Wen Heping 81c2ba2937 PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python.
It's goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful
algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of
predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.

PyBrain is short for Python-Based Reinforcement Learning,
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library. In fact,
we came up with the name first and later reverse-engineerer
this quite descriptive "Backronym".

2009-11-19 13:44:38 +00:00

141 lines
3.0 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Scientific ports
SUBDIR += 2d-rewriter
SUBDIR += 2dhf
SUBDIR += InsightToolkit
SUBDIR += abinit
SUBDIR += afni
SUBDIR += at
SUBDIR += avogadro
SUBDIR += bblimage
SUBDIR += bft
SUBDIR += bodr
SUBDIR += brian
SUBDIR += buddy
SUBDIR += cdcl
SUBDIR += cdf
SUBDIR += cdo
SUBDIR += cgnslib
SUBDIR += checkmol
SUBDIR += chemical-mime-data
SUBDIR += chemtool
SUBDIR += chemtool-devel
SUBDIR += clhep
SUBDIR += colt
SUBDIR += crf++
SUBDIR += dcl
SUBDIR += devisor
SUBDIR += dtiquery
SUBDIR += ecs
SUBDIR += elmer-eio
SUBDIR += elmer-fem
SUBDIR += elmer-hutiter
SUBDIR += elmer-matc
SUBDIR += elmer-meshgen2d
SUBDIR += elmergrid
SUBDIR += elmerpost
SUBDIR += euler
SUBDIR += fastcap
SUBDIR += fasthenry
SUBDIR += felt
SUBDIR += flounder
SUBDIR += fvm
SUBDIR += g3data
SUBDIR += gamess
SUBDIR += gave
SUBDIR += gchemutils
SUBDIR += gdis
SUBDIR += gerris
SUBDIR += getdp
SUBDIR += ghemical
SUBDIR += ghmm
SUBDIR += gnudatalanguage
SUBDIR += gramps
SUBDIR += gromacs
SUBDIR += gsmc
SUBDIR += gsystem
SUBDIR += gtamsanalyzer
SUBDIR += gwyddion
SUBDIR += hdf
SUBDIR += hdf5
SUBDIR += hdf5-18
SUBDIR += ics
SUBDIR += isaac-cfd
SUBDIR += jmol
SUBDIR += kmovisto
SUBDIR += kst
SUBDIR += lamprop
SUBDIR += libctl
SUBDIR += libghemical
SUBDIR += libint
SUBDIR += libkml
SUBDIR += liblinear
SUBDIR += liboglappth
SUBDIR += libquantum
SUBDIR += libsvm
SUBDIR += libsvm-python
SUBDIR += linsmith
SUBDIR += mayavi
SUBDIR += mbdyn
SUBDIR += mcstas
SUBDIR += medit
SUBDIR += minc
SUBDIR += minc2
SUBDIR += mol2ps
SUBDIR += mpb
SUBDIR += mpqc
SUBDIR += mpqc-mpich
SUBDIR += ncs
SUBDIR += netcdf
SUBDIR += netcdf-ftn
SUBDIR += netcdf4
SUBDIR += nifticlib
SUBDIR += oases
SUBDIR += omnetpp
SUBDIR += openbabel
SUBDIR += ovt
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVMLight
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Elements
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-PDB
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MacroMol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mol
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-ReadGRIB
SUBDIR += paje
SUBDIR += paraview
SUBDIR += pcp
SUBDIR += peekabot
SUBDIR += pnetcdf
SUBDIR += psi3
SUBDIR += psychopy
SUBDIR += py-h5py
SUBDIR += py-hcluster
SUBDIR += py-mdp
SUBDIR += py-mlpy
SUBDIR += py-netCDF4
SUBDIR += py-openbabel
SUBDIR += py-paida
SUBDIR += py-pydicom
SUBDIR += py-scipy
SUBDIR += pybrain
SUBDIR += pycdf
SUBDIR += qcl
SUBDIR += ruby-dcl
SUBDIR += ruby-gphys
SUBDIR += silo
SUBDIR += simlib
SUBDIR += svmlight
SUBDIR += szip
SUBDIR += udunits
SUBDIR += v_sim
SUBDIR += vis5d+
SUBDIR += vmd
SUBDIR += x11iraf
SUBDIR += xloops-ginac
SUBDIR += xmakemol
SUBDIR += xmds
.include <>