This commit is contained in:
espie 2000-11-01 16:25:30 +00:00
parent 4db5946610
commit 1874e7e6a3
8 changed files with 64 additions and 1661 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-Imakefile,v 1.1 2000/11/01 16:25:30 espie Exp $
--- Imakefile.orig Fri Dec 22 13:05:52 1995
+++ Imakefile Wed Nov 1 17:11:54 2000
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ FONT = thefont
#ifndef InstallDefaultGardens
#ifdef InstallAppDefFiles
-#define InstallDefaultGardens $(DESTDIR)/$(XAPPLOADDIR)/$(APP)
+#define InstallDefaultGardens $(XAPPLOADDIR)/$(APP)
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ NormalProgramTarget(xmris,$(MRISOBJS),$(
-install :: $(THEBINDIR)/xmris
- $(RM) $(THEBINDIR)/xmsit
- $(LN) ./xmris $(THEBINDIR)/xmsit
+install :: $(DESTDIR)$(THEBINDIR)/xmris
+ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(THEBINDIR)/xmsit
+ cd $(DESTDIR)$(THEBINDIR) && $(LN) xmris xmsit
#endif /* transputerbuild */
@@ -363,11 +363,11 @@ install ::
#ifdef InstallDefaultGardens
XCOMM install default gardens
install :: $(GARDENS)
- MakeDir(InstallDefaultGardens)
+ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)InstallDefaultGardens)
@set dummy $(GARDENS) ; shift ; \
while [ $$# != 0 ] ; \
do \
- (set -x ; $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTAPPFLAGS) $$1 InstallDefaultGardens/$$1) ; \
+ (set -x ; $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTAPPFLAGS) $$1 $(DESTDIR)InstallDefaultGardens/$$1) ; \
shift ; \
#endif /* InstallDefaultGardens */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-Xmris-ad_src,v 1.1 2000/11/01 16:25:30 espie Exp $
--- Xmris-ad.src.orig Fri Dec 22 13:05:55 1995
+++ Xmris-ad.src Wed Nov 1 16:56:26 2000
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
*Monochrome: no
*Gender: he
*Random: no
-*Busywait: no
+*Busywait: yes
*UserName: no
*Font: FONT
*Static: no

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
*** all.c.orig Fri Dec 22 04:05:56 1995
--- all.c Thu Dec 5 14:08:46 1996
*** 638,644 ****
--- 638,646 ----
extern int sys_nerr;
+ #ifndef __OpenBSD__
extern char *sys_errlist[];
+ #endif
int error;

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
*** Xmris-ad.src.orig Fri Dec 22 04:05:55 1995
--- Xmris-ad.src Thu Dec 5 16:18:55 1996
*** 18,24 ****
*Monochrome: no
*Gender: he
*Random: no
! *Busywait: no
*UserName: no
*Font: FONT
*Static: no
--- 18,24 ----
*Monochrome: no
*Gender: he
*Random: no
! *Busywait: yes
*UserName: no
*Font: FONT
*Static: no

View File

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
*** xmred.0.orig Thu Feb 5 12:52:09 1998
--- xmred.0 Thu Feb 5 12:51:56 1998
*** 0 ****
--- 1,528 ----
+ xmred - garden editor for xmris
+ xxmmrreedd [-option ...] [-toolkitoption ...]
+ Mr Ed is a tool for creating and editing alternate gardens
+ for Mr Is. Hopefully its user interface is intuitive
+ enough that most of this manual page need not be read by a
+ casual user.
+ In the default configuration, the main window presents a
+ garden image on the left, a control panel on the right and
+ a list of gardens underneath. Gardens can be loaded and
+ saved using the menu, these then appear in the list below.
+ The insert option loads a file into the copy buffer. It
+ can then be dragged to the desired place in the garden
+ list.
