move moz-dicts into subdirs, make dpb happier.

bump only user
This commit is contained in:
espie 2013-06-22 09:31:48 +00:00
parent b2dece358f
commit 54dce4ed7f
269 changed files with 660 additions and 1008 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2013/03/21 08:57:49 fgsch Exp $
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2013/06/22 09:31:51 espie Exp $
COMMENT = spelling, stemming, morphological analysis and generation
DISTNAME = hunspell-1.3.2
SHARED_LIBS = hunspell-1.3 0.0 # .0.0
# default dictionary
RUN_DEPENDS = textproc/mozilla-dicts,-en-GB
RUN_DEPENDS = textproc/mozilla-dicts/en-GB
TEST_DEPENDS = shells/bash

View File

@ -1,58 +1,92 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2013/06/17 09:26:41 ajacoutot Exp $
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
SUBDIR += ak
SUBDIR += ar
SUBDIR += be
SUBDIR += bg
SUBDIR += ca-valencia
SUBDIR += ca
SUBDIR += cs
SUBDIR += csb
SUBDIR += da
SUBDIR += dsb
SUBDIR += el
SUBDIR += eo
SUBDIR += es-es
SUBDIR += et
SUBDIR += eu
SUBDIR += fa
SUBDIR += fr
SUBDIR += fur-IT
SUBDIR += gl
SUBDIR += he
SUBDIR += hr
SUBDIR += hsb
SUBDIR += hu
SUBDIR += id
SUBDIR += is
SUBDIR += it
SUBDIR += ku
SUBDIR += la
SUBDIR += lt
SUBDIR += lv
SUBDIR += mi
SUBDIR += mn
SUBDIR += nl
SUBDIR += nr
SUBDIR += nso
SUBDIR += oc
SUBDIR += pl
SUBDIR += ro
SUBDIR += ru
SUBDIR += sl
SUBDIR += sq
SUBDIR += sr
SUBDIR += ss
SUBDIR += st
SUBDIR += ta
SUBDIR += tn
SUBDIR += ts
SUBDIR += uk
SUBDIR += ur
SUBDIR += ve
SUBDIR += vi
SUBDIR += xh
SUBDIR += yi
SUBDIR += zu
V= 1.3
NAME= mozilla-dicts
CATEGORIES= textproc
MAINTAINER= Martynas Venckus <>
# Mozilla public license
LANGUAGES= af ak am-ET ar az-IR be bg bn-BD ca-valencia ca cs \
csb cy-GB da de-AT de-CH de-DE dsb el en-AU en-CA \
en-GB en-ZA eo es-AR es-MX es-VE es-es et eu fa \
fo-FO fr fur-IT fy-NL ga-IE gl gu-IN he hi-IN hr-HR \
hr hsb hu id is it ku la lb-LU lt lv mg-MG mi mn \
nb-NO ne-NP nl nn-NO nr nso ny-MW oc or-IN pa-IN \
pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk-SK sl sq sr ss st sv-SE \
sw-TZ ta tn ts uk ur ve vi xh yi zu
BUILD_DEPENDS= archivers/unzip
# define one language for the main package
.for i in ${LANGUAGES}
DISTFILES+= $i.xpi
PKGNAME-$i= ${NAME}-$i-${V}
COMMENT-$i= $i dictionary for Mozilla
.for i in ${LANGUAGES}
@${UNZIP} -oq ${FULLDISTDIR}/$i.xpi -d ${WRKDIR} \*.aff
@${UNZIP} -oq ${FULLDISTDIR}/$i.xpi -d ${WRKDIR} \*.dic
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/mozilla-dicts
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/dictionaries/*.aff \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/dictionaries/*.dic \
.include <>
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# $OpenBSD:,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
V = 1.3
NAME = mozilla-dicts
CATEGORIES = textproc
MAINTAINER = Martynas Venckus <>
# Mozilla public license
LANGUAGES = af ak am-ET ar az-IR be bg bn-BD ca-valencia ca cs \
csb cy-GB da de-AT de-CH de-DE dsb el en-AU en-CA \
en-GB en-ZA eo es-AR es-MX es-VE es-es et eu fa \
fo-FO fr fur-IT fy-NL ga-IE gl gu-IN he hi-IN hr-HR \
hr hsb hu id is it ku la lb-LU lt lv mg-MG mi mn \
nb-NO ne-NP nl nn-NO nr nso ny-MW oc or-IN pa-IN \
pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk-SK sl sq sr ss st sv-SE \
sw-TZ ta tn ts uk ur ve vi xh yi zu
BUILD_DEPENDS = archivers/unzip
.for i in ${LANGUAGES}
COMMENT = $L dictionary for Mozilla
L2 ?= $L
# use the same for all subpackages
PKGDIR = ${.CURDIR}/../pkg
CHECKSUM_FILE = ${.CURDIR}/../distinfo
@${UNZIP} -oq ${FULLDISTDIR}/$L.xpi -d ${WRKDIR} \*.aff
@${UNZIP} -oq ${FULLDISTDIR}/$L.xpi -d ${WRKDIR} \*.dic
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/mozilla-dicts
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/dictionaries/*.aff \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/dictionaries/*.dic \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = af
L2 = af-ZA
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = ak
L2 = ak-GH
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = am-ET
L2 = am_ET
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = ar
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = az-IR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = be
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = bg
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:48 espie Exp $
