Maxim Sobolev 5f7840f9c1 Make life of maintainers of various XFree ports a bit easier by moving
MASTER_SITES into (MASTER_SITE_XFREE). Also add officially
announced by xfree http mirror. Following is the announcement.

[20 September 2000]

   XFree86 nows offers http download access! This is a big story for those
   who cannot download via ftp access because of proxy/firewall concerns.
   This has been generously donated by the Computing Center of the University
   of Applied Sciences in Esslingen, Germany. This is a full ftp mirror
   repository which is updated hourly with a connection speed of 20 MegaBit.
2000-09-21 08:36:28 +00:00

1028 lines
23 KiB

# New ports collection makefile for: XFree86-4-manuals-4.0.1
# Date created: 10 Oct 1999
# Whom:
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= manuals
DISTFILES= X401src-1.tgz
WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/xc/doc/man
MAN3= AllPlanes.3 \
BitmapBitOrder.3 \
BitmapPad.3 \
BitmapUnit.3 \
BlackPixel.3 \
BlackPixelOfScreen.3 \
CellsOfScreen.3 \
ClientWhitePointOfCCC.3 \
ConnectionNumber.3 \
DBE.3 \
DefaultColormap.3 \
DefaultColormapOfScreen.3 \
DefaultDepth.3 \
DefaultDepthOfScreen.3 \
DefaultGC.3 \
DefaultGCOfScreen.3 \
DefaultRootWindow.3 \
DefaultScreen.3 \
DefaultScreenOfDisplay.3 \
DefaultVisual.3 \
DefaultVisualOfScreen.3 \
DisplayCells.3 \
DisplayHeight.3 \
DisplayHeightMM.3 \
DisplayOfCCC.3 \
DisplayOfScreen.3 \
DisplayPlanes.3 \
DisplayString.3 \
DisplayWidth.3 \
DisplayWidthMM.3 \
DoesBackingStore.3 \
DoesSaveUnders.3 \
EventMaskOfScreen.3 \
HeightMMOfScreen.3 \
HeightOfScreen.3 \
ImageByteOrder.3 \
IsCursorKey.3 \
IsFunctionKey.3 \
IsKeypadKey.3 \
IsMiscFunctionKey.3 \
IsModiferKey.3 \
IsPFKey.3 \
IsPrivateKeypadKey.3 \
LastKnownRequestProcessed.3 \
MaxCmapsOfScreen.3 \
MenuPopdown.3 \
MenuPopup.3 \
MinCmapsOfScreen.3 \
NextRequest.3 \
PlanesOfScreen.3 \
ProtocolRevision.3 \
ProtocolVersion.3 \
QLength.3 \
RootWindow.3 \
RootWindowOfScreen.3 \
ScreenCount.3 \
ScreenNumberOfCCC.3 \
ScreenOfDisplay.3 \
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC.3 \
ServerVendor.3 \
VendorRelease.3 \
VisualOfCCC.3 \
WhitePixel.3 \
WhitePixelOfScreen.3 \
WidthMMOfScreen.3 \
WidthOfScreen.3 \
XActivateScreenSaver.3 \
XAddConnectionWatch.3 \
XAddHost.3 \
XAddHosts.3 \
XAddPixel.3 \
XAddToSaveSet.3 \
XAllocClassHint.3 \
XAllocColor.3 \
XAllocColorCells.3 \
XAllocColorPlanes.3 \
XAllocIconSize.3 \
XAllocNamedColor.3 \
XAllocSizeHints.3 \
XAllocStandardColormap.3 \
XAllocWMHints.3 \
XAllowDeviceEvents.3 \
XAllowEvents.3 \
XAnyEvent.3 \
XArc.3 \
XAutoRepeatOff.3 \
XAutoRepeatOn.3 \
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet.3 \
XBell.3 \
XButtonEvent.3 \
XChangeActivePointerGrab.3 \
XChangeDeviceControl.3 \
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList.3 \
XChangeDeviceKeyMapping.3 \
XChangeFeedbackControl.3 \
XChangeGC.3 \
XChangeKeyboardControl.3 \
XChangeKeyboardDevice.3 \
