- update p5-Data-Validate-Struct to 0.08

- add missing regression test file
This commit is contained in:
bluhm 2014-11-09 20:35:56 +00:00
parent 2dd1a32dbc
commit d3f4bd0578
3 changed files with 409 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2013/07/05 08:43:18 bluhm Exp $
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2014/11/09 20:35:56 bluhm Exp $
COMMENT = validate recursive perl hash structures
DISTNAME = Data-Validate-Struct-0.07
DISTNAME = Data-Validate-Struct-0.08

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
SHA256 (Data-Validate-Struct-0.07.tar.gz) = pbqZU6l6aycv3j1t9FJfOOgRCC+AkXp3C0zkirlGjI8=
SIZE (Data-Validate-Struct-0.07.tar.gz) = 10926
SHA256 (Data-Validate-Struct-0.08.tar.gz) = gmfZ3wVtBQ7sgETlWtSMc2F5w/mET3HnW9/+7X2ovx4=
SIZE (Data-Validate-Struct-0.08.tar.gz) = 11981

View File

@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-t_run_t,v 1.1 2014/11/09 20:35:56 bluhm Exp $
The regression test is missing from the 0.08 distribution.
Use the file t/run.t from github.
--- t/run.t.orig Sun Nov 9 21:26:26 2014
+++ t/run.t Sun Nov 9 21:26:26 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# -*-perl-*-
+use utf8;
+use Test::More;
+use Encode qw{ encode };
+require_ok( 'Data::Validate::Struct' );
+my $ref = {
+ 'b1' => {
+ 'b2' => {
+ 'b3' => {
+ 'item' => 'int'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'item' => [ 'number' ],
+ 'v1' => 'int',
+ 'v2' => 'number',
+ 'v3' => 'word',
+ 'v4' => 'line',
+ 'v5' => 'text',
+ 'v6' => 'hostname',
+ 'v8' => 'user',
+ 'v10' => 'port',
+ 'v11' => 'uri',
+ 'v12' => 'cidrv4',
+ 'v13' => 'ipv4',
+ 'v14' => 'path',
+ 'v15' => 'fileexists',
+ 'v16' => 'quoted',
+ 'v171' => 'regex',
+ 'v172' => 'regex',
+ 'v18' => 'novars',
+ 'v19' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v20' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v21' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v22' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v23' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v24' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v25' => 'ipv6',
+ 'v26' => 'cidrv6',
+ 'v27' => 'int | vars',
+ 'v28' => 'int | vars',
+ 'o1' => 'int | optional',
+ 'AoA' => [ [ 'int' ] ],
+ 'AoH' => [
+ { fullname => 'text', user => 'word', uid => 'int' }
+ ],
+ 'HoH' => {
+ father => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word' },
+ son => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word' },
+ daughter => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word' },
+ },
+ 'r1' => 'range(80-90)',
+ };
+my $cfg = {
+ 'b1' => {
+ 'b2' => {
+ 'b3' => {
+ 'item' => '100'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'item' => [
+ '10',
+ '20',
+ '30'
+ ],
+ 'v1' => '123',
+ 'v2' => '19.03',
+ 'v3' => 'Johannes',
+ 'v4' => 'this is a line of text',
+ 'v5' => 'This is a text block
+ This is a text block',
+ 'v6' => 'search.cpan.org',
+ 'v8' => 'root',
+ 'v10' => '22',
+ 'v11' => 'http://search.cpan.org/~tlinden/?ignore&not=1',
+ 'v12' => '',
+ 'v13' => '',
+ 'v14' => '/etc/ssh/sshd.conf',
+ 'v15' => 'MANIFEST',
+ 'v16' => '\' this is a quoted string \'',
+ 'v171' => qr([0-9]+),
+ 'v172' => 'qr([0-9]+)',
+ 'v18' => 'Doesnt contain any variables',
+ 'v19' => '3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf',
+ 'v20' => 'fe80:0:0:0:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf',
+ 'v21' => 'fe80::200:f8ff:fe21:67cf',
+ 'v22' => 'ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1',
+ 'v23' => 'ff02::1',
+ 'v24' => '::ffff:',
+ 'v25' => '::',
+ 'v26' => '2001:db8:dead:beef::b00c/64',
+ 'v27' => '10',
+ 'v28' => '$ten',
+ 'AoA' => [
+ [ qw{ 10 11 12 13 } ],
+ [ qw{ 20 21 22 23 } ],
+ [ qw{ 30 31 32 33 } ],
+ ],
+ 'AoH' => [
+ { fullname => 'Homer Simpson', user => 'homer', uid => 100 },
+ { fullname => 'Bart Simpson', user => 'bart', uid => 101 },
+ { fullname => 'Lisa Simpson', user => 'lisa', uid => 102 },
+ ],
+ 'HoH' => {
+ father => { fullname => 'Homer Simpson', user => 'homer' },
+ son => { fullname => 'Bart Simpson', user => 'bart' },
+ daughter => { fullname => 'Lisa Simpson', user => 'lisa' },
+ },
+ 'r1' => 85,
+ };
+my $v = new_ok('Data::Validate::Struct', [ $ref ]);
+ok ($v->validate($cfg), "validate a reference against a OK config");
+# check failure matching
+my @failure = (
+ {
+ cfg => q(acht),
+ type => q(int),
+ descr => 'int',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(27^8),
+ type => q(number),
+ descr => 'number',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(two words),
+ type => q(word),
