import nn 6.7.3

nn is a menu based (point and shoot) netnews reader with a complete set
of features to satisfy both the expert and the novice user. Since its
first release in Denmark in 1984 (!), in Europe in 1988, and the global
release in June 1989, it has replaced rn and other well-known news
readers at many sites.

from aaron w. hsu (MAINTAINER) with tweaks by ajacoutot@ and me
This commit is contained in:
jasper 2008-11-17 08:42:13 +00:00
parent e3d14afb9d
commit f11fd9f2ab
10 changed files with 890 additions and 0 deletions

news/nn/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
NOT_FOR_ARCHS = arm hppa hp300 sh
COMMENT = No News is Good News (Fast CLI Point & Read Newsreader)
DISTNAME = nn-6.7.3
MAINTAINER = Aaron W. Hsu <>
# 4 point NN License a la BSD but with GPL Source Restriction and Freeware
# Requirement
PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = CDs not sold at cost
PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM = CDs not sold at cost
WANTLIB = c termlib
.if "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "alpha"
MFILE = m-alpha.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "m68k"
MFILE = m-m680x0.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "m88k"
MFILE = m-m88000.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "powerpc"
MFILE = m-powerpc.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "mips64"
MFILE = m-mips.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "sparc"
MFILE = m-sparc.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "sparc64"
MFILE = m-sparc.h
.elif "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "vax"
MFILE = m-vax.h
MFILE = m-i80386.h
sed -e "s/OBSD_PREFIX/${PREFIX:S/\//\\\//g}/" \
-e "s/m-i80386\.h/${MFILE}/" \
${FILESDIR}/config.h > ${WRKSRC}/config.h
cp ${FILESDIR}/s-openbsd.h ${WRKSRC}/conf/s-openbsd.h
sed -e "s/\/usr\/local/${PREFIX:C/\//\\\//g}/" \
${WRKSRC}/inst > ${WRKSRC}/
mv ${WRKSRC}/inst ${WRKSRC}/inst.old
mv ${WRKSRC}/ ${WRKSRC}/inst
chmod 755 ${WRKSRC}/inst
cd ${WRKSRC} && echo `pwd` && ./inst n
.include <>

news/nn/distinfo Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
MD5 (nn-6.7.3.tar.Z) = EcTt8hxPZLaUZ+5CjBuCJQ==
RMD160 (nn-6.7.3.tar.Z) = Jhf+fc5Cw2rpcFeeJ+vQCmDyNlM=
SHA1 (nn-6.7.3.tar.Z) = GHmq5ZEx5LhuggIYApGKCjnOqCY=
SHA256 (nn-6.7.3.tar.Z) = YhuVZl6piF0HPy5Oq7M3KHuw47SxxUPf9PQEUR3URro=
SIZE (nn-6.7.3.tar.Z) = 688446

news/nn/files/config.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
/**************************** NN CONFIGURATION ***************************
* Configuration file for nn.
* You must edit this file to reflect your local configuration
* and environment.
* Before editing this file, read the licence terms in the README
* file and the installation guidelines in the INSTALLATION file.
* (c) Copyright 1990, Kim F. Storm. All rights reserved.
* The Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval folks seem to think it necessary to
* waste screen real estate with headers. For such people, uncomment the
* following to change the default headers
/* #define GNKSA */
/************************* NOV CONFIGURATION ******************************
* Define NOV if you have access to .overview files in your news spool
* area and you want to use them rather than run nnmaster.
* If you use NNTP and your server is INN 1.4 or later with XOVER support
* and is generating .overview files there, you can use NOV over NNTP. In
* that case, make sure you define NNTP below as well.
* If your NOV implementation doesn't have records for digests (none
* that I know of do), you might want to define 'DO_NOV_DIGEST'.
* This will cause nn to grab a digest article and split it apart
* before anything has been selected to be read from that article.
* 'DO_NOV_DIGEST' is necessary if you want any digests (like
* 'comp.risks') to be automatically split.
* NOV_DIRECTORY and NOV_FILENAME can normally be left undefined.
#define NOV
/* Optional */
/* Optional */
/* #define NOV_DIRECTORY "/usr/spool/news" */
/* Optional */
/* #define NOV_FILENAME ".overview" */
/********************************** NNTP *********************************
* Define NNTP to enable nntp support. If you are not using NNTP,
* just leave the following NNTP_* definitions as they are - they
* will be ignored anyway.
#define NNTP
* Define NNTP_SERVER to the name of a file containing the name of the
* nntp server (aka the newsserver you connect to).
* If the file name does not start with a slash, it is relative to
* LIB_DIRECTORY defined below.