+ To edit a garden (or comment, or include), either select
+ it with a button press and release, or with a drag and
+ drop into the edit box at the lower right. The drag and
+ drop will remove it from the garden list, selection will
+ copy it, and the source garden will be updated too. To
+ delete gardens, drag them to the copy buffer. The main
+ garden display will be updated, if it was a garden being
+ moved to the edit box. The box on the lower right is a
+ copy buffer. You can drag and drop into and out of this to
+ the garden list or one of the edit boxes. Similarly you
+ can drag and drop from the edit boxes to the garden list,
+ and within the garden list itself. Note that drag and drop
+ always removes the source, if it is within the garden
+ list, whereas selection does not delete the source.
+ The control panel shows a set of options, which can be
+ bound to buttons. This can be done either by press and
+ release with the required button, or drag and drop onto
+ the required button's icon. You can bind an option to more
+ than one button. However, press and release on the apples
+ option will simply change the currently selected explicit
+ apple, not necessarily bind that option to a new button.
+ The fill pattern and color can be select by pressing on
+ them. The current garden will be updated. The list of but-
+ tons shows which options are bound to which buttons. You
+ can also change button bindings by pressing the destina-
+ tion button with the pointer over the button with the
+ required option's icon, or by drag and drop from button to
+ button.
+ The six options are,
+ AAppppllee This selects where apples from one of the four sets
+ of explicit apple locations are placed. To select
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 1
+ which set is being controlled, press on the rele-
+ vant quadrant of the icon. One of these sets is
+ used when Mr Is is used with the +random option.
+ You can place apples anywhere there isn't a path,
+ even in an unstable location, which will immedi-
+ ately fall. Placing an explicit apple on a path,
+ will fill the path.
+ RRaannddoomm This controls where apples may be placed randomly,
+ if Mr Is is started with the -random option. Apples
+ will only be placed on the specified locations, or
+ where ever an explicit apple could be located.
+ Unless you specify otherwise, random apples may be
+ located anywhere there isn't a path, even unstable
+ locations which will immediately fall. Placing a
+ random apple on a path, will fill the path.
+ CChheerrrryy This controls where cherries are located. There
+ must be at least one cherry on a garden. Cherries
+ may be located anywhere on the board.
+ PPaatthh This controls where the initial path is. Each loca-
+ tion on the board consists of a centre and four
+ edges. Depending on the exact location of the
+ pointer, you will select either the centre, or an
+ edge. Filling a path will place a random apple in
+ the filled location. The four locations immediately
+ below the
+ PPllaayyeerr This controls where the player starts from. There
+ must be exactly one such location.
+ DDeenn This controls where the monsters start from. There
+ must be at least one den.
+ The list of totals show the counts for the explicit
+ apples, cherries, random apples required, apple spaces,
+ unstable apple positions, dens and player positions. A
+ warning is shown on the left of any which are inconsis-
+ tant, or out of range. The number of apples for a garden
+ can be set by moving the scroll bar at the left of the
+ apple icon. Note that when you change the number of
+ apples, or add or remove explicit apples, a warning will
+ change on on some or all of the explicit apple counts.
+ This is just to remind you that you must do some more work
+ on the garden, before it is consistant. There are two
+ types of random apple spaces, stable and unstable. The
+ unstable space count is shown with an arrow in it, the
+ other apple space count shows the total number of apple
+ spaces. The hazzard warning on the unstable count, just
+ shows that you have some unstable apple positions (this
+ may be intentional on your part). The hazzard on the total
+ apple space count indicates that there are less spaces
+ than the number of apples you specified for the garden.
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 2
+ Below this is a comment box for the garden. Selecting this
+ will pop up a dialog which you can enter information about
+ the garden.
+ At the lower right of the control panel is a display mode
+ selector. There are three display modes. The first shows
+ all the explicit apple positions, 4 to a cell when
+ required. The second shows only one set of explicit
+ apples, the set selected using the apples option quadrant.
+ The final mode shows none of the explicit apples, just the
+ random apple spaces.
