update to version 0.59, cpanify, fix LIB_DEPENDS for FLAVOR=libs, use
CONFIGURE_ARGS instead of patches and remove quotes around COMMENT ok pvalchev@ (MAINTAINER)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2007/07/04 19:18:46 jasper Exp $
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2007/07/31 15:40:56 simon Exp $
COMMENT= "generate and manipulate images"
COMMENT= generate and manipulate images
DISTNAME= Imager-0.39
CATEGORIES= graphics perl5
DISTNAME= Imager-0.59
CATEGORIES= graphics
HOMEPAGE= http://imager.perl.org/
@ -19,28 +19,23 @@ PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes
.if ${FLAVOR:L} == "libs"
LIB_DEPENDS= t1.3::devel/t1lib \
png.2::graphics/png \
jpeg.62::graphics/jpeg \
PATCH_LIST= patch-libs
LIB_DEPENDS= t1.>=3::devel/t1lib \
png.>=2::graphics/png \
jpeg.>=62::graphics/jpeg \
CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable jpeg,tiff,png,ungif,T1-fonts,freetype2 \
--incpath="${LOCALBASE}/include:${X11BASE}/include" \
USE_X11= Yes
# Don't use the libs although they might be installed.
PATCH_LIST= patch-no_libs
CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable jpeg,tiff,png,gif,ungif,T1-fonts,TT-fonts,freetype2,w32
.include <bsd.port.mk>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
MD5 (Imager-0.39.tar.gz) = RZeRUt65picPZtpbqZWm1A==
RMD160 (Imager-0.39.tar.gz) = YYuLUWSBF1Cwt8E0LrJXgsYjkKc=
SHA1 (Imager-0.39.tar.gz) = wrfeqEizOSWYPUH9icVEMa0E8o4=
SHA256 (Imager-0.39.tar.gz) = sJLrd1TAL2JfNH419+niUuFmIA0/NeH727mjg6ZerYU=
SIZE (Imager-0.39.tar.gz) = 484560
MD5 (Imager-0.59.tar.gz) = FgTWMX/2QB/TSVqf0c5NsQ==
RMD160 (Imager-0.59.tar.gz) = xsvrvPK1AYO8PzLvuevj60Bwc94=
SHA1 (Imager-0.59.tar.gz) = amgu2pBkZ/LMz96Qly2PwKD3mNk=
SHA256 (Imager-0.59.tar.gz) = TreJ+iqOnQnlkrzWSCZsR1TsWPOdGxGAlcR8rFBQ2OA=
SIZE (Imager-0.59.tar.gz) = 849377
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-libs,v 1.1 2001/11/17 08:16:53 pvalchev Exp $
--- Makefile.PL.orig Tue Oct 30 01:32:44 2001
+++ Makefile.PL Sat Nov 17 00:43:43 2001
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ bugs. Imager can crash or display other
reading or writing gif images. Some of the gif tests can even fail
since they stress some parts of the buggy code.
-Do you want to remove gif support? [Y/n]
+I am deleting gif support.
- my $resp = <STDIN>;
+ my $resp = "y";
if ($resp ne "n") {
delete $formats{'gif'};
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub pathcheck {
sub init {
- @incs=(qw(/usr/include/freetype2 /usr/local/include/freetype2 /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include/freetype /usr/local/include/freetype), split /:/, $INCPATH );
+ @incs=(qw(/usr/include/freetype2 /usr/X11R6/include/freetype2 /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include/freetype /usr/local/include/freetype), split /:/, $INCPATH );
@libs=(split(/ /, $Config{'libpth'}), split(/:/, $LIBPATH) );
if ($^O =~ /win32/i && $Config{cc} =~ /\bcl\b/i) {
push(@incs, split /;/, $ENV{INCLUDE}) if exists $ENV{INCLUDE};
@@ -354,20 +354,6 @@ sub init {
for use in images.}
- $formats{'TT-fonts'}={
- order=>'31',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBTT',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'freetype.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libttf$aext" or $_[0] eq "libttf.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lttf',
- objfiles=>'',
- docs=>q{
- Truetype fonts are scalable fonts. They can include
- kerning and hinting information and generally yield good
- visual quality esp on low resultions. The freetype library is
- used to rasterize for us. The only drawback is that there
- are alot of badly designed fonts out there.}
- };
$formats{'w32'} = {
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
--- Makefile.PL.orig Tue Oct 30 01:32:44 2001
+++ Makefile.PL Thu Nov 15 23:32:02 2001
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ bugs. Imager can crash or display other
reading or writing gif images. Some of the gif tests can even fail
since they stress some parts of the buggy code.
-Do you want to remove gif support? [Y/n]
+I am deleting gif/ungif support.
