2009-02-01 devel/subversion-devel: Use devel/subversion or devel/subversion-freebsd instead of this port 2009-01-19 devel/hs-hat: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 devel/hs-hpl: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 databases/mysqlbigram: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 mail/claws-mail-clamav: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 mail/sylpheed2-devel: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 www/pecl-mnogosearch: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-31 x11-fonts/mathfonts: This port was supported by Mozilla 1.8 (including Firefox 2.0) - to be replaced by STIX fonts for Firefox 3.x 2009-01-19 x11-wm/fluxspace: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-31 x11-wm/expocity: project has been abandoned 2009-01-19 x11/bbuname: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 security/squidclam: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 print/virtualpaper: depends on broken, expired port 2009-01-19 print/ifhp: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net-p2p/peercast: has been forbidden for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 palm/pdbc: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net-mgmt/NeTraMet: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net-im/sulci: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 multimedia/mjpegtools-yuvfilters: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 multimedia/helixplayer: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 lang/quack: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 misc/pybliographer: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net/versuch: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net/py-mantissa: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net/libunpipc: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net/gnometelnet: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 net/gacxtool: depends on expired, broken port 2009-01-19 devel/py-coro: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 chinese/stardict2-dict-zh_TW: has been broken for more than 6 months 2009-01-19 x11-themes/gtk-industrial-theme: has been broken for more than 6 months
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270 lines
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# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Network management tools
SUBDIR += TkTopNetFlows
SUBDIR += aggregate
SUBDIR += aguri
SUBDIR += aircrack-ng
SUBDIR += airport
SUBDIR += angst
SUBDIR += annextools
SUBDIR += ap-utils
SUBDIR += argus
SUBDIR += argus-clients
SUBDIR += argus-monitor
SUBDIR += argus3
SUBDIR += argus3-clients
SUBDIR += arpalert
SUBDIR += arpscan
SUBDIR += arpwatch
SUBDIR += arts++
SUBDIR += aspathtree
SUBDIR += asused
SUBDIR += bandwidthd
SUBDIR += bgpq
SUBDIR += bigsister
SUBDIR += bpft
SUBDIR += braa
SUBDIR += bsd-airtools
SUBDIR += bsnmp-regex
SUBDIR += bsnmp-ucd
SUBDIR += bsnmptools
SUBDIR += bwm-ng
SUBDIR += cacti
SUBDIR += cacti-spine
SUBDIR += cdpd
SUBDIR += cdpr
SUBDIR += cfgstoragemk
SUBDIR += cflowd
SUBDIR += check_snmp_pkgvuln
SUBDIR += chillispot
SUBDIR += choparp
SUBDIR += cidr
SUBDIR += cisco_conf
SUBDIR += ciscoconf
SUBDIR += clog
SUBDIR += collectd
SUBDIR += coovachilli
SUBDIR += confregdecode
SUBDIR += cowpatty
SUBDIR += cricket
SUBDIR += darkstat
SUBDIR += disco
SUBDIR += docsis
SUBDIR += driftnet
SUBDIR += echolot
SUBDIR += ehnt
SUBDIR += etherape
SUBDIR += ettercap
SUBDIR += ezradius
SUBDIR += fetchconfig
SUBDIR += flow-extract
SUBDIR += flow-tools
SUBDIR += flow-tools-ng
SUBDIR += flowd
SUBDIR += flowscan
SUBDIR += flowviewer
SUBDIR += fprobe
SUBDIR += fruity
SUBDIR += gps
SUBDIR += grepcidr
SUBDIR += grepip
SUBDIR += gsnmp
SUBDIR += horde-nic
SUBDIR += icmpmonitor
SUBDIR += icmpquery
SUBDIR += ifgraph
SUBDIR += iftop
SUBDIR += iog
SUBDIR += ipacco
SUBDIR += ipacctd
SUBDIR += ipaudit
SUBDIR += ipcad
SUBDIR += ipcalc
SUBDIR += ipfm
SUBDIR += ipplan
SUBDIR += ipsectrace
SUBDIR += ipv6calc
SUBDIR += ipv6gen
SUBDIR += irrtoolset