XChangeKeyboardMapping.3 \
XChangePointerControl.3 \
XChangePointerDevice.3 \
XChangeProperty.3 \
XChangeSaveSet.3 \
XChangeWindowAttributes.3 \
XChar2b.3 \
XCharStruct.3 \
XCheckIfEvent.3 \
XCheckMaskEvent.3 \
XCheckTypedEvent.3 \
XCheckTypedWindowEvent.3 \
XCheckWindowEvent.3 \
XCirculateEvent.3 \
XCirculateRequestEvent.3 \
XCirculateSubwindows.3 \
XCirculateSubwindowsDown.3 \
XCirculateSubwindowsUp.3 \
XClassHint.3 \
XClearArea.3 \
XClearWindow.3 \
XClientMessageEvent.3 \
XClipBox.3 \
XCloseDevice.3 \
XCloseDisplay.3 \
XCloseIM.3 \
XCloseOM.3 \
XColor.3 \
XColormapEvent.3 \
XConfigureEvent.3 \
XConfigureRequestEvent.3 \
XConfigureWindow.3 \
XContextDependentDrawing.3 \
XContextualDrawing.3 \
XConvertCase.3 \
XConvertSelection.3 \
XCopyArea.3 \
XCopyColormapAndFree.3 \
XCopyGC.3 \
XCopyPlane.3 \
XCreateBitmapFromData.3 \
XCreateColormap.3 \
XCreateFontCursor.3 \
XCreateFontSet.3 \
XCreateGC.3 \
XCreateGlyphCursor.3 \
XCreateIC.3 \
XCreateImage.3 \
XCreateOC.3 \
XCreatePixmap.3 \
XCreatePixmapCursor.3 \
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData.3 \
XCreateRegion.3 \
XCreateSimpleWindow.3 \
XCreateWindow.3 \
XCreateWindowEvent.3 \
XCrossingEvent.3 \
XDefaultString.3 \
XDefineCursor.3 \
XDeleteContext.3 \
XDeleteModifiermapEntry.3 \
XDeleteProperty.3 \
XDestroyIC.3 \
XDestroyImage.3 \
XDestroyOC.3 \
XDestroyRegion.3 \
XDestroySubwindows.3 \
XDestroyWindow.3 \
XDestroyWindowEvent.3 \
XDeviceBell.3 \
XDeviceTimeCoord.3 \
XDirectionalDependentDrawing.3 \
XDisableAccessControl.3 \
XDisplayKeycodes.3 \
XDisplayMotionBufferSize.3 \
XDisplayName.3 \
XDisplayOfIM.3 \
XDisplayOfOM.3 \
XDrawArc.3 \
XDrawArcs.3 \
XDrawImageString.3 \
XDrawImageString16.3 \
XDrawLine.3 \
XDrawLines.3 \
XDrawPoint.3 \
XDrawPoints.3 \
XDrawRectangle.3 \
XDrawRectangles.3 \
XDrawSegments.3 \
XDrawString.3 \
XDrawString16.3 \
XDrawText.3 \
XDrawText16.3 \
XEmptyRegion.3 \
XEnableAccessControl.3 \
XEqualRegion.3 \
XErrorEvent.3 \
XEvent.3 \
XEventsQueued.3 \
XExposeEvent.3 \
XExtendedMaxRequestSize.3 \
XExtentsOfFontSet.3 \
XFetchBuffer.3 \
XFetchBytes.3 \
XFetchName.3 \
XFillArc.3 \
XFillArcs.3 \
XFillPolygon.3 \
XFillRectangle.3 \
XFillRectangles.3 \
XFilterEvent.3 \
XFindContext.3 \
XFlush.3 \
XFocusChangeEvent.3 \
XFontProp.3 \
XFontSetExtents.3 \
XFontStruct.3 \
XFontsOfFontSet.3 \
XForceScreenSaver.3 \
XFree.3 \
XFreeColormap.3 \
XFreeColors.3 \
XFreeCursor.3 \
XFreeDeviceList.3 \
XFreeFont.3 \
XFreeFontInfo.3 \
XFreeFontNames.3 \
XFreeFontPath.3 \
XFreeFontSet.3 \
XFreeGC.3 \
XFreeModifierMap.3 \
XFreePixmap.3 \
XFreeStringList.3 \
XGCValues.3 \
XGContextFromGC.3 \
XGetAtomName.3 \
XGetAtomNames.3 \
XGetClassHint.3 \
XGetCommand.3 \
XGetDeviceButtonMapping.3 \
XGetDeviceControl.3 \
XGetDeviceDontPropagateList.3 \
XGetDeviceFocus.3 \
XGetDeviceKeyMapping.3 \
XGetDeviceModifierMapping.3 \
XGetDeviceMotionEvents.3 \
XGetErrorDatabaseText.3 \
XGetErrorText.3 \
XGetExtensionVersion.3 \
XGetFeedbackControl.3 \
