David E. O'Brien 1d149b2708 Update vnterm so it is based on the X11R6.5.1 Xterm rather than the X11R5 one.
This also removes libviqr and the Xfonts from this package as they are now
seperate ports.
2001-02-10 23:56:40 +00:00

223 lines
6.1 KiB

.\" $FreeBSD$
.\" to view this file, use: nroff -man %M% | more
.\" %W% (TriChlor) %G% %U%
.TH vnterm 1V
vnterm \- X-terminal with Vietnamese
.B vnterm
[\fB-vne <erase_ASCII_code>\fP]
.NXR "vnterm command"
Version 3.3 of
.PN vnterm
is an adaptation of the X11R5
.MS xterm 1X
command. This manual page describes only
those features specific to
.PN vnterm ;
please consult the manual page for
.MS xterm 1X
for the rest of the story.
.PN Vnterm
allows the X-environment user to type and
display Vietnamese text. The keyboard input
scheme follows the
7-bit VIQR (VIetnamese Quoted-Readable) standard,
which is based on the prevalent
Vietnamese networking convention of placing Vietnamese
diacritical marks after the vowel, for example: "Vie^.t Nam".
With the appropriate font setting,
.PN vnterm
can display both 7-bit and 8-bit
Vietnamese text. The 7-bit text is assumed
to follow the
and the 8-bit text is according to
(VIetnamese Standard Code for Information Interchange),
both published by the Viet-Std working group
On start-up,
.PN vnterm
attempts to set the tty line to 8-bit mode,
with canonical echoing of control characters turned off
(because the Vietnamese characters "A(? A(~ A^~ Y? Y~ Y."
are encoded in the C0 control-character area).
-/+vnk turn on/off Vietnamese keyboard filter (default on)
-/+vns turn on/off Vietnamese screen output (default off)
-vne ASCII_code explicitly specify erase character
The keyboard and screen options above
can also be found and set
in the
"VT\ Options"
menu of
.PN vnterm ,
which you may access by clicking the CTRL-middle-mouse-button
The corresponding X resources are:
vnterm*font: vn-r14
vnterm*vnFilterKeyboard: on
vnterm*vnFilterScreen: off
vnterm*vnEraseCharacter: 127
.I vnFilterKeyboard
is turned off, no keyboard processing is done and characters
are reported to the underlying application as they are typed.
.I vnFilterKeyboard
turned on,
Vietnamese composition takes place.
The erase character (which is needed to backspace
over the Vietnamese letter being composed)
is figured from the terminal settings at the time
.PN vnterm
is invoked. In those cases where it is necessary
to specify another erase character,
.I vnEraseCharacter
may be used. The argument to this option is
the decimal ASCII code for the desired erase
character. Use 8 for backspace, and 127 for
.I vnFilterScreen
setting is provided as a convenience to the user
who wants to read 7-bit Vietnamese without
having first to convert it to 8-bit format.
When turned on,
.I vnFilterScreen
causes the displayed characters to be interpreted
with exactly the same rules as those applied to
keyboard input. This option is provided
with Soc.Culture.Vietnamese readers
explicitly in mind.
Vnterm starts up in Vietnamese typing mode. There are two other
modes, English and Literal,
each of which is initiated as described below.
.SH "Vietnamese Mode:"
Type "\\V" or "\\v" to start Vietnamese mode,
where Viet-Net style input is supported, for example:
Ca' kho^ng a(n muo^'i ca' u+o+ng
Con ca~i cha me. tra(m ddu+o+`ng con hu+\\.
To prevent composition, use "\\". The example above shows
"hu+\." which tells Vnterm that the ending period is
a period and not a Vietnamese dot-below (da^'u na(.ng).
The diacritics (da^'u) are:
breve ( a(n na(n
circumflex ^ nha^n co^ng
horn + tu+o+ng tu+
acute ' choa'ng va'ng
grave ` lu` khu`
hook above ? ho?i tha(m
tilde ~ ky~ ca`ng
dot below . Nguye^n
dd dd dda ti`nh
DD DD DDo^ng So+n
.SH "English Mode:"
Type "\\M" or "\\m" to start English mode,
where Viet-Net style input is supported,
but must be explicitly announced with a "\\", for example:
C\\a' kh\\o^ng \\a(n mu\\o^'i c\\a' \\u+\\o+ng
Con c\\a~i cha m\\e. tr\\a(m \\dd\\u+\\o+`ng con h\\u+\\.
This mode is useful if you type mostly English and don't
want the trouble of having to type "\\" to escape composition
all the time.
.SH "Literal Mode:"
Typing "\\L" or "\\l" starts the Literal mode,
in which almost all keys are passed literally.
.NXR "vnterm command" "restricted"
.IP o
If your shell is tcsh, you may find that it's unfriendly
to 8-bit data; this means Vietnamese characters cannot
be used. Use csh in the
.PN vnterm
window instead.
.IP o
In some cases
.PN vnterm
may fail to set the terminal mode correctly for 8-bits.
This will happen when your shell is "smart" and undoes the
settings performed by
.PN vnterm
on start-up.
In this case issue the command:
% stty -istrip cs8 pass8
to set the terminal line for 8-bits.
.IP o
Remember that the screen output filter only works strictly
with 7-bit Vietnamese that is conformant to the VIQR
With the Viet-Net style text alone, there are potential
ambiguities which
.PN vnterm
will not interpret correctly, e.g., in displaying
the question "La`m chi?", where the question mark
will be taken to be a hook-above (da^'u ho?i),
and the word displayed as "ch<i?>" (Vietnamese "thread")
rather than as "chi<?>" (Vietnamese "what").
Note that "chi\\?" will be correctly interpreted.
Occasionally, magic sequences such as "\\V",
"\\M", and "\\L" may appear in non-VIQR-conformant text
which will change the state of the screen filter
causing it not to display Vietnamese properly afterwards.
When this happens, simply turn the screen filter
off and on again, by using the CTRL-middle-mouse-button
menu of
.PN vnterm.
4.4BSD porting by David O'Brien <>
Adapted from X11R5's xterm by
Tin Le <>
Adapted from X11R4's xterm by
the TriChlor Group, TriChlor@haydn.Stanford.EDU.
Thanks to Tuan P. Do ( for illustrating
the need for the vnEraseCharacter specifier.
vietterm(1V), vnelvis(1V)
Viet-Std Standardization Specification (Viet-Std@Haydn.Stanford.EDU)