SUBDIR += isic
SUBDIR += jffnms
SUBDIR += junipoll
SUBDIR += kismet
SUBDIR += knowlan
SUBDIR += lanmap
SUBDIR += libsmi
SUBDIR += macroscope
SUBDIR += mbrowse
SUBDIR += mrtg
SUBDIR += mrtg-ping-probe
SUBDIR += mtrace
SUBDIR += nagcon
SUBDIR += nagios
SUBDIR += nagios2
SUBDIR += nagios-certexp-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios-check_bacula
SUBDIR += nagios-check_ports
SUBDIR += nagios-devel
SUBDIR += nagios-geom
SUBDIR += nagios-pf-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-portaudit
SUBDIR += nagios-radauth-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios-silfreed-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-snmp-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-spamd-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios12
SUBDIR += nagiosgraph
SUBDIR += nagiostat
SUBDIR += nagircbot
SUBDIR += nat
SUBDIR += nav
SUBDIR += nbtscan
SUBDIR += ndoutils
SUBDIR += ndpmon
SUBDIR += nedi
SUBDIR += nefu
SUBDIR += net-snmp
SUBDIR += net-snmp-tkmib
SUBDIR += net-snmp4
SUBDIR += net-snmp53
SUBDIR += netams
SUBDIR += netdisco
SUBDIR += netleak
SUBDIR += netmask
SUBDIR += netmond
SUBDIR += netspoc
SUBDIR += nettop
SUBDIR += netustad
SUBDIR += netwag
SUBDIR += netwox
SUBDIR += netxms
SUBDIR += nfdump
SUBDIR += nfdump-devel
SUBDIR += nfsen
SUBDIR += nfsen-devel
SUBDIR += ng_ipacct
SUBDIR += nipper
SUBDIR += nitpicker
SUBDIR += nocol
SUBDIR += nrg
SUBDIR += nrpe
SUBDIR += nrpe2
SUBDIR += nrpep
SUBDIR += nsca
SUBDIR += nsca-client
SUBDIR += nstreams
SUBDIR += ocsinventory-agent
SUBDIR += ocsinventory-ng
SUBDIR += openlldp
SUBDIR += openvmps
SUBDIR += oproute
SUBDIR += ourmon
SUBDIR += p0f
SUBDIR += p5-Altoids
SUBDIR += p5-Cflow
SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-Reconfig
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate-IP
SUBDIR += p5-MRTG-Parse
SUBDIR += p5-Mon
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugins-Memcached
SUBDIR += p5-Net-ACL
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Abuse-Utils
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Resolver
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv4Addr
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv6Addr
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Netmask
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-IOS
SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP
SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-SNMP
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Info
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Util
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP_Session
SUBDIR += p5-Telnet-Cisco
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-NetAddr-IP
SUBDIR += packit
SUBDIR += pads
SUBDIR += pancho
SUBDIR += pftabled
SUBDIR += php4-snmp
SUBDIR += php5-snmp
SUBDIR += phpip
SUBDIR += pixilate
SUBDIR += pktstat
SUBDIR += pmacct
SUBDIR += pnp
SUBDIR += portmon
SUBDIR += py-flowtools
SUBDIR += py-ipy
SUBDIR += py-snmp
SUBDIR += py-snmp2
SUBDIR += py-snmp4
SUBDIR += py-snmp4-apps
SUBDIR += py-snmp4-mibs
SUBDIR += py-twistedSNMP
SUBDIR += py-yapsnmp
SUBDIR += rancid
SUBDIR += rancid-devel
SUBDIR += rate
SUBDIR += rcpd
SUBDIR += remarp
SUBDIR += rotorouter
SUBDIR += routers2
SUBDIR += routers2-extensions
SUBDIR += routers2-extras
SUBDIR += rrdbot
SUBDIR += rubygem-snmp
SUBDIR += satellite
SUBDIR += sblim-wbemcli
SUBDIR += scdp
SUBDIR += scli
SUBDIR += scotty3
SUBDIR += sdig
SUBDIR += send
SUBDIR += sendip
SUBDIR += sing
SUBDIR += sipcalc
SUBDIR += sjitter
SUBDIR += slate
SUBDIR += smokeping
SUBDIR += snmp++
SUBDIR += snmp4nagios
SUBDIR += snmptt
SUBDIR += softflowd
SUBDIR += spectools
SUBDIR += subcalc
SUBDIR += sysmon
SUBDIR += tcpreplay
SUBDIR += tcptrack
SUBDIR += tknetmon
SUBDIR += tork
SUBDIR += torrus
SUBDIR += trafd
SUBDIR += vidalia
SUBDIR += wdiag
SUBDIR += weathermap
SUBDIR += weplab
SUBDIR += whatmask
SUBDIR += wide-dhcp
SUBDIR += xymon-client
SUBDIR += xymon-server
SUBDIR += yabm
SUBDIR += zabbix
SUBDIR += zabbix-agent
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>