151 lines
5.1 KiB
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$OpenBSD: patch-irc_c,v 1.3 2006/04/11 15:11:33 naddy Exp $
--- irc.c.orig Sun Apr 2 04:53:39 2006
+++ irc.c Thu Apr 6 23:42:45 2006
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ irc_t *irc_new( int fd )
irc->userhash = g_hash_table_new( g_str_hash, g_str_equal );
irc->watches = g_hash_table_new( g_str_hash, g_str_equal );
- strcpy( irc->umode, UMODE );
+ strlcpy( irc->umode, UMODE, sizeof(irc->umode) );
irc->mynick = g_strdup( ROOT_NICK );
irc->channel = g_strdup( ROOT_CHAN );
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ irc_t *irc_new( int fd )
set_add( irc, "buddy_sendbuffer_delay", "200", set_eval_int );
set_add( irc, "charset", "iso8859-1", set_eval_charset );
set_add( irc, "debug", "false", set_eval_bool );
- set_add( irc, "default_target", "root", NULL );
+ set_add( irc, "default_target", ROOT_NICK, NULL );
set_add( irc, "display_namechanges", "false", set_eval_bool );
- set_add( irc, "handle_unknown", "root", NULL );
+ set_add( irc, "handle_unknown", ROOT_NICK, NULL );
set_add( irc, "lcnicks", "true", set_eval_bool );
set_add( irc, "ops", "both", set_eval_ops );
set_add( irc, "private", "true", set_eval_bool );
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ int irc_exec( irc_t *irc, char **cmd )
if( g_strcasecmp( t, "last" ) == 0 && irc->last_target )
cmd[1] = irc->last_target;
- else if( g_strcasecmp( t, "root" ) == 0 )
+ else if( g_strcasecmp( t, ROOT_NICK ) == 0 || g_strcasecmp( t, "root" ) == 0 )
cmd[1] = irc->mynick;
for( i = 0; i < strlen( cmd[2] ); i ++ )
@@ -709,8 +709,8 @@ int irc_exec( irc_t *irc, char **cmd )
* cares?
- strcat( buff, u->nick );
- strcat( buff, " " );
+ strlcat( buff, u->nick, sizeof(buff) );
+ strlcat( buff, " ", sizeof(buff) );
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ void irc_reply( irc_t *irc, int code, ch
va_list params;
va_start( params, format );
- g_vsnprintf( text, IRC_MAX_LINE, format, params );
+ g_vsnprintf( text, sizeof(text), format, params );
va_end( params );
irc_write( irc, ":%s %03d %s %s", irc->myhost, code, irc->nick?irc->nick:"*", text );
@@ -915,14 +915,14 @@ void irc_vawrite( irc_t *irc, char *form
conv[IRC_MAX_LINE] = 0;
if( do_iconv( "UTF-8", cs, line, conv, 0, IRC_MAX_LINE - 2 ) != -1 )
- strcpy( line, conv );
+ strlcpy( line, conv, sizeof(line) );
- strcat( line, "\r\n" );
+ strlcat( line, "\r\n", sizeof(line) );
if( irc->sendbuffer != NULL ) {
- size = strlen( irc->sendbuffer ) + strlen( line );
- irc->sendbuffer = g_renew ( char, irc->sendbuffer, size + 1 );
- strcpy( ( irc->sendbuffer + strlen( irc->sendbuffer ) ), line );
+ size = strlen( irc->sendbuffer ) + strlen( line ) + 1;
+ irc->sendbuffer = g_renew ( char, irc->sendbuffer, size );
+ strlcat( irc->sendbuffer, line, size);
irc->sendbuffer = g_strdup(line);
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ void irc_names( irc_t *irc, char *channe
else if( !u->gc )
- if( strcmp( u->nick, irc->mynick ) == 0 && ( strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "root" ) == 0 || strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "both" ) == 0 ) )
+ if( strcmp( u->nick, irc->mynick ) == 0 && ( strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), ROOT_NICK ) == 0 || strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "root" ) == 0 || strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "both" ) == 0 ) )
s = "@";
else if( strcmp( u->nick, irc->nick ) == 0 && ( strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "user" ) == 0 || strcmp( set_getstr( irc, "ops" ), "both" ) == 0 ) )
s = "@";
@@ -1112,15 +1112,19 @@ void irc_motd( irc_t *irc )
irc_reply( irc, 375, ":- %s Message Of The Day - ", irc->myhost );
while( read( fd, linebuf + len, 1 ) == 1 )
- if( linebuf[len] == '\n' || len == max )
+ /* If we have a LF, output the line and START AGAIN */
+ if( linebuf[len] == '\n')
linebuf[len] = 0;
irc_reply( irc, 372, ":- %s", linebuf );
len = 0;
+ continue;
- else if( linebuf[len] == '%' )
+ if( linebuf[len] == '%' )
- read( fd, linebuf + len, 1 );
+ if (read( fd, linebuf + len, 1 ) != 1)
+ break;
if( linebuf[len] == 'h' )
add = irc->myhost;
else if( linebuf[len] == 'v' )
@@ -1129,14 +1133,30 @@ void irc_motd( irc_t *irc )
add = irc->nick;
add = "%";
- strncpy( linebuf + len, add, max - len );
+ /* If the expanded string would be too long, output the line */
+ if ((len + strlen(add)) > max) {
+ linebuf[len] = 0;
+ irc_reply( irc, 372, ":- %s", linebuf );
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ /* Append the string to the line */
+ strlcpy( linebuf + len, add, max - len );
while( linebuf[++len] );
- else if( len < max )
+ else
len ++;
+ /* If we have reached the maximum, output the line */
+ if( len == max )
+ {
+ linebuf[len] = 0;
+ irc_reply( irc, 372, ":- %s", linebuf );
+ len = 0;
+ }
irc_reply( irc, 376, ":End of MOTD" );
close( fd );
@@ -1467,8 +1487,8 @@ int buddy_send_handler( irc_t *irc, user
u->sendbuf = g_renew ( char, u->sendbuf, u->sendbuf_len );
- strcat( u->sendbuf, msg );
- strcat( u->sendbuf, "\n" );
+ strlcat( u->sendbuf, msg, u->sendbuf_len );
+ strlcat( u->sendbuf, "\n", u->sendbuf_len );
delay = set_getint( irc, "buddy_sendbuffer_delay" );
if( delay <= 5 )