L = bn-BD
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = ca-valencia
L2 = roa-ES-val
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = ca
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = cs
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = csb
L2 = pl_PL
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = cy-GB
L2 = cy_GB
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = da
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = de-AT
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = de-CH
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = de-DE
.include <>

View File

@ -1,267 +1,3 @@
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/af.xpi) = /FUoJFGgn3R7IXIkQ5nEFQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ak.xpi) = 8fYPtAEazl7UYF1i5VMlMw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/am-ET.xpi) = kESHiMwx7h1Rcox3hUKKLQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ar.xpi) = PsrkCwu6q75yqHXVC/zwZA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/az-IR.xpi) = 19jNnuLy+ig0zjQw/aO83w==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/be.xpi) = r+K/z9UpAJ2/9nSsW7ci9A==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bg.xpi) = 4LDEld0k8nyxftRnSZRSPg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bn-BD.xpi) = PARuB8chzpBav5Ei9WkiVA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca-valencia.xpi) = ezGcqcw1vi441y2g7qdyhA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca.xpi) = ah4K1tYMxr8PK0J/wzF3Sg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cs.xpi) = bAx1MP3t4ROhsHlMahn9cQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/csb.xpi) = HRKkRCBUtZzUyPjQSKLHBw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cy-GB.xpi) = 8Scl9icZSdQUbuBVgDgdlw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/da.xpi) = 5MVl6lq2Bp/3buOkz4YKDg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-AT.xpi) = WbgSk321GJqA2ep7UaqRXA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-CH.xpi) = Vnxbly0JU/iTZA4OVkS1LA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-DE.xpi) = sRT/GZy5LqjxHcQxzcQxXA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/dsb.xpi) = Tap72N7iSYDPuSWobh8PYg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/el.xpi) = RB4KNFH0sZHNT1LkGl/5lA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-AU.xpi) = Yt03KjBkLkn5k7CMu0fmgg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-CA.xpi) = k/Mp7Rcc8tryByReZAfePQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-GB.xpi) = CUNKxBErTd+djYi6TGjYYA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-ZA.xpi) = xZvVRLwiPU4KUlWzsg5mtg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eo.xpi) = vLnNJUice5Wq8eYqof6ung==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-AR.xpi) = xPP1HeRYn8WL1bNgBS4rVQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-MX.xpi) = I/DKFbbl6ew78ClTxtmerQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-VE.xpi) = UiVztzQayfL6kbQSPf2myA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-es.xpi) = +ITt9lFhnFWekqSF2Yfl4A==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/et.xpi) = DMT3NOItqfIvlT10DROyyg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eu.xpi) = MihqGT8PwKQxMtAsRRBpdw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fa.xpi) = UjQ+jFegEsN7kONIvKIzww==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fo-FO.xpi) = lB9NbG71QN7Rm72DuQm3Eg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fr.xpi) = Zfe/1VTMDyCi7Jh/wexYNQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fur-IT.xpi) = 7o2Uk1J4LgxaxAeEcStoOQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fy-NL.xpi) = SeWSZYUpryybZ6JLgXRT2g==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ga-IE.xpi) = PiAx4VAEUDiOEwm4jEdSmw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gl.xpi) = 191sCn2mxtJGrDP/qJWNVA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gu-IN.xpi) = xYHHb8eD1ugCzpeCulhtEg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/he.xpi) = tY/qSCf6zShuENcxp9G5EA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hi-IN.xpi) = vR/8Nv3HaE+R1JY2IgZIEg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr-HR.xpi) = G9nKLdfPv+3qWXkEYv40pA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr.xpi) = 