2009-11-07 15:54:33 +00:00
$OpenBSD: patch-src-other_procedures_tcl,v 1.3 2009/11/07 15:54:33 ajacoutot Exp $
--- src/other_procedures.tcl.orig Sat Aug 30 11:43:00 2008
+++ src/other_procedures.tcl Sat Nov 7 15:47:32 2009
@@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ proc launch {burn_type burn_opt} {
2006-12-23 10:26:57 +00:00
} elseif { $burn_type == "create_iso" } {
# burn_opt contains destination file for ISO image
- if {[catch {open "|dd if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt |& cat"} input]} {
+ if {[catch {open "|dd bs=2048 if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt |& cat"} input]} {
#one blank line to increase readability
- .output_window.f_main.log insert end "dd if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt\n\n"
+ .output_window.f_main.log insert end "dd bs=2048 if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt\n\n"
} else {
fileevent $input readable log_proc
#one blank line to increase readability
- .output_window.f_main.log insert end "dd if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt\n\n"
+ .output_window.f_main.log insert end "dd bs=2048 if=$burning_device of=$burn_opt\n\n"
} elseif { $burn_type == "erase_dvd" } {
# $burn_opt= "" or "force" or "blank"
2009-11-07 15:54:33 +00:00
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ proc disc_to_iso { disc_type } {
button .create_iso_window.f_dest_file.b_mess -highlightbackground blue -text "$i18n_choose_target_file" -command { set dest_file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes {{ {ISO Image} { .iso } } {{All Files} * } } -defaultextension .iso] }
entry .create_iso_window.f_dest_file.e_fp -relief flat -highlightbackground blue -highlightcolor blue -readonlybackground #f5f5f5 -state readonly -textvariable dest_file -width 57
- button .create_iso_window.b_create -highlightbackground red -text "$i18n_create" -command { if { $dest_file == "" } { tk_messageBox -icon error -message $i18n_error_target_file_ns -type ok -title $i18n_error } else {launch "create_iso" "[exec echo $dest_file | sed s/\ /\\\\\ /g -]"; destroy .create_iso_window} }
+ button .create_iso_window.b_create -highlightbackground red -text "$i18n_create" -command { if { $dest_file == "" } { tk_messageBox -icon error -message $i18n_error_target_file_ns -type ok -title $i18n_error } else {launch "create_iso" "[exec echo $dest_file | sed s/\ /\\\\\ /g]"; destroy .create_iso_window} }
button .create_iso_window.b_close -highlightbackground red -text "$i18n_close" -command { destroy .create_iso_window}
pack .create_iso_window.f_dest_file.b_mess -side left -padx {12 12}