- my $resp = <STDIN>;
+ my $resp = "y";
if ($resp ne "n") {
delete $formats{'gif'};
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub pathcheck {
sub init {
- @incs=(qw(/usr/include/freetype2 /usr/local/include/freetype2 /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include/freetype /usr/local/include/freetype), split /:/, $INCPATH );
+ @incs=(qw(/usr/include), split /:/, $INCPATH );
@libs=(split(/ /, $Config{'libpth'}), split(/:/, $LIBPATH) );
if ($^O =~ /win32/i && $Config{cc} =~ /\bcl\b/i) {
push(@incs, split /;/, $ENV{INCLUDE}) if exists $ENV{INCLUDE};
@@ -274,126 +274,6 @@ sub init {
push(@incs, '/usr/include/w32api') if -d '/usr/lib/w32api';
- $formats{'jpeg'}={
- order=>'21',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBJPEG',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'jpeglib.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libjpeg$aext" or $_ eq "libjpeg.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-ljpeg',
- objfiles=>'jpeg.o',
- docs=>q{
- In order to use jpeg with this module you need to have libjpeg
- installed on your computer}
- };
- $formats{'tiff'}={
- order=>'23',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBTIFF',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'tiffio.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libtiff$aext" or $_ eq "libtiff.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-ltiff',
- objfiles=>'tiff.o',
- docs=>q{
- In order to use tiff with this module you need to have libtiff
- installed on your computer}
- };
- $formats{'png'}={
- order=>'22',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBPNG',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'png.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libpng$aext" or $_[0] eq "libpng.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lpng -lz',
- objfiles=>'png.o',
- docs=>q{
- Png stands for Portable Network Graphics and is intended as
- a replacement for gif on the web. It is patent free and
- is recommended by the w3c, you need libpng to use these formats}
- };
- $formats{'gif'}={
- order=>'20',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBGIF',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'gif_lib.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libgif$aext" or $_[0] eq "libgif.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lgif',
- objfiles=>'gif.o',
- docs=>q{
- gif is the de facto standard for webgraphics at the moment,
- it does have some patent problems. If you have giflib and
- are not in violation with the unisys patent you should use
- this instead of the 'ungif' option. Note that they cannot
- be in use at the same time}
- };
- $formats{'ungif'}={
- order=>'21',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBGIF',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'gif_lib.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libungif$aext" or $_[0] eq "libungif.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lungif',
- objfiles=>'gif.o',
- docs=>q{
- gif is the de facto standard for webgraphics at the moment,
- it does have some patent problems. If you have libungif and
- want to create images free from LZW patented compression you
- should use this option instead of the 'gif' option}
- };
- $formats{'T1-fonts'}={
- order=>'30',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBT1',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 't1lib.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libt1$aext" or $_[0] eq "libt1.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lt1',
- objfiles=>'',
- docs=>q{
- postscript t1 fonts are scalable fonts. They can include
- ligatures and kerning information and generally yield good
- visual quality. We depend on libt1 to rasterize the fonts
- for use in images.}
- };
- $formats{'TT-fonts'}={
- order=>'31',
- def=>'HAVE_LIBTT',
- inccheck=>sub { $_[0] eq 'freetype.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libttf$aext" or $_[0] eq "libttf.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lttf',
- objfiles=>'',
- docs=>q{
- Truetype fonts are scalable fonts. They can include
- kerning and hinting information and generally yield good
- visual quality esp on low resultions. The freetype library is
- used to rasterize for us. The only drawback is that there
- are alot of badly designed fonts out there.}
- };
- $formats{'w32'} = {
- order=>40,
- def=>'HAVE_WIN32',
- inccheck=>sub { lc $_[0] eq 'windows.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { lc $_[0] eq 'gdi32.lib'
- || lc $_[0] eq 'libgdi32.a' },
- libfiles=>$^O eq 'cygwin' ? '-lgdi32' : '',
- objfiles=>'win32.o',
- docs => <<DOCS
-Uses the Win32 GDI for rendering text.
-This currently only works on under normal Win32 and cygwin.
- };
- $formats{'freetype2'} = {
- order=>'29',
- def=>'HAVE_FT2',
- inccheck=>sub { lc $_[0] eq 'ft2build.h' },
- libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libfreetype$aext" or $_[0] eq "libfreetype.$lext" },
- libfiles=>'-lfreetype',
- objfiles=>'freetyp2.o',
- docs=><<DOCS
-Freetype 2 supports both Truetype and Type 1 fonts, both of which are
- };
# Make fix indent
for (keys %formats) { $formats{$_}->{docs} =~ s/^\s+/ /mg; }
@ -1,44 +1,134 @@
@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.7 2004/09/15 00:50:10 espie Exp $
@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.8 2007/07/31 15:40:56 simon Exp $
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Color/
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Color/Float.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Fill.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Font/
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Font/FreeType2.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Font/Truetype.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Font/Type1.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Font/Win32.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Fountain.pm
@comment ${P5ARCH}/Imager/Matrix2d.pm
@man man/man3p/Imager.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::API.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::APIRef.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Color.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Color::Float.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Color::Table.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Cookbook.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::CountColor.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Draw.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Engines.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Expr.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Expr::Assem.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::ExtUtils.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::File::ICO.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Files.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Fill.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Filter::Flines.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Filter::Mandelbrot.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Filters.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::BBox.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::FreeType2.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::Truetype.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::Type1.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::Win32.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Font::Wrap.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Fountain.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Handy.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::ImageTypes.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Inline.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Matrix2d.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Regops.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Test.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Transform.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Transformations.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::Tutorial.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::interface.3p
@man man/man3p/Imager::regmach.3p
Reference in New Issue
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