348exwLm6P8yjVJR0p4+iA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hsb.xpi) = SizcG91uLhLZ5OEiyfnMhA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hu.xpi) = 2SHdkvayMWFy9dcxV1TOGQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/id.xpi) = XKazg+x6SU/WxckBiz4zAw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/is.xpi) = acXHsR3CRQSXDlVSjZbFNw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/it.xpi) = B6ruciZGuFsLHAn1y+yJ1w==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ku.xpi) = NSgyzWYCvIKokWTDAzDA+g==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/la.xpi) = U8NehhqSgeSnud6vtQzGSg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lb-LU.xpi) = jAtmdr4HqQdyJuhOJDxCfw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lt.xpi) = 6UMvo4i7WZMZll8lDV6Lwg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lv.xpi) = 2/o6fDe3jSoP3mpmpVvj8A==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mg-MG.xpi) = SRSr2v9h19N3USS5JvHbRQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mi.xpi) = m42FhY+ocROnm8ii3nersA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mn.xpi) = xNVqgVYfdp2rmk/+I/r+DA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nb-NO.xpi) = W5y1QZKO9cQmJir6yVwnSw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ne-NP.xpi) = vs0uOEHbpNrU+4YypxPSMQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nl.xpi) = 8oW/jHWiCn7MV5HkpVAvhg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nn-NO.xpi) = EbQ3GyPAFbFbben8+X+1PA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nr.xpi) = 9qVVPDWqKw74Ig80+ieQPw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nso.xpi) = 4mvchK7cE1BRKvtTsk5bYg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ny-MW.xpi) = ZJ7YnUsYBBUzfsoDmSUQWw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/oc.xpi) = zpIyjNqFPnUzXVw/lCIeqQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/or-IN.xpi) = NRiCIvjWl0dm0Bp7PPXvWg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pa-IN.xpi) = Yq2tkV1MKMR4Dyt0IumQ7g==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pl.xpi) = n9u7aVeB1iORBksG2KRcfQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-BR.xpi) = ATGp2QjG5Nn4NzyHa+b91w==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-PT.xpi) = MhE2ZYo9FSt1sD+dQpun/A==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ro.xpi) = +QVaMXMNenjcxfU5dCY3dg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ru.xpi) = JpqL3TilZBtfbPsScV8QKQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sk-SK.xpi) = DeSyNAMJc/j9dhAgypXEPA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sl.xpi) = I86ADb1q7q2nQ/Dzbhsn9Q==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sq.xpi) = YWF8wSLLexcRsaWpyj8zxw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sr.xpi) = U4zRupUUCyMFh0TvZKXyDg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ss.xpi) = 1BhOnqSQhCZlF6ILzxKd3g==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/st.xpi) = dmh2S2iXq3oTw5eQyWV9fw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sv-SE.xpi) = O8B9DalGZXuA3DPjJiXWMg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sw-TZ.xpi) = N0/ql109fCyEBfrAG8AFgg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ta.xpi) = M4lEhblcYAm2v7oirjW5Sw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/tn.xpi) = xrGa2v02RJNQPfHUJrRJ4A==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ts.xpi) = dAzqlhj+sRG0eFqn5a/dqw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/uk.xpi) = jzfURJAnRMobetX6sNXREw==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ur.xpi) = 4VNf1mAR5KFdsn9YnKN+1Q==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ve.xpi) = jRjtxfhdcNOgMbzPXDPADg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/vi.xpi) = HeMb315rBzNuRn+YLpR4qA==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/xh.xpi) = bWW7ra1BdJRtX2Jx76WCUQ==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/yi.xpi) = mmoY3AVOUXCvnoN/ktLeOg==
MD5 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/zu.xpi) = xB8LZ4wyNAcVfk7MwvhSfA==