#define NNTP_SERVER "/etc/nntpserver"
* Define your local domain name. If you leave this undefined, nn will
* attempt to discover it.
* See comment below on HIDDENNET.
/* #define DOMAIN "frobozz.bogus" */
* If you define HIDDENNET, the hostname will not appear in the posting
* data except on the path. Items will be from user@DOMAIN (with
* DOMAIN as defined above). If you don't want this, comment it out.
/***************** OPERATING SYSTEM DEPENDENT DEFINITIONS *******************
* Include the appropriate s- file for your system below.
* If a file does not exist for your system, you can use
* conf/s-template.h as a starting point for writing you own.
#include "s-openbsd.h"
* Define DEFAULT_PAGER as the initial value of the 'pager' variable.
* nnadmin pipes shell command output though this command.
/* #define DEFAULT_PAGER "pg -n -s" */ /* System V */
#define DEFAULT_PAGER "more" /* bsd */
* DEFAULT_PRINTER is the initial value of the 'printer' variable.
* nn's :print command pipes text into this command.
/* #define DEFAULT_PRINTER "lp -s" */ /* System V */
#define DEFAULT_PRINTER "lpr -p -JNEWS" /* bsd */
/********************** MACHINE DEPENDENT DEFINITIONS **********************
* Include the appropriate m- file for your system below.
* If a file does not exist for your system, you can use
* conf/m-template.h as a starting point for writing you own.
#include "m-i80386.h"
/***************************** OWNERSHIP ***************************
* Specify owner and group for installed files and programs.
* The nnmaster will run suid/sgid to this owner and group.
* The only requirements are that the ownership allows the
* nnmaster to READ the news related files and directories, and
* the ordinary users to read the database and execute the nn*
* programs.
* Common choices are: (news, news) and (your uid, your gid)
#define OWNER "_news"
#define GROUP "_news"
/**************************** LOCALIZATION ****************************
* Specify where programs and files are installed.
* BIN_DIRECTORY - the location of the user programs (mandatory)
* LIB_DIRECTORY - the location of auxiliary programs and files.
* (mandatory UNLESS ALL of the following are defined).
* MASTER_DIRECTORY - the location of the master program (on server)
* (= LIB_DIRECTORY if undefined)
* CLIENT_DIRECTORY - the location of auxiliary programs (on clients)
* (= LIB_DIRECTORY if undefined)
* HELP_DIRECTORY - the location of help files, online manual, etc.
* (= CLIENT_DIRECTORY/help if undefined)
* CACHE_DIRECTORY - if NNTP is used, nn uses this central directory
* to store working copies of articles on the local
* system. If not defined, it stores the articles
* in each user's ~/.nn directory.
* TMP_DIRECTORY - temporary file storage. Overriden by $TMPDIR.
* (= /var/tmp if undefined).
* LOG_FILE - the location of nn's log file.
* (= LIB_DIRECTORY/Log if undefined).
#define HELP_DIRECTORY "OBSD_PREFIX/share/doc/nn"
#define TMP_DIRECTORY "/tmp"
#define LOG_FILE "/var/log/nn"
/*************************** MAIL INTERFACE *************************
* Specify a mailer that accepts a letter WITH a header IN THE TEXT.
* A program named 'recmail' program is normally delivered with
* the Bnews system, or you can use sendmail -t if you have it.
* The contrib/ directory contains two programs which you might
* be able to use with a little tweaking.
/* #define REC_MAIL "/usr/lib/news/recmail" */ /* non-sendmail */
#define REC_MAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" /* sendmail */
* nn needs to know the name of your host.
* To obtain the host name it will use either of the 'uname' or
* 'gethostname' system calls as specified in the s-file included
* above.
* If neither 'uname' nor 'gethostname' is available, you must
* define HOSTNAME to be the name of your host. Otherwise, leave
* it undefined (it will not be used anyway).
/* #define HOSTNAME "myhost" */
* Define APPEND_SIGNATURE if you want nn to ask users to append
* ~/.signature to mail messages (reply/forward/mail).
* If the mailer defined in REC_MAIL automatically includes .signature
* you should not define this (it will fool people to include it twice).
* I think 'recmail' includes .signature, but 'sendmail -t' doesn't.
* BUG_REPORT_ADDRESS is the initial value of the bug-report-address
* variable which is used by the :bug command to report bugs in
* the nn software.
/*************************** DOCUMENTATION ***************************
* Specify directories for the user and system manuals
* Adapt this to your local standards; the manuals will be named
* $(MAN_DIR)/program.$(MAN_SECTION)
* USER_MAN - nn, nntidy, nngrep, etc.
