70 lines
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70 lines
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$OpenBSD: patch-ubase_util_ml,v 1.1 2005/05/30 19:27:45 sturm Exp $
Post-release developer patch.
o Catch failure of localtime library call.
See http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/pipermail/unison-hackers/2005-May/000092.html
o Fix the order of looking for home directory.
See http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/pipermail/unison-hackers/2005-May/000088.html
--- ubase/util.ml.orig Mon Sep 6 15:15:47 2004
+++ ubase/util.ml Fri May 27 16:59:57 2005
@@ -244,14 +244,18 @@ let time () =
convertUnixErrorsToTransient "time" Unix.time
let time2string timef =
- let time = localtime timef in
- Printf.sprintf
- "%2d:%.2d on %2d %3s, %4d"
- time.Unix.tm_hour
- time.Unix.tm_min
- time.Unix.tm_mday
- (monthname time.Unix.tm_mon)
- (time.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
+ try
+ let time = localtime timef in
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "%2d:%.2d:%.2d on %2d %3s, %4d"
+ time.Unix.tm_hour
+ time.Unix.tm_min
+ time.Unix.tm_sec
+ time.Unix.tm_mday
+ (monthname time.Unix.tm_mon)
+ (time.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
+ with Transient _ ->
+ "(invalid date)"
let percentageOfTotal current total =
(int_of_float ((float current) *. 100.0 /. (float total)))
@@ -355,19 +359,20 @@ let padto n s = s ^ (String.make (max 0
let fileInHomeDir n =
- match osType with
- `Win32 ->
- let dirString =
- try Unix.getenv "USERPROFILE" (* Windows NT/2K *)
- with Not_found ->
- try Unix.getenv "HOME" (* Windows 9x with Cygwin HOME set *)
- with Not_found ->
- try Unix.getenv "UNISON" (* Use UNISON dir if none of
- the above are set *)
- with Not_found -> "c:/" (* Default *) in
- Filename.concat dirString n
- | `Unix ->
- Filename.concat (safeGetenv "HOME") n
+ if osType = `Unix || isCygwin then
+ Filename.concat (safeGetenv "HOME") n
+ else if osType = `Win32 then
+ let dirString =
+ try Unix.getenv "USERPROFILE" (* Windows NT/2K *)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Unix.getenv "HOME" (* Windows 9x with Cygwin HOME set *)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Unix.getenv "UNISON" (* Use UNISON dir if none of
+ the above are set *)
+ with Not_found -> "c:/" (* Default *) in
+ Filename.concat dirString n
+ else
+ assert false (* osType can't be anything else *)
(* "Upcall" for building pathnames in the .unison dir *)