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/af.xpi) = PF2kJHKMFDxUcqIAGru/m68DeEM=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ak.xpi) = PBHjLxCTntnVRvieBki96R3F4Ow=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/am-ET.xpi) = BgbbuXUAE7anfXFvCNT6Ty7fw1Y=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ar.xpi) = z0bZerv4gneRdchFaDlg4p9DnJY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/az-IR.xpi) = UcFZR+FnJ+vOMBU1AfNkqYxWuzg=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/be.xpi) = izJwPA4MuoPtgvpQLOvK9Qyvrvc=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bg.xpi) = brKAI/7nGq228w2DaZvtu7DKYyg=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bn-BD.xpi) = 2HaBGHVERnztL4D2QjqCVle6spY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca-valencia.xpi) = D0UEk9/Z0ZIMwF33QzDYteBFMJo=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca.xpi) = etUiRCS6eb0+xDiu120UmFSK1FU=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cs.xpi) = 9yKL/daVbsqHYVTsD8DNjS6lMQ4=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/csb.xpi) = XqbEPr7Vz4B7M2keLGEBdZ7et18=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cy-GB.xpi) = 065ucOXFzhwcOH6rOtdMlKq/F5o=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/da.xpi) = XTk/9cidtl69kpj8Ns5aVs0TZZ4=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-AT.xpi) = yjv9b/REDTzWJ/4laxlUSWTzD3w=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-CH.xpi) = rVfp9a5ku0fZIsd+tLmooFLrIAw=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-DE.xpi) = 4nK6NlWDwyqx53reOizwdRMXqnw=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/dsb.xpi) = 12IaaiGqVfjHjIeom8BCLEm6ve8=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/el.xpi) = ng3i4rZB8gqytComvCwOHMH5p98=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-AU.xpi) = 4SRtHH/gynfXJZI4xV6DBn/tSdE=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-CA.xpi) = NiDZA/kHt2daQtWPvDx1ujGU34k=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-GB.xpi) = TJ3Og7c79q08c5ETpLY0AfU9s5I=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-ZA.xpi) = +DDweKK/uZc2+k5KDIxkLdsICfk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eo.xpi) = FnqWB9sTqtxRcktNlvjd93vtyX0=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-AR.xpi) = OA3Gvne365JOQSyJtqVkgEi4n9c=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-MX.xpi) = SSHejwky1giy0j5rf7swsFLMJsw=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-VE.xpi) = avLqyVqFrzAuE1393BjoKvL2PaA=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-es.xpi) = YztYd9gW6RuPQ+fJ7zUtpTkHuCM=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/et.xpi) = VxtBaXkIW9nhrvDufXi6FGAltD0=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eu.xpi) = azoiSg8pt+qjvPxRTKciUbpYVEA=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fa.xpi) = 1J2G2d6Rf0Cp3pw1FoLPg0KTgpQ=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fo-FO.xpi) = hKVfMBVEUkXZ9hBze0Eh0Z7IeW4=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fr.xpi) = QGlZv9qTgjtfH4TfNwIDiBSsHuQ=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fur-IT.xpi) = qnOipy8owIEhBomVq59bblm4WcU=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fy-NL.xpi) = fVjZaMsdc92iTWQvDInf+5vjlk8=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ga-IE.xpi) = wVmoAzPmcDHEO3+tcpRMmxWMJQQ=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gl.xpi) = 8EM/SBPqSCY4BLoA850CYZfXMPY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gu-IN.xpi) = dBLXTPkxJWMCPCWRhsj2CcuON8I=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/he.xpi) = dNK5w5u5kuW5eZvXyIkC6sdZPsc=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hi-IN.xpi) = ib/lqnGODL0ia6ALcl9hYV2eat4=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr-HR.xpi) = wrOrU0v7SYflu5bA1kbDmi9mFy4=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr.xpi) = ASzh4kPtJbf+T/RRVz4d5B1pZVU=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hsb.xpi) = olMU6cMWu4WTgH4O+g72Qr5jEBk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hu.xpi) = BKH0Scjct3tkHwdX89G9yLD4qx8=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/id.xpi) = ZzhJK4NmPMRrlG7K1Cg0rXAV3B0=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/is.xpi) = JOu4aae2EeXnDysov0yV+N5ntos=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/it.xpi) = LfAFgPvUlRQQJWw1kkAVQGxx2yQ=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ku.xpi) = jzi3X+lD6FVrk7f/RE132QWZLHY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/la.xpi) = JWtlX7yGnWBD/93WzMF7/nCam+U=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lb-LU.xpi) = v3syYRYSKv/Zgduda+I879oQOjo=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lt.xpi) = 