* SYS_MAN - nnadmin
* DAEMON_MAN - nnmaster
#define USER_MAN_DIR "OBSD_PREFIX/man/man1"
#define USER_MAN_SECTION "1"
#define SYS_MAN_DIR "OBSD_PREFIX/man/man1"
#define SYS_MAN_SECTION "1m"
#define DAEMON_MAN_DIR "OBSD_PREFIX/man/man8"
/************************** LOCAL POLICY *****************************
* Define STATISTICS if you want to keep a record of how much
* time the users spend on news reading.
* Sessions shorter than the specified number of minutes are not
* recorded (don't clutter up the log file).
* Usage statistics is entered into the $LOG_FILE with code U
/* #define STATISTICS 5 */ /* minutes */
* Define ACCOUNTING if you want to keep accumulated accounting
* based on the statistics in a separate 'acct' file. In this
* case, the accounting figures will be secret, and not be
* written to the Log file. And the users will not be able to
* "decrease" their own account.
* See account.h for optional cost calculation parameters.
/* #define ACCOUNTING */
* Define AUTHORIZE if you want to restrict the use of nn to
* certain users or certain periods of the day. Define both
* this and ACCOUNTING if you want to impose a usage quota.
* See account.h for implementing various access policies.
/* #define AUTHORIZE */
* Default folder directory
#define FOLDER_DIRECTORY "~/News"
* Default length of authors name (in "edited" format).
* Also size of "Name" field on the article menus.
* The actual value used will be the larger of this and 1/5 the width
* of the window.
#define NAME_LENGTH 16
* SIGN_TYPE is the program to be used to create digital signatures.
#define SIGN_TYPE "gpg"
/* #define SIGN_TYPE "pgp" */
* If no "Lines:" header field is present, NN can be made to
* count them itself.
* Defining this causes the "inst" script to add identifying information
* to the beginning of the shell scripts.
* Defining this will make NN announce itself including the build number
* like "NN version 6.7.x #12", rather than "NN version 6.7.x".
* Define this if you want to enable the "experimental" subject
* body search code. On the "G" menu, there will be two extra
* choices: "b" body search unread, and "B" body search all.
* Choose your pattern, and you will be presented with a merged group
* containing the articles you chose. There may still be bugs!
* THIS WOULD BE *BAD* FOR NNTP SITES! You don't want all your
* users downloading the entire news database...
/* #define ART_GREP */
* Defining this makes NN cache the newsgroup/purpose list, sorted
* in memory and use binary search to locate a group's purpose.
* This can be a winner on systems with *everything* in their
* newsgroups list. Note that this will cause nn to always download
* the newsgroup/purpose list. This will increase startup time for nn
* but is still a win for people who have show-purpose-mode=2.
* Currently CACHE_PURPOSE and nnmaster don't work together,
* so please leave this undefined unless you are using NOV.
/* #define CACHE_PURPOSE */
* If you aren't running nnmaster you can stop here.
/************************ NNMASTER CONFIGURATION *************************/
/*********************** NETWORK DEPENDENT DEFINITIONS **********************
* Define NETWORK_DATABASE if you share the database through NFS on
* a network with different, non-compatible machines, e.g. SUNs and
* VAXen, or SUN-3 and SUN-4, or if you are using different compilers
* on the same architecture.
* In a homogenous network, you can leave it undefined for higher
* performance (no data conversion is needed).
/* #define NETWORK_DATABASE */
/**************************** DATABASE LOCATION **************************
* Specify where the nn database should be installed.
* If none of the following symbols are defined, the database will
* be contained in the NEWS_DIRECTORY in a separate .nn directory for
* master files and in files named .nnx and .nnd in each group's
* spool directory. To use this scheme, the OWNER specified above
* must have write permission on the news spool directories.
* If you access news via NNTP, you will probably always have to
* give the database directory explicitly through DB_DIRECTORY
* (and DB_DATA_DIRECTORY), since the normal news spool directories
* are probably not available on the local system.
* The exception may be if nnmaster runs directly on the nntp server.
* To change the default behavior, you can define the following
* symbols:
* DB_DIRECTORY - the directory containing the master files.
* DB_DATA_DIRECTORY - the directory containing the per-group files
* (default is DB_DIRECTORY/DATA if undefined).
* DB_LONG_NAMES - use group's name rather than number when
* building file names in DB_DATA_DIRECTORY.
* (The file system must support long file names!!)
/* #define DB_DIRECTORY "/usr/spool/nn" */
/*************************** NEWS TRANSPORT **************************
* Specify the location of your news programs and files
* You only need to specify these if you are not
* satisfied with the default settings.
