Alejandro Pulver 86fd3fa4f2 SDLMESS is a port of the popular MESS. There are a few principles that guide
it's development:

1) Run on Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and other SDL supported operating systems with
   as few changes as possible to the base Win32 code. This means we can track
   changes faster than larger more conventional ports, and we also maintain
   what I call "Firefox compatibilty" where learning a major app only needs to
   be done once per application, and it then applies across many operating
   systems. If you can use the command-line Win32 MESS, you already know how
   to use SDLMESS on any platform you may encounter it on.

2) MESS developers are important. By keeping quickly up to date, we make it
   easy for people on non-Windows platforms to make and submit changes to the
   core MESS code, and we offer native implementations of MESS's multi-window
   GUI debugger on both Linux/Unix and Mac OS X.

2007-02-25 15:22:58 +00:00

167 lines
3.8 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Emulators for other operating systems
SUBDIR += adamem
SUBDIR += advancemame
SUBDIR += advancemenu
SUBDIR += advancemess
SUBDIR += aftp
SUBDIR += atari800
SUBDIR += basiliskII
SUBDIR += bfe
SUBDIR += bochs
SUBDIR += bsvc
SUBDIR += cinc
SUBDIR += cingb
SUBDIR += cpmemu
SUBDIR += cpmtools
SUBDIR += cygne-sdl
SUBDIR += darcnes
SUBDIR += desmume
SUBDIR += dgen-sdl
SUBDIR += dlx
SUBDIR += dosbox
SUBDIR += doscmd
SUBDIR += dtcyber
SUBDIR += dynagen
SUBDIR += dynamips
SUBDIR += e-uae
SUBDIR += extract-xiso
SUBDIR += fceu
SUBDIR += fmsx
SUBDIR += frodo
SUBDIR += fuse
SUBDIR += gbe
SUBDIR += gcube
SUBDIR += generator
SUBDIR += generator-cbiere
SUBDIR += gens
SUBDIR += gngb
SUBDIR += gngeo
SUBDIR += gnuboy
SUBDIR += grustibus
SUBDIR += gsnes9x
SUBDIR += gxemul
SUBDIR += gxmame
SUBDIR += hatari
SUBDIR += hercules
SUBDIR += hfs
SUBDIR += hfsutils
SUBDIR += hugo
SUBDIR += ia64sim
SUBDIR += ines
SUBDIR += its
SUBDIR += klh10
SUBDIR += kmamerun
SUBDIR += kqemu-kmod
SUBDIR += lib765
SUBDIR += libspectrum
SUBDIR += linux-ePSXe
SUBDIR += linux-geepee32
SUBDIR += linux-libaio
SUBDIR += linux-padjoy
SUBDIR += linux-peops-softgpu
SUBDIR += linux-peops-spu
SUBDIR += linux-pete-mesagpu
SUBDIR += linux-pete-xgl2gpu
SUBDIR += linux-vmware-toolbox2
SUBDIR += linux-vmware-toolbox4
SUBDIR += linux-vmware-toolbox5
SUBDIR += linux-winetools
SUBDIR += linux_dist-gentoo-stage1
SUBDIR += linux_dist-gentoo-stage2
SUBDIR += linux_dist-gentoo-stage3
SUBDIR += linux_base-fc4
SUBDIR += linux_base-gentoo-stage1
SUBDIR += linux_base-gentoo-stage2
SUBDIR += linux_base-gentoo-stage3
SUBDIR += m2000
SUBDIR += mame-extras
SUBDIR += mastergear
SUBDIR += mednafen
SUBDIR += minivmac
SUBDIR += mtools
SUBDIR += mupen64
SUBDIR += mupen64-base
SUBDIR += mupen64-dummyaudio
SUBDIR += mupen64-glide
SUBDIR += mupen64-gln64
SUBDIR += mupen64-input
SUBDIR += mupen64-rice
SUBDIR += mupen64-rsp
SUBDIR += mupen64-sdlaudio
SUBDIR += mupen64-sdlinput
SUBDIR += mupen64-sound
SUBDIR += nonpareil
SUBDIR += o2em
SUBDIR += ods2reader
SUBDIR += openmsx
SUBDIR += osmose
SUBDIR += p-interp
SUBDIR += pcemu
SUBDIR += pearpc
SUBDIR += prodosemu
SUBDIR += psim-freebsd
SUBDIR += pyxmame
SUBDIR += qemu
SUBDIR += qemu-launcher
SUBDIR += quasi88
SUBDIR += raine
SUBDIR += rtc
SUBDIR += sdlmame
SUBDIR += sdlmess
SUBDIR += sim
SUBDIR += sim6811
SUBDIR += ski
SUBDIR += skyeye
SUBDIR += snes9express
SUBDIR += snes9x
SUBDIR += spim
SUBDIR += stella
SUBDIR += stonx
SUBDIR += svr4_base
SUBDIR += tiemu2
SUBDIR += tilem
SUBDIR += tkhfs
SUBDIR += tme
SUBDIR += tuxnes
SUBDIR += twin
SUBDIR += uae
SUBDIR += vMac
SUBDIR += vba
SUBDIR += vgb
SUBDIR += vgb-bin
SUBDIR += vgba-bin
SUBDIR += vice
SUBDIR += visualos
SUBDIR += vmips
SUBDIR += vmsbackup
SUBDIR += vmw
SUBDIR += vmware-guestd3
SUBDIR += vmware-guestd4
SUBDIR += vmware-guestd5
SUBDIR += vmware-tools3
SUBDIR += vmware-tools4
SUBDIR += vmware-tools5
SUBDIR += vmware3
SUBDIR += vpce
SUBDIR += vxtools
SUBDIR += wahcade
SUBDIR += wine
SUBDIR += x48
SUBDIR += xbraitenberg
SUBDIR += xgngeo
SUBDIR += xgs
SUBDIR += xhomer
SUBDIR += xmame
SUBDIR += xmess
SUBDIR += xsystem35
SUBDIR += xzx
SUBDIR += yabause
SUBDIR += yape
SUBDIR += zsnes
.include <>