7lWMDrHSF9Q2t0RJuo/pHEviyuE=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lv.xpi) = OTwJvu7wln9m/mOc3V9AXeSVHwQ=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mg-MG.xpi) = xmHske9H6uafRbIvtsWHpCc5G7Q=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mi.xpi) = 1h1Mg4a4nq19sl8tl+KfefCPJgY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mn.xpi) = MjgihUeqos79tqPWDHAR43O8Xqo=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nb-NO.xpi) = MBWFWfcLOJIW7eWoj10jswV20HY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ne-NP.xpi) = Bq5DRBOXtGuoQWBVwjOtQsGBQto=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nl.xpi) = cFnNMFCo6YkAD5ILAwE5XiAqWFk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nn-NO.xpi) = u4X29iXgeAzy7Mq3ArGkgUOY6G8=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nr.xpi) = Is7HOgkipTL0PZHf23IpWeQqEvk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nso.xpi) = m9IXCr2DJ4A4+6AXOha5m5gaM7A=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ny-MW.xpi) = sYGbvrNDfwF8bqQcJE3g4aRv9HU=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/oc.xpi) = DHpmzvk98tVDsiXTHujG2pvQ2So=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/or-IN.xpi) = Yf/V8xvjgcKpO5GVf9pxk0c+16g=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pa-IN.xpi) = EqIo0dM89yRCqU8caPFk0Dcsd8k=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pl.xpi) = lRypREJyC3JQ26gvMsXJZPIqhPo=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-BR.xpi) = /8ShZdUNNv05N6eAKocMzEROu0s=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-PT.xpi) = C4yf0iwx32QWrpr7HqagypfnRog=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ro.xpi) = Rv2vHHx5k+NglbMVgOIt2wvY9Fs=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ru.xpi) = FhfLdLA1Vd9SvOomOyQPlbchqoI=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sk-SK.xpi) = TWc5uKOnwtYT74JoZ09nEsoKN8s=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sl.xpi) = v+UcJKd9/HuxmX/Hs7aG6sbpKBk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sq.xpi) = dPskCib6juh2wacnBu00S/YRuU0=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sr.xpi) = Sg727dQZneP5MrCAbkb1l2CJobM=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ss.xpi) = 1iAHI0fIVI/Ps6TD3N/9zMyACbs=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/st.xpi) = QzP+iJ/g+QV9GR5nyONsHOd3ltM=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sv-SE.xpi) = ZnjjQpcEPXdgZ4mwSXsAAxO7DAY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sw-TZ.xpi) = 9n/BFwTxVUUy+K4ZHYs/h5Qi1lc=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ta.xpi) = SXUBExxSZP0gk8LQHNJgI6mhvms=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/tn.xpi) = coE/OorhkPfUTxFkiXpaEROJgLw=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ts.xpi) = /+4/t34N4upN6na1BlwTAL56KTU=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/uk.xpi) = n2h0vBWwg+uDyDsdwZ+HwWU/n+8=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ur.xpi) = +lumySxctQk4RZvLDdfJZYVXdRY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ve.xpi) = FoFBCKTfYxI5iXbued3B7f6I2JE=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/vi.xpi) = UcLww7GMyDrCb6Va0yryb5fEbBY=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/xh.xpi) = 11au9ouuxUDRplymomXSqE3SAMk=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/yi.xpi) = wYMdivg48hJ0w5eLO5CyyGJAG6o=
RMD160 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/zu.xpi) = XXJqGEUbS3ZHReYhuyCnZ6q5PH4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/af.xpi) = 28JHx3p1b6FyuYOqtrA4zvUtF10=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ak.xpi) = laD3FbNkxzPSVDHhekA4XPCb+5M=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/am-ET.xpi) = EKpeEpLiZz4xkUAqFxNdGN26znE=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ar.xpi) = 4CEItzAouyRidcszpWaDNgXxxIM=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/az-IR.xpi) = DebqSOpCi0jzy80Fj6ftE2yMFFA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/be.xpi) = IijthylSo0Q4ELaR1KVbXuWFotQ=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bg.xpi) = 7Thl3yAE1CXjvgtM1W4G7XXoYtw=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/bn-BD.xpi) = m3jB78piVx/jd/I3hldC6H1VwOA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca-valencia.xpi) = YBGTGo/U0SUVar3pmwKPgI6TzDk=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ca.xpi) = Vj0OSlo1X0tN7JdQc066/9ZM+kw=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cs.xpi) = rIGZBX5OcA/jMv4GWUynI9CLr78=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/csb.xpi) = /Y2gWm6NWVYcr9fvPabcdNJTGXE=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/cy-GB.xpi) = 