+ The garden display is on the left of this. It shows the
+ currently edited garden. Clicking or dragging a mouse but-
+ ton on this area will perform the option currently bound
+ to that button. You will notice the totals change when you
+ do this.
+ Mr Ed will use colour sprites, if the visual permits it
+ (has a colour map size of more than 15, and you haven't
+ forced monochrome). All the colours bar black and white
+ are user definable. There are four sets, one for each of
+ the four combinations of gender and swap flag. The colours
+ are allocated in reverse order of their distance in colour
+ space, from currently allocated colours (the most distant
+ colours are allocated first). That way, if allocation
+ fails because the colour map is full, an allocated substi-
+ tute colour, which is nearest the desired colour, can be
+ used and the allocated colours are kept maximally distant.
+ You can limit the number of distinct colours with the
+ -distinct option. A warning message is sent to stderr, if
+ a colour allocation fails. The -colours argument shows how
+ these are allocated, and -help -colours can be used to get
+ the colour resource names.
+ Mr Ed accepts the standard X Toolkit options, as well as
+ these.
+ --hheellpp Lists the command options, application resource
+ fields and some other information to stderr. Does
+ not start the game. If the -colours option is sup-
+ plied too, then the colour resource classes are
+ listed instead, with their default values. The for-
+ mat of this list is suitable for inclusion in a
+ resource file. Note, this does not list out the
+ colour values that you would get if you ran the
+ game, as it does not read the color resources.
+ --sswwaapp
+ --rrvv
+ --rreevveerrssee
+ Normally the foreground is black and the background
+ white, this swaps them round. On colour systems,
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 3
+ this may also alter other colours.
+ ++sswwaapp
+ --nnoosswwaapp
+ Override a swap resource in your resources, to
+ force unswapped colours.
+ --mmoonnoo Use black and white, even on colour displays.
+ (Unfortunately, the obvious option, '-bw', is
+ already nabbed by the toolkit as borderwidth.)
+ --mmrriiss
+ --mmssiitt
+ --ggeennddeerr _g_e_n_d_e_r
+ Mr Ed has two sets of sprites. Mris selects the
+ classic sprites, while msit selects a more modern
+ set. Valid genders are 'he', 'she', 'female',
+ 'male', 'msit', 'mris', 'boy', 'girl'.
+ --ddeepptthh _d_e_p_t_h
+ Mr Ed will use the default depth of the screen. You
+ may wish to override that by using this option.
+ Selecting a different depth may affect the visual
+ selected.
+ --vviissuuaall _v_i_s_u_a_l_-_c_l_a_s_s
+ Mr Ed will pick the default visual, but you can
+ override that by specifying a particular visual
+ class. Valid visuals are 'PseudoColor', 'Direct-
+ Color', 'TrueColor', 'StaticColor', 'GrayScale',
+ and 'StaticGray'. To see which one is picked, you
+ can use the -colours option. If you do select a
+ non-default visual, you may have to specify a pri-
+ vate colour map too, due to limitations of the
+ server or display.
+ --pprriivvaattee
+ This forces Mr Ed to allocate a private colour map.
+ Normally Mr Ed will share the default colour map of
+ the selected visual, but if that does not have
+ enough free colour cells then some colours will
+ have to be shared.
+ --ccoolloouurrss
+ --ccoolloorrss
+ Show how the colours are allocated, and which
+ visual has been selected. The allocation is listed
+ to stdout. When allocating each colour, its
+ resource name and rgb values are listed together
+ with the nearest already allocated colour and the
+ distance between them in colour space. The allo-
+ cated pixel number is printed last. If given with
+ the -help option, the colour resource classes are
+ listed, and the game does not start.
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 4
+ --ddiissttiinncctt _n
+ Sets the number of distinct colours used. This can
+ be used to limit the number of colours used from
+ the colour map. Black and white are not included,
+ and neither are the two writable colours used for
+ the garden backgrounds on dynamic visuals. Note
+ that -distinct 0 is different from -mono, even
+ though both will only use black and white.