* NEWS_DIRECTORY - The news spool directory.
* Default: /usr/spool/news
* NEWS_LIB_DIRECTORY - The news lib directory.
* Default: /usr/lib/news
* RMGROUP_PATH - The location of the rmgroup program.
* Default: NEWS_LIB_DIR/{rm,del}group
/* #define NEWS_DIRECTORY "/usr/spool/news" */
/* #define NEWS_LIB_DIRECTORY "/usr/lib/news" */
/************************ CONFIGURATION COMPLETED ************************/

news/nn/files/s-openbsd.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* Use this file as a template for new s- files
* Include header files containing the following definitions:
* off_t, time_t, struct stat
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* Define if your system doesn't have memmove()
/* #define NO_MEMMOVE /* */
* Define if your system has system V like ioctls
* and <termio.h>
/* #define HAVE_TERMIO_H /* */
* Define if your system instead has <termios.h>
#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H /* */
* Define to use terminfo database.
* Otherwise, termcap is used
/* #define USE_TERMINFO /* */
* Specify the library (or libraries) containing the termcap/terminfo
* routines.
* Notice: nn only uses the low-level terminal access routines
* (i.e. it does not use curses).
#define TERMLIB -ltermlib
* Define HAVE_STRCHR if strchr() and strrchr() are available
#define HAVE_STRCHR /* */
* Define if a signal handler has type void (see signal.h)
* Define if signals must be set again after they are caught
* Define FAKE_INTERRUPT if a keyboard interrupt (^C) cannot interrupt
* a read() system call. This happens on a few BSD based systems
* which don't have SV_INTERRUPT defined in <signal.h> and no
* siginterrupt() call to make systems call interruptable.
* However, if siginterrupt() is available, but SV_INTERRUPT isn't
* defined, then simply define that instead of FAKE_INTERRUPT!
/* #define FAKE_INTERRUPT /* */
* Define HAVE_HARD_SLEEP if sending a SIGALRM isn't enough to
* interrupt a sleep() call - typical symptom is that nnadmin W
* doesn't wakeup the nnmaster.
/* #define HAVE_HARD_SLEEP /* BSD ? */
* Define HAVE_UALARM if your system has a 4.3 BSD like ualarm() call.
* Else define MICRO_ALARM(n) to timeout in n/10 seconds if possible.
* Don't define either if system only has the standard alarm() call.
#define HAVE_UALARM /* BSD 4.3 */
/* #define MICRO_ALARM(n) xxxx(n) /* */
* Define if your system has BSD like job control (SIGTSTP works)
#define HAVE_JOBCONTROL /* */
* Define if your system has a 4.3BSD like syslog library.
* Define if your system provides the "directory(3X)" access routines
* If true, include the header file(s) required by the package below
* (remember that <sys/types.h> or equivalent is included above)
* Also typedef Direntry to the proper struct type.
#define HAVE_DIRECTORY /* */
#include <dirent.h> /* System V */
/* #include <sys/dir.h> /* BSD */
typedef struct dirent Direntry; /* System V */
/* typedef struct direct Direntry; /* BSD */
* Define if your system has a mkdir() library routine
#define HAVE_MKDIR /* */
* Pick one:
* Define HAVE_GETHOSTNAME if you have a BSD like gethostname routine.
* Define HAVE_UNAME if a system V compatible uname() is available.
* Define HOSTNAME_FILE "...." to a file containing the hostname.
* Define HOSTNAME_WHOAMI if sysname is defined in <whoami.h>.
* As a final resort, define HOSTNAME to the name of your system
* (in config.h).
#define HAVE_GETHOSTNAME /* BSD systems */
/* #define HAVE_UNAME /* System V */
/* #define HOSTNAME_FILE "/etc/uucpname" /* or another file */
/* #define HOSTNAME_WHOAMI /* in <whoami.h> */
* Define HAVE_MULTIGROUP if system has simultaneous multiple group
* membership capability (BSD style).
* Also define NGROUPS or include the proper .h file if NGROUPS is
* not defined in <sys/param.h>.
* Define DETACH_TERMINAL to be a command sequence which
* will detatch a process from the control terminal
* Also include system files needed to perform this HERE.
* If not possible, just define it (empty)
/* #include "...." */
#define DETACH_TERMINAL setpgrp();
* Specify where the Bourne Shell is.
#define SHELL "/bin/sh"
* Define OLD_AWK to the name of the "old awk" program if your
* standard 'awk' is 'nawk' (new awk). Use full path if necessary.
* (This is a temporary hack until I get time to fix the scripts
* which breaks nawk).