3U95xmVOqvuGzQzwkddIK4//cWU=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/da.xpi) = knHWBeGe9dgvCkUEGe50C5+XdLA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-AT.xpi) = r42T/N5TWGFb3qbae7aUDoDaE3c=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-CH.xpi) = DKqHTlFiD1AplLPfFoh7I/+Akts=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/de-DE.xpi) = fYUR7QScMCcwK7RudfBRsH8VIw4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/dsb.xpi) = wvkQkbk0Cjl9HpMmepDpFfcxxQQ=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/el.xpi) = 1rorX+rT7GG2jkS07h5s8shEKZQ=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-AU.xpi) = znu3JLePS2efmlGsIBo9Zfa1bG8=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-CA.xpi) = dSk1RWB8QDvjJ2VzMH/ybgZI4Us=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-GB.xpi) = Jb3AG9eln73YuvHhPiKu2gt7UVQ=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/en-ZA.xpi) = b6WgRl0bl8sq/BSQZ9gAAOuVmEs=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eo.xpi) = q1eYZh7gShOboYfyxvOaVOnNF2E=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-AR.xpi) = mgFRKL9B1eIO6RDoaTJrggBafpg=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-MX.xpi) = LAoMu5XE1nFD3JKaSMPZtu43nf4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-VE.xpi) = Ne2KLAJzf83/1zrwSGfL0Mzaqdk=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/es-es.xpi) = HQXjBB6tJjL5TWNuAP6FzMPErUs=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/et.xpi) = zM2wyBcIquRW/JpBzyDomS9XGTo=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/eu.xpi) = kUCO7ae0nyUZJ5cu7G0pbDo3Rik=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fa.xpi) = XATh+jhLQdc96udk7lRXB1FYkw4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fo-FO.xpi) = P9sOzB0ieo4RE5ePxhJNOFEbE6U=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fr.xpi) = 7DZ8gnqJFxTa242wOpbKyYSK3vM=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fur-IT.xpi) = zX5itPGBNRQJ7rC0RIDntJDoH9o=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/fy-NL.xpi) = ZxVz3BcKvyaIFR3bxjQ+qLtVV4Y=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ga-IE.xpi) = KMkgvdmMUXrJgibpcEQ24+Zf3dk=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gl.xpi) = TfBw01/wv9YaO32xKOT71p4xzJA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/gu-IN.xpi) = b6qltn6EaZ1XeO8YzKZo2uTTwxM=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/he.xpi) = /oY/Kk5xe1sfBpbO/yLaYiRuaaM=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hi-IN.xpi) = qBY0PrnHFyloSK4TOb1tHR4aatU=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr-HR.xpi) = 6su29dQ2BfbhXy3EK4xxBdNwvwA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hr.xpi) = d58Vg1B/g1TiPWlu1Jra7KZZ2rI=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hsb.xpi) = kraT6Z92vTAeUKqNvJNdn/KEG2o=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/hu.xpi) = km3JTLiI7CiUuqAPULTCNP9pmFI=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/id.xpi) = iTbafOwpSYQQIp7ooPzTqeZQMI8=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/is.xpi) = O/DprvhQ7gYJ2R+NmVV1oFmvOFQ=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/it.xpi) = a+meuxxXxXGzjxrgv9KeQaMbkqg=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ku.xpi) = SyBvxO6LQI+Kk2YqCb1d8T74Vzs=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/la.xpi) = iAEKMmKi5XV5dM7kbBBdR9HWhCA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lb-LU.xpi) = MWB3Quq0HUsokk2/KFsM+gqD/oI=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lt.xpi) = zFI/TlPlerOjvRQSsNmAJGKrgZs=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/lv.xpi) = dHLHYYwjqjMBBXIhP05jqeoD36U=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mg-MG.xpi) = yc53v5G43PUWmnMWloZt4RRTF1M=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mi.xpi) = VlxIGZ1x9VbW7CHFWLkBvXmijp0=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/mn.xpi) = KEM6Uic7JXhJyJahcpbnUFAiAck=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nb-NO.xpi) = Ap4bdS21Om7WL+zVGlUkcTYk2HY=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ne-NP.xpi) = 