2011-04-11 14:30:32 +00:00
$OpenBSD: patch-libraries_base_System_IO_hs,v 1.2 2011/04/11 14:30:33 kili Exp $
--- libraries/base/System/IO.hs.orig Wed Dec 15 19:10:12 2010
+++ libraries/base/System/IO.hs Sun Dec 19 12:46:34 2010
@@ -183,7 +183,9 @@ module System.IO (
Update to 6.12.2.
Many thanks to Darrin Chandler and dcoppa@ for testing, reporting about
broken stuff, missing dependencies here and in ports depending on ghc.
Notes and rants:
- Bootstrapping is done using precompiled binaries, since .hc
bootstrapping still doesn't work. I really hate this.
At least until someone fixes it. I tried for more than two year
(well, only in my spare time and during my vacations) and failed.
- libgmp is currently disabled, because I didn't yet hack the GHC build
system to use the system libgmp instead of the patched one included
in GHC.
- The haddock ncluded in the ghc distfile is replaced by the version
of haddock found in devel/haddock. Haddock itself is @commented
in the ghc PLIST. Unfortunately, this needs an ugly hack that
introduces an otherwise useless pseudo flavor `no_deps' in
- CLDouble has been removed from GHC some time ago, because it was
an alias for double (AFAIK there's now support for long double
in GHC). As this isn't a really big problem, it currently breaks
c2hs, which I'll mark broken temporarily before committing the
ghc update.
- The external codeset defaults to latin1 (suggested by Simon Marlow)
and can be overridden by setting the HS_ENCODING to any codeset
supported by libiconv.
- ghc.port.mk still needs some love, especially for letting a port add
additional parameters to certain invocations of ${MODGHC_SETUP_PROG}.
2010-04-22 21:49:37 +00:00
-- on your system, which is also available as 'localeEncoding'.
-- (GHC note: on Windows, we currently do not support double-byte
-- encodings; if the console\'s code page is unsupported, then
- -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'.)
+ -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'. On OpenBSD, the default
+ -- encoding is always 'latin1' but can be overridden with the
+ -- environment variable `HS_ENCODING')
-- Encoding and decoding errors are always detected and reported,
-- except during lazy I/O ('hGetContents', 'getContents', and