Dirk Meyer cb9a0ddd38 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a public key encryption pack-
age to protect E-mail and data files.  It lets you  commu-
nicate  securely  with  people  you've  never met, with no
secure channels needed for prior exchange of  keys.   It's
well featured and fast, with sophisticated key management,
digital signatures, data compression, and  good  ergonomic

  Matthias Bruestle for the myetsid feature.
  Lutz Donnerhacke for the pgp2.6.3in development.
  Ingmar Camphausen, Thomas Roessler, a.o. for extensive testing.

2001-03-31 11:36:43 +00:00

168 lines
3.7 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += aafid2
SUBDIR += acid
SUBDIR += aescrypt
SUBDIR += aide
SUBDIR += amavis-perl
SUBDIR += apg
SUBDIR += beecrypt
SUBDIR += bjorb
SUBDIR += bro
SUBDIR += bugs
SUBDIR += ca-roots
SUBDIR += calife
SUBDIR += cfs
SUBDIR += checkpassword
SUBDIR += chrootuid
SUBDIR += cksfv
SUBDIR += cops
SUBDIR += crack
SUBDIR += cracklib
SUBDIR += cryptopp
SUBDIR += cyrus-sasl
SUBDIR += ddos_scan
SUBDIR += digest
SUBDIR += donkey
SUBDIR += dsniff
SUBDIR += fakebo
SUBDIR += find_ddos
SUBDIR += firewalk
SUBDIR += fragrouter
SUBDIR += fuzz
SUBDIR += fwbuilder
SUBDIR += fwtk
SUBDIR += gag
SUBDIR += gnupg
SUBDIR += gnupg-idea
SUBDIR += gpa
SUBDIR += gpasman
SUBDIR += gtkportscan
SUBDIR += heimdal
SUBDIR += hping
SUBDIR += ident2
SUBDIR += identify
SUBDIR += inflex
SUBDIR += integrit
SUBDIR += ipfmeta
SUBDIR += its4
SUBDIR += john
SUBDIR += keynote
SUBDIR += keyprint
SUBDIR += kmap
SUBDIR += krb5
SUBDIR += kssh
SUBDIR += l0pht-watch
SUBDIR += l0phtcrack
SUBDIR += libident
SUBDIR += libmcrypt
SUBDIR += libparanoia
SUBDIR += liedentd
SUBDIR += logcheck
SUBDIR += lsh
SUBDIR += lxnb
SUBDIR += mcrypt
SUBDIR += mhash
SUBDIR += mindterm-binary
SUBDIR += nbaudit
SUBDIR += nessus
SUBDIR += nessus-libraries
SUBDIR += nessus-libnasl
SUBDIR += nessus-plugins
SUBDIR += nmap
SUBDIR += nmapfe
SUBDIR += oidentd
SUBDIR += opencl
SUBDIR += openssh
SUBDIR += openssh-askpass
SUBDIR += openssl
SUBDIR += outguess
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-Krb4
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-Krb5
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-PAM
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-Radius
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-TacacsPlus
SUBDIR += p5-Authen-Ticket
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-Blowfish
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-CBC
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-CipherSaber
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-Cracklib
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-DES
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-ECB
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-IDEA
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-Rijndael
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-SSLeay
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-TripleDES
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-Twofish
SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-UnixCrypt
SUBDIR += p5-Digest-MD5
SUBDIR += p5-Digest-SHA1
SUBDIR += p5-GnuPG-Interface
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-SSL
SUBDIR += p5-MD5
SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSLeay
SUBDIR += p5-PGP-Sign
SUBDIR += pad
SUBDIR += pam-mysql
SUBDIR += pam-pgsql
SUBDIR += pam_krb5
SUBDIR += pgp
SUBDIR += pgp5
SUBDIR += pgp6
SUBDIR += pgpdump
SUBDIR += pgpgpg
SUBDIR += pgpin
SUBDIR += pidentd
SUBDIR += pks
SUBDIR += pktsuckers
SUBDIR += portscanner
SUBDIR += portsentry
SUBDIR += pscan
SUBDIR += py-m2crypto
SUBDIR += racoon
SUBDIR += radiusniff
SUBDIR += rid
SUBDIR += rsaref
SUBDIR += ruby-acl
SUBDIR += ruby-ssl
SUBDIR += ruby-tcpwrap
SUBDIR += saint
SUBDIR += scanssh
SUBDIR += seahorse
SUBDIR += siphon
SUBDIR += skip
SUBDIR += slurpie
SUBDIR += slush
SUBDIR += smurflog
SUBDIR += sniff
SUBDIR += snort
SUBDIR += srm
SUBDIR += ssh
SUBDIR += ssh2
SUBDIR += sslproxy
SUBDIR += sslwrap
SUBDIR += sst
SUBDIR += steghide
SUBDIR += strobe
SUBDIR += stunnel
SUBDIR += sudo
SUBDIR += super
SUBDIR += swatch
SUBDIR += tcp_wrapper
SUBDIR += tea-total
SUBDIR += trinokiller
SUBDIR += tripwire
SUBDIR += tripwire-131
SUBDIR += uvscan-dat
SUBDIR += vlock
SUBDIR += vpnd
SUBDIR += vscan
SUBDIR += whisker
SUBDIR += xinetd
SUBDIR += zebedee
SUBDIR += zombiezapper
.include <>