2/GZ4Q0pswjxaWBnMBWSb9Xqi7c=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nl.xpi) = pDVbUU7zEUkuWx5vM+tstkVMGxA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nn-NO.xpi) = 9CIuf5wdpINLhVTP5vvTATxB+u4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nr.xpi) = jRE+v2lnavMajKwjm0VSEcPxZCw=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/nso.xpi) = O63F9bMcAjbsJmE5p+l5z7vs1a8=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ny-MW.xpi) = MBtiGJfDbKnIqa27TFe/oXJHgJI=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/oc.xpi) = v5C2URybsLR0xhn3SpdMO2XF0mA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/or-IN.xpi) = Abe95NJ02wvRFDFPWZ+RTfe7KDY=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pa-IN.xpi) = OFtCrq6lxzoUx9kCrW7k+QAS7fw=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pl.xpi) = vmz3byQeMPTkbZU8WfjCORonht8=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-BR.xpi) = kFUly/kauvtwRLZz0rbZB6AwqNA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/pt-PT.xpi) = wrwJtm+0QTu3caiZi35Lk6NQj7I=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ro.xpi) = lET8PSwIvUPv1gHBHAzVJKLC6q4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ru.xpi) = EOF3i7qn9coBYNEvGS5br8LHYYc=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sk-SK.xpi) = twyhRYaxrsPFPAfSfVaKAdJ5lds=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sl.xpi) = WHxYipeRU8h2qq9j0+eY1LlHj/I=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sq.xpi) = jDHy1JWaUD1bs8abI2sbJKT7kFI=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sr.xpi) = A6+ORLthUcr5J0WilGte/hIhPQM=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ss.xpi) = QidJlwavNhBMMujIPoGUPvctwXU=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/st.xpi) = iSIYjFj5HLguoqu8oXUq6Vnov1Y=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sv-SE.xpi) = mzYc6k6dUpwZbeOnI5ZDJINBeFU=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/sw-TZ.xpi) = QJansMztwjL3oFnMAwgbqJc2n0A=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ta.xpi) = u9SMZirJrueVz2yM6G5Tc7bY6ao=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/tn.xpi) = BRINqWG286pRxZMAhSEo3TK9Adc=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ts.xpi) = ody9STSk5aG6RrFYjOykHDuA69A=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/uk.xpi) = m9CWztkqtdzXkvvA8XXNOIPBdl4=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ur.xpi) = LNlkgHRgVNo7GJ9TtnpSLlW90xA=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ve.xpi) = OpINSo+/mPWN+sJn8JR8Yx6MvAo=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/vi.xpi) = k/faiAXWKV/WOn+bYLYsPHwd7mo=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/xh.xpi) = oEgZExx5DXM0X9vQMwiuPXwiucY=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/yi.xpi) = MAAIc0LPRTZU+ezI2Uq26ZBw+To=
SHA1 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/zu.xpi) = y7r3l4tvJFA4+Tx0yDIozJREy5g=
SHA256 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/af.xpi) = 7QrIw+hkzuZNQ/PXSytrYu08fcbCrauNu0NTkTIVk2g=
SHA256 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/ak.xpi) = QX4R2OasFCyruvT8bkTn44vFYS9QRyUgEtD4H4O98tY=
SHA256 (mozilla-dicts-1.3/am-ET.xpi) = r5OvPvqGUwU/YBe85wGeUvTlJKcSvyBjKL+8k91kYdI=

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = dsb
L2 = Lower Sorbian
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = el
L2 = el-GR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = en-AU
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = en-CA
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = en-GB
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = en-ZA
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = eo
L2 = eo-EO
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = es-AR
L2 = es_AR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = es-MX
L2 = es_MX
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = es-VE
L2 = es_VE
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = es-es
L2 = es-ES
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = et
L2 = et-EE
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = eu
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = fa
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = fo-FO
L2 = fo_FO
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = fr
L2 = fr-xx-classique
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = fur-IT
