wide range of applications: from simple applications with small
extensibility needs, to complex applications which need support
for large add-in structures.
This new framework intends to set an standard for building
extensible applications and add-ins in Mono.
The EventLog library aims to be a replacement of the simple syslog() API
provided on UNIX systems. The major difference between EventLog and syslog
is that EventLog tries to add structure to messages.
The freefont project provides a set of free, high-quality, outline (i.e.
OpenType) fonts covering the ISO 10646/Unicode UCS (Universal Character
Set). This set consists of three TrueType typefaces: one monospaced and
two proportional -- one with uniform and one with modulated stroke.
These fonts are similar to the Helvetica, Times and Courier fonts.
maintainers to upgrade their BitlBee daemons as soon as possible,
since this release fixes a security bug that was probably there for
a long time already."""
more info,
tested by merdely@, wcmaier@, Andrew Dalgleish, Wiktor Izdebski
ok merdely@, wcmaier@
1. what ff3's safebrowsing does it essentially allows google to
track users. every time ff3 would call to google w/ the address
of the particular site one is visiting. disable this crazy feature
2. don't visit mozilla's pages on updating / first starting the
browser; which serve no purpose but tracking
3. disable the crashreporter; which is supposed to automatically
talk to mozilla and send all sorts of information when you crash
discussed w/ porters. ok naddy@
Data::URIEncode allows for encoding and decoding complex (multi
level datastructures) using native Query String manipulators (such
as It takes complex data and turns it into a flat hashref
which can then be turned into a URI query string using URL encoding.
It also takes a flat hashref of data passed in and translates it
back to a complex structure.
ok simon@
This Perl module is an Encode::Encoding subclass that uses
Encode::Detect::Detector to determine the charset of the input data
and then decodes it using the encoder of the detected charset.
It is similar to Encode::Guess, but does not require the configuration
of a set of expected encodings. Like Encode::Guess, it only supports
decoding--it cannot encode.
ok simon@
This package provides some basic statistics on numerical vectors.
All the subroutines can take a reference to the vector to be operated
on. In some cases a copy of the vector is acceptable, but is not
recommended for efficiency.
ok simon@
JSON::XS is by far the best JSON module on the CPAN. However, it
changed its API at version 2.01. If you have to maintain code which
may be run on systems with either version one or two then this is
a bit of a pain. This module takes the pain away without sacrificing
ok simon@
Mono is an open source implementation of .NET Development Framework.
Its objective is to enable UNIX developers to build and deploy cross-platform
.NET Applications. The project implements various technologies developed by
Microsoft that have now been submitted to the ECMA for standardization.
Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and
server applications on BSD, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows and Unix.
from alek@, modifications by me and some amd64 patches from
Giovanni Bechis
mono is not linked to the build yet, it's getting imported so we can
work on it in tree;