The mygpoclient library provides an easy and structured way to access
the web services. In addition to subscription list
synchronization and storage, the advanced API support allows to upload
and download episode status changes.
ok sthen@
The Gambit Scheme system is a complete, portable, efficient and reliable
implementation of the Scheme programming language.
The Gambit-C system conforms to the R4RS, R5RS and IEEE Scheme
standards. The full numeric tower is implemented, including: infinite
precision integers (bignums), rationals, inexact reals (floating point
numbers), and complex numbers.
ok sthen@
Crypt::RC5 is a Perl implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm.
RC5 is a fast block cipher designed by Ronald Rivest for RSA Data Security
(now RSA Security) in 1994. It is a parameterized algorithm with a variable
block size, a variable key size, and a variable number of rounds.
This particular implementation is 32 bit. As such, it is suggested that a
minimum of 12 rounds be performed.
from Olivier Cherrier.
ok gsoares@
* Use hash table to speed up hard link detection
* Added read-only option (-r)
* Use KiB instead of kiB (#3399279)
Tested on i386.
USE_GROFF is not needed.
OK jasper@, aja@
#911194 Unable to automatically insert auto_increment values
#911297 Incorrect displaying of HTML text in in-line edition mode
#918163 Fieldnames don´t appear on csv export with selected rows
#918363 The Server Information box does not include Chive Version
#911136 Security vulnerability fix
(fix committed in,
bug report is hidden - missing html escaping in table names etc)
* POD typo fix. (patch by Salvatore Bonaccorso) [RT72600]
* Don't use deprecated shared memory mode (patch by Adam Benjamin)
* Log format. (pointed out by Adam Benjamin)
* command output parsing for newer gnupg (patch by Adam Benjamin)
Command line interface to a local Icinga server (mostly compatible
with Nagios), featuring:
- Listing of service/host states, check queue or downtimes
- Detailed service/host info
- Scheduling of service rechecks, acknowledging of problems
- Detailed filtering (host/group/service name, state, acknowledged, etc.)
(default): use file locations for Icinga
nagios: use file locations for Nagios