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = fy-NL
L2 = fy
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = ga-IE
L2 = ga
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = gl
L2 = gl-ES
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = gu-IN
L2 = gu_IN
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = he
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = hi-IN
L2 = hi_IN
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = hr-HR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = hr
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = hsb
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = hu
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = id
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = is
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = it
L2 = it-IT
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = ku
L2 = ku-TR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = la
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = lb-LU
L2 = lb_LU
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = lt
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = lv
L2 = lv_LV
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = mg-MG
L2 = mg_MG
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = mi
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:49 espie Exp $
L = mn
L2 = mn-MN
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = nb-NO
L2 = nb
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = ne-NP
L2 = ne_NP
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = nl
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = nn-NO
L2 = nn
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = nr
L2 = nr-ZA
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = nso
L2 = nso-ZA
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = ny-MW
L2 = ny_MW
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = oc
L2 = oc-FR
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = or-IN
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/06/22 09:31:50 espie Exp $
L = pa-IN
.include <>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Dictionary (af) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Dictionary (${L}) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (ak) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (am-ET) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (ar) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (az-IR) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (be) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (bg) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (bn-BD) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (ca) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (ca-valencia) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (cs) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (csb) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (cy-GB) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (da) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (de-AT) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (de-CH) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (de-DE) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (dsb) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (el) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (en-AU) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (en-CA) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (en-GB) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (en-ZA) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (eo) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (es-AR) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (es-MX) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (es-VE) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (es-es) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (et) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (eu) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Dictionary (fa) for Firefox and Thunderbird spell-checking feature by MLP.
Mozilla Localization Project, abbreviated as MLP, tries to help and ease
the availability of products toward different world cultures
and languages through the support of the open source community.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More