+ Mr Ed uses the X toolkit application resource mechanism
+ for setting up the environment. Application resource items
+ start with 'Xmris', so that Mr Ed will pick up your
+ defaults for Mr Is. The resource name can be derived from
+ the given resource class by decapitalizing it. For example
+ 'cherryStalk' is the resource name for the class 'cher-
+ ryStalk'. The following classes are used (choices in '{}'
+ and defaults in '[]'.)
+ XXmmrriiss..RReevveerrsseeVViiddeeoo:: _{_y_e_s_, _n_o_} [[nnoo]]
+ Specifies whether to use swapped colours or not.
+ XXmmrriiss..MMoonnoo:: _{_y_e_s_, _n_o_} [[nnoo]]
+ Whether the default is for monochrome on colour
+ displays.
+ XXmmrriiss..GGeennddeerr:: _g_e_n_d_e_r [[hhee]]
+ Sets the default game gender. Valid genders are
+ 'mris', 'msit', 'she', 'he', 'female', 'male',
+ 'boy', 'girl'.
+ XXmmrriiss..DDeepptthh:: _d_e_p_t_h
+ Set the required screen depth to use.
+ XXmmrriiss..VViissuuaall:: _v_i_s_u_a_l_-_c_l_a_s_s
+ Set the required visual class to use. Valid visuals
+ are 'PseudoColor', 'DirectColor', 'TrueColor',
+ 'StaticColor', 'GrayScale', and 'StaticGray'.
+ XXmmrriiss..PPrriivvaattee:: _{_y_e_s_, _n_o_} [[nnoo]]
+ Set whether or not to use a private colour map.
+ XXmmrriiss..DDiissttiinncctt:: _n
+ Set the number of distinct colours allocated from
+ the colour map.
+ In addition, you have the normal resources such as
+ '*Font'.
+ There are many colour name defaults. For a full descrip-
+ tion see the xmris(6) manual page, but note that not all
+ the colors are used for Mr Ed. Provided that you specified
+ the colour resources for Mr Is loosely enough, Mr Ed will
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 5
+ pick up the same overrides. The foreground color for the
+ Icon widgets is copied from the apple faint color on color
+ visuals (this is important for the noswap color scheme).
+ There are a few resources which are picked up from widgets
+ within the widget tree. They are the initial button bind-
+ ings, colors, fills and mode. The bindings are attached
+ to the individual button displays. The options are
+ 'apple', 'random', 'cherry', 'path', 'player' and 'den'.
+ The colors, fills and mode are attached to the color, fill
+ and mode form widgets. The value must be an integer in the
+ correct range.
+ There is an additional composite resource for children of
+ composite widgets (Paned and SimpleMenu), called 'attach'.
+ This allows you to change the ordering of sibling widgets.
+ Mr Ed uses this resource to determine the correct order to
+ create the sibling widgets. For instance, to get the con-
+ trol panel on the left of the garden widget, use the con-
+ straint '*'. In addition, the wid-
+ gets are created in such an order that Form constraints
+ 'fromHoriz' and 'fromVert' can be specified in any order.
+ There are four new widgets used for Mr Ed, 'Icon', 'Drag',
+ 'Garden' and 'PixmapList'.
+ The Icon widget is a subclass of Simple. It displays a
+ pixmap and allows its selection with any button press. If
+ a button is dragged on it, it may invoke a drag widget to
+ perform a drag operation. It has the following new
+ resources of interest.
+ ddrraaggSSeennssiittiivviittyy:: _p_i_x_e_l_s [[44]]
+ Sets the minimum drag which must occur, before a
+ drag widget is popped up, to take over the drag-
+ ging. When set to zero, dragging is disabled.
+ ffllaasshhDDeellaayy:: _d_e_l_a_y [[110000]]
+ Sets the time for which the widget is highlit after
+ selection. This time is in milliseconds.
+ hhiigghhlliigghhttTThhiicckknneessss:: _p_i_x_e_l_s [[11]]
+ Sets the thickness of the highlight box.