/* #define OLD_AWK "oawk" /* */
* Define AVOID_SHELL_EXEC if the system gets confused by
* #!/bin/sh
* lines in shell scripts, e.g. only reads #! and thinks it
* is a csh script.
/* #define AVOID_SHELL_EXEC /* */
* Specify the default mailer
#define MAILX "/usr/bin/mailx" /* SV */
/* #define MAILX "/usr/ucb/Mail" /* BSD */
* Define the maximum length of any pathname that may occur
#define FILENAME 256
* Define USE_MALLOC_H if the faster malloc() in -lmalloc should be used.
* This requires that -lmalloc is added to EXTRA_LIB below.
* You can tune the malloc package through the following definitions
* according to the descriptions in malloc(3X):
/* #define USE_MALLOC_H /* */
/* #define MALLOC_GRAIN sizeof(double) /* M_GRAIN */
/* #define MALLOC_FASTBLOCKS 100 /* M_NLBLKS */
* NNTP support requires tcp/ip with socket interface.
* Define NO_RENAME if the rename() system call is not available.
* Define EXCELAN if the tcp/ip package is EXCELAN based.
* Define NNTP_EXTRA_LIB to any libraries required only for nntp.
/* #define NO_RENAME /* */
/* #define EXCELAN /* */
/* #define NNTP_EXTRA_LIB -lsocket /* */
* Define RESIZING to make nn understand dynamic window-resizing.
* (It uses the TIOCGWINSZ ioctl found on most 4.3BSD systems)
* This should be defined in the conf/s-xxxxx.h file.
#define RESIZING /* */
* Define standard compiler flags here:
* Define standard loader flags here:
* If your system requires other libraries when linking nn
* specify them here:
#define EXTRA_LIB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-Makefile,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
--- Makefile.orig Mon Nov 17 09:35:23 2008
+++ Makefile Mon Nov 17 09:35:32 2008
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# Use /lib/cpp or /usr/ccs/lib/cpp for CPP on Solaris or SVR4 machines.
-CC = cc
+CC ?= cc
CPP = $(CC) -E
#CPP = /lib/cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-inst_sh,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
--- Mon Sep 29 19:35:08 2008
+++ Mon Sep 29 19:36:00 2008
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ mkdir)
exit 1
chmod $3 $2
- if ./usercheck 0 ; then
- chgrp $GROUP $2
- chown $OWNER $2
- fi
echo Created directory $2
exit 0
@@ -25,19 +21,11 @@ mkdir)
cp $4 $3
chmod $2 $3/$4
- if ./usercheck 0 ; then
- chgrp $GROUP $3/$4
- chown $OWNER $3/$4
- fi
echo "$4 -> $3/$4"
exit 0
chmod $2 $3
- if ./usercheck 0 ; then
- chgrp $GROUP $3
- chown $OWNER $3
- fi
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-term_c,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
--- term.c.orig Sun Jul 20 16:39:03 2008
+++ term.c Sun Jul 20 16:39:38 2008
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "regexp.h"
#include "nn_term.h"
-#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !(__NetBSD__) && !defined(NeXT)
+#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !(__NetBSD__) && !(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(NeXT)
#include <stropts.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-xmakefile,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
--- xmakefile.orig Thu Mar 31 09:47:29 2005
+++ xmakefile Wed Sep 24 18:45:31 2008
@@ -51,10 +51,9 @@
* Notice: ymakefile is made from xmakefile by the Makefile.
* Resulting programs

news/nn/pkg/DESCR Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
nn is a menu based (point and shoot) netnews reader with a complete set
of features to satisfy both the expert and the novice user. Since its
first release in Denmark in 1984 (!), in Europe in 1988, and the global
release in June 1989, it has replaced rn and other well-known news
readers at many sites.

news/nn/pkg/PLIST Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 2008/11/17 08:42:13 jasper Exp $
@bin bin/nn
@bin bin/nnadmin
@bin bin/nnbatch
@bin bin/nncheck
@bin bin/nngoback
@bin bin/nngrep
@bin bin/nnpost
@bin bin/nntidy
@bin bin/nnview
@man man/man1/nn.1
@man man/man1/nnacct.1m
@man man/man1/nnadmin.1m
@man man/man1/nncheck.1
@man man/man1/nngoback.1
@man man/man1/nngrab.1
@man man/man1/nngrep.1
@man man/man1/nnpost.1
@man man/man1/nnstats.1m
@man man/man1/nntidy.1
@man man/man1/nnusage.1m
@man man/man1/nnview.1
@man man/man8/nnmaster.8
@man man/man8/nnspew.8