XGetFontPath.3 \
XGetFontProperty.3 \
XGetGCValues.3 \
XGetGeometry.3 \
XGetICValues.3 \
XGetIMValues.3 \
XGetIconName.3 \
XGetIconSizes.3 \
XGetImage.3 \
XGetInputFocus.3 \
XGetKeyboardControl.3 \
XGetKeyboardMapping.3 \
XGetModifierMapping.3 \
XGetMotionEvents.3 \
XGetOCValues.3 \
XGetOMValues.3 \
XGetPixel.3 \
XGetPointerControl.3 \
XGetPointerMapping.3 \
XGetRGBColormaps.3 \
XGetScreenSaver.3 \
XGetSelectedExtensionEvents.3 \
XGetSelectionOwner.3 \
XGetSubImage.3 \
XGetTextProperty.3 \
XGetTransientForHint.3 \
XGetVisualInfo.3 \
XGetWMClientMachine.3 \
XGetWMColormapWindows.3 \
XGetWMHints.3 \
XGetWMIconName.3 \
XGetWMName.3 \
XGetWMNormalHints.3 \
XGetWMProtocols.3 \
XGetWMSizeHints.3 \
XGetWindowAttributes.3 \
XGetWindowProperty.3 \
XGrabButton.3 \
XGrabDevice.3 \
XGrabDeviceButton.3 \
XGrabDeviceKey.3 \
XGrabKey.3 \
XGrabKeyboard.3 \
XGrabPointer.3 \
XGrabServer.3 \
XGraphicsExposeEvent.3 \
XGravityEvent.3 \
XHostAddress.3 \
XIconSize.3 \
XIconifyWindow.3 \
XIfEvent.3 \
XInitImage.3 \
XInitThreads.3 \
XInsertModifiermapEntry.3 \
XInstallColormap.3 \
XInternAtom.3 \
XInternAtoms.3 \
XInternalConnectionNumbers.3 \
XIntersectRegion.3 \
XKeyEvent.3 \
XKeyboardControl.3 \
XKeycodeToKeysym.3 \
XKeymapEvent.3 \
XKeysymToKeycode.3 \
XKeysymToString.3 \
XKillClient.3 \
XListDepths.3 \
XListFonts.3 \
XListFontsWithInfo.3 \
XListHosts.3 \
XListInputDevices.3 \
XListInstalledColormaps.3 \
XListPixmapFormats.3 \
XListProperties.3 \
XLoadFont.3 \
XLoadQueryFont.3 \
XLocaleOfFontSet.3 \
XLocaleOfIM.3 \
XLocaleOfOM.3 \
XLockDisplay.3 \
XLookupColor.3 \
XLookupKeysym.3 \
XLookupString.3 \
XLowerWindow.3 \
XMapEvent.3 \
XMapRaised.3 \
XMapRequestEvent.3 \
XMapSubwindows.3 \
XMapWindow.3 \
XMappingEvent.3 \
XMaskEvent.3 \
XMatchVisualInfo.3 \
XMaxRequestSize.3 \
XModifierKeymap.3 \
XMotionEvent.3 \
XMoveResizeWindow.3 \
XMoveWindow.3 \
XNewModifiermap.3 \
XNextEvent.3 \
XNoExposeEvent.3 \
XNoOp.3 \
XOffsetRegion.3 \
XOpenDevice.3 \
XOpenDisplay.3 \
XOpenIM.3 \
XOpenOM.3 \
XParseColor.3 \
XParseGeometry.3 \
XPeekEvent.3 \
XPeekIfEvent.3 \
XPending.3 \
XPixmapFormatValues.3 \
XPoint.3 \
XPointInRegion.3 \
XPolygonRegion.3 \
XProcessInternalConnection.3 \
XPropertyEvent.3 \
XPutBackEvent.3 \
XPutImage.3 \
XPutPixel.3 \
XQueryBestCursor.3 \
XQueryBestSize.3 \
XQueryBestStipple.3 \
XQueryBestTile.3 \
XQueryColor.3 \
XQueryColors.3 \
XQueryDeviceState.3 \
XQueryFont.3 \
XQueryKeymap.3 \
XQueryPointer.3 \
XQueryTextExtents.3 \
XQueryTextExtents16.3 \
XQueryTree.3 \
XRaiseWindow.3 \
XReadBitmapFile.3 \
XReadBitmapFileData.3 \
XRebindKeySym.3 \
XRecolorCursor.3 \
XReconfigureWMWindow.3 \
XRectInRegion.3 \
XRectangle.3 \
XRefreshKeyboardMapping.3 \
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.3 \
XRemoveConnectionWatch.3 \
XRemoveFromSaveSet.3 \
XRemoveHost.3 \
XRemoveHosts.3 \
XReparentEvent.3 \
XReparentWindow.3 \
XResetScreenSaver.3 \
XResizeRequestEvent.3 \
XResizeWindow.3 \
XResourceManagerString.3 \