+ ffoorreeggrroouunndd:: _c_o_l_o_r [[ddeeffaauulltt ffoorreeggrroouunndd]]
+ Sets the color of the highlight box and block.
+ The Drag widget is a subclass of OverrideShell. It dis-
+ plays a pixmap, and follows the pointer until a button is
+ released. Its use is for drag and drop. It has no addi-
+ tional resources of user interest.
+ The Garden widget is a subclass of Simple. It performs the
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 6
+ garden editing. It has no additional resources of user
+ interest.
+ The PixmapList widget is a subclass of Simple. It displays
+ a list of pixmaps, and permits them to be scrolled. Each
+ pixmap may be selected by a button press on it, or a drag
+ widget invoked by dragging on a pixmap. In addition to
+ the Icon widget additional resources, it has the following
+ additional resources of user interest.
+ ddiissttaannccee:: _p_i_x_e_l_s [[44]]
+ The distance between each pixmap.
+ ppiixxmmaappBBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh:: _p_i_x_e_l_s [[11]]
+ The border width for each pixmap.
+ ppiixxmmaappBBoorrddeerrCCoolloorr:: _c_o_l_o_r [[ddeeffaauulltt ffoorreeggrroouunndd]]
+ The border color for each pixmap.
+ A few environment variables are used to locate resources.
+ The default display to connect to. May be overridden
+ with the -display option.
+ ~~//..XXddeeffaauullttss
+ ......//aapppp--ddeeffaauullttss//XXmmrriiss..aadd
+ ......//aapppp--ddeeffaauullttss//XXmmrriiss--ccoolloorr..aadd
+ You can place you favourite key bindings and stuff
+ in an application resource file, and Mr Ed will use
+ them, rather than its compiled defaults. See X for
+ information about how these are searched.
+ ......//aapppp--ddeeffaauullttss//xxmmrriiss//<<ggaarrddeennss>>
+ Search path for loadable gardens used by Mr Is.
+ xxmmrriiss(6)
+ If a loaded garden is incorrect, an error dialog is dis-
+ played, enabling you to locate the offending garden and
+ lines.
+ The visual class name conversion is performed by a stan-
+ dard toolkit routine. It accepts only American spelling,
+ the English spelling of 'grey' and 'colour' are not
+ allowed.
+ The Drag widget should perhaps just be a shell, having a
+ single child of Icon, to do the rendering.
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 7
+ The PixmapList widget should perhaps be a composite widget
+ with Icon children. However when I tried this using a Box
+ widget, it didn't work with the insert function.
+ Copyright (C) 1993 Nathan Sidwell.
+ Nathan Sidwell <>
+ <>
+ Additional sprites by Stefan Gustavson <ste-
+ X Version 11 20 December 1993 8

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
*** Imakefile.orig Fri Dec 22 07:05:52 1995
--- Imakefile Sat Apr 25 19:43:25 1998
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,4 ----
+ LOCAL=/usr/X11R6
#ifndef XCOMM
#define XCOMM #
*** 97,103 ****
XCOMM owner and access rights for executable & score directory
XCOMM these are set for a setuid xmris
! OWNER = -o games
XCOMM normal install locations
--- 98,104 ----
XCOMM owner and access rights for executable & score directory
XCOMM these are set for a setuid xmris
! OWNER = -o bin
XCOMM normal install locations
*** 1044,1046 ****
--- 1045,1049 ----
echo Cannot make $@ and cannot find one made. ; \
exit 1 ; \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
$OpenBSD: patch-all_c,v 1.1 2000/11/01 16:25:31 espie Exp $
--- all.c.orig Fri Dec 22 13:05:56 1995
+++ all.c Wed Nov 1 16:56:26 2000
@@ -638,7 +638,9 @@ FUNCARG((stream),
extern int sys_nerr;
+#ifndef __OpenBSD__
extern char *sys_errlist[];
int error;