+ descr => 'word',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => qq(<<EOF\nzeile1\nzeile2\nzeile3\nEOF\n),
+ type => q(line),
+ descr => 'line',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(ätz),
+ type => q(hostname),
+ descr => 'hostname',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(gibtsnet123456790.intern),
+ type => q(resolvablehost),
+ descr => 'resolvablehost',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(äüö),
+ type => q(user),
+ descr => 'user',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(äüö),
+ type => q(group),
+ descr => 'group',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(234234444),
+ type => q(port),
+ descr => 'port',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(unknown:/unsinnüäö),
+ type => q(uri),
+ descr => 'uri',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(,
+ type => q(cidrv4),
+ descr => 'cidrv4',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(300.1.1.1),
+ type => q(ipv4),
+ descr => 'ipv4',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(üäö),
+ type => q(fileexists),
+ descr => 'fileexists',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(not quoted),
+ type => q(quoted),
+ descr => 'quoted',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(no regex),
+ type => q(regex),
+ descr => 'regex',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q($contains some $vars),
+ type => q(novars),
+ descr => 'novars',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(2001:db8::dead::beef),
+ type => q(ipv6),
+ descr => 'ipv6',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => q(2001:db8:dead:beef::1/129),
+ type => q(cidrv6),
+ descr => 'cidrv6',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => [
+ [ qw{ 10 11 12 13 } ],
+ [ qw{ 'twenty' 21 22 23 } ],
+ [ qw{ 30 31 32.0 33 } ],
+ ],
+ type => [ [ 'int' ] ],
+ descr => 'array of arrays',
+ errors => 2,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => [
+ { fullname => 'Homer Simpson', user => 'homer', uid => 100 },
+ { fullname => 'Bart Simpson', user => ':bart', uid => 101 },
+ { fullname => 'Lisa Simpson', user => 'lisa', uid => '102' },
+ ],
+ type => [
+ { fullname => 'text', user => 'word', uid => 'int' }
+ ],
+ descr => 'array of hashes',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => {
+ father => { fullname => 'Homer Simpson', user => 'homer', uid => 100 },
+ son => { fullname => 'Bart Simpson', user => 'bart', uid => 'one hundred one' },
+ daughter => { fullname => 'Lisa Simpson', user => 'lisa:', uid => 'one hundred two' },
+ },
+ type => {
+ father => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word', uid => 'int' },
+ son => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word', uid => 'int' },
+ daughter => { fullname => 'text', user => 'word', uid => 'int' },
+ },
+ descr => 'hash of hashes',
+ errors => 3,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => {
+ name => 'Foo Bar',
+ age => 42,
+ },
+ type => {
+ name => 'text',
+ age => 'int',
+ address => 'text',
+ },
+ descr => 'Missing required field',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ cfg => 100,
+ type => 'range(200-1000)',
+ descr => 'value outside dynamic range',
+ errors => 1,
+ },
+foreach my $test (@failure) {
+ my $ref = { v => $test->{type} };
+ my $cfg = { v => $test->{cfg} };
+ my $v = Data::Validate::Struct->new($ref);
+ #$v->debug();
+ my $result = $v->validate($cfg);
+ my $descr = encode('UTF-8',
+ exists $test->{descr} ? $test->{descr} : $test->{cfg}
+ );
+ my $errors = exists $test->{errors} ? $test->{errors} : 1;
+ unless ($result) {
+ is @{$v->errors}, $errors, "Caught failure for '$descr'";
+ }
+ else {
+ fail("Couldn't catch invalid '$test->{descr}'");
+ }
+# clean old object
+undef $v;
+$v = Data::Validate::Struct->new({
+ h1 => { h2 => { item => 'int' } }
+ok !$v->validate({
+ h1 => { h2 => { item => 'qux' } }
+}), 'item is not an h1 => h2 => int';
+is $v->errstr, q{'qux' doesn't match 'int' at 'h1 => h2'}, 'correct error trace';
+# adding custom type
+my $ref3 = {
+ v1 => 'address',
+ v2 => 'list',
+ v3 => 'noob',
+ v4 => 'nonoob',
+my $cfg3 = {
+ v1 => 'Marblestreet 15',
+ v2 => 'a1, b2, b3',
+ v3 => 42,
+ v4 => 43,
+my $v3 = new Data::Validate::Struct($ref3);
+# add via hash
+note('added via hash');
+my %h = (
+ address => qr(^\w+\s\s*\d+$)
+# add via hash ref
+note('added via hash ref');
+$v3->type({ list =>
+ sub {
+ my $list = $_[0];
+ my @list = split /\s*,\s*/, $list;
+ return scalar @list > 1;
+ }
+# add via key => value
+note('added via key => val');
+$v3->type(noob => sub { return $_[0] == 42 });
+ok($v3->validate($cfg3), "using custom types");