Punctuation in the xz WARNING.

This commit is contained in:
ajacoutot 2011-06-01 16:04:12 +00:00
parent 11af7ba13f
commit 06abdaec00

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#-*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
# ex:ts=4 sw=4 filetype=make:
# $OpenBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.1081 2011/06/01 12:04:06 espie Exp $
# $OpenBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.1082 2011/06/01 16:04:12 ajacoutot Exp $
# $FreeBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.264 1996/12/25 02:27:44 imp Exp $
# $NetBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.62 1998/04/09 12:47:02 hubertf Exp $
@ -2275,8 +2275,8 @@ ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE}: ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} ${_SYSTRACE_COOKIE}
.if ${_USE_XZ:L} != "no"
@echo ""; \
echo "*** WARNING: this port uses xz distfiles."; \
echo "*** so it won't build on vax."; \
echo "*** and it will be a pain to build on sparc."; \
echo "*** It will not build on vax and"; \
echo "*** will be a pain to build on sparc."; \
echo ""
.if target(pre-extract)