XRestackWindows.3 \
XRotateBuffers.3 \
XRotateWindowProperties.3 \
XSaveContext.3 \
XScreenNumberOfScreen.3 \
XScreenResourceString.3 \
XSegment.3 \
XSelectExtensionEvent.3 \
XSelectInput.3 \
XSelectionClearEvent.3 \
XSelectionEvent.3 \
XSelectionRequestEvent.3 \
XSendEvent.3 \
XSendExtensionEvent.3 \
XSetAccessControl.3 \
XSetAfterFunction.3 \
XSetArcMode.3 \
XSetBackground.3 \
XSetClassHint.3 \
XSetClipMask.3 \
XSetClipOrigin.3 \
XSetClipRectangles.3 \
XSetCloseDownMode.3 \
XSetCommand.3 \
XSetDashes.3 \
XSetDeviceButtonMapping.3 \
XSetDeviceFocus.3 \
XSetDeviceMode.3 \
XSetDeviceModifierMapping.3 \
XSetDeviceValuators.3 \
XSetErrorHandler.3 \
XSetFillRule.3 \
XSetFillStyle.3 \
XSetFont.3 \
XSetFontPath.3 \
XSetForeground.3 \
XSetFunction.3 \
XSetGraphicsExposure.3 \
XSetICFocus.3 \
XSetICValues.3 \
XSetIMValues.3 \
XSetIOErrorHandler.3 \
XSetIconName.3 \
XSetIconSizes.3 \
XSetInputFocus.3 \
XSetLineAttributes.3 \
XSetLocaleModifiers.3 \
XSetModifierMapping.3 \
XSetOCValues.3 \
XSetOMValues.3 \
XSetPlanemask.3 \
XSetPointerMapping.3 \
XSetRGBColormaps.3 \
XSetRegion.3 \
XSetScreenSaver.3 \
XSetSelectionOwner.3 \
XSetState.3 \
XSetStipple.3 \
XSetSubwindowMode.3 \
XSetTSOrigin.3 \
XSetTextProperty.3 \
XSetTile.3 \
XSetTransientForHint.3 \
XSetWMClientMachine.3 \
XSetWMColormapWindows.3 \
XSetWMHints.3 \
XSetWMIconName.3 \
XSetWMName.3 \
XSetWMNormalHints.3 \
XSetWMProperties.3 \
XSetWMProtocols.3 \
XSetWMSizeHints.3 \
XSetWindowAttributes.3 \
XSetWindowBackground.3 \
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap.3 \
XSetWindowBorder.3 \
XSetWindowBorderPixmap.3 \
XSetWindowBorderWidth.3 \
XSetWindowColormap.3 \
XShapeCombineMask.3 \
XShapeCombineRectangles.3 \
XShapeCombineRegion.3 \
XShapeCombineShape.3 \
XShapeGetRectangles.3 \
XShapeInputSelected.3 \
XShapeOffsetShape.3 \
XShapeQueryExtension.3 \
XShapeQueryExtents.3 \
XShapeQueryVersion.3 \
XShapeSelectInput.3 \
XShrinkRegion.3 \
XSizeHints.3 \
XStandardColormap.3 \
XStoreBuffer.3 \
XStoreBytes.3 \
XStoreColor.3 \
XStoreColors.3 \
XStoreName.3 \
XStoreNamedColor.3 \
XStringListToTextProperty.3 \
XStringToKeysym.3 \
XSubImage.3 \
XSubtractRegion.3 \
XSupportsLocale.3 \
XSync.3 \
XSynchronize.3 \
XTextExtents.3 \
XTextExtents16.3 \
XTextItem.3 \
XTextItem16.3 \
XTextProperty.3 \
XTextPropertyToStringList.3 \
XTextWidth.3 \
XTextWidth16.3 \
XTimeCoord.3 \
XTranslateCoordinates.3 \
XUndefineCursor.3 \
XUngrabButton.3 \
XUngrabDevice.3 \
XUngrabDeviceButton.3 \
XUngrabDeviceKey.3 \
XUngrabKey.3 \
XUngrabKeyboard.3 \
XUngrabPointer.3 \
XUngrabServer.3 \
XUninstallColormap.3 \
XUnionRectWithRegion.3 \
XUnionRegion.3 \
XUniqueContext.3 \
XUnloadFont.3 \
XUnlockDisplay.3 \
XUnmapEvent.3 \
XUnmapSubwindows.3 \
XUnmapWindow.3 \
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback.3 \
XUnsetICFocus.3 \
XVaCreateNestedList.3 \
XVisibilityNotifyEvent.3 \
XVisualIDFromVisual.3 \
XVisualInfo.3 \
XWMGeometry.3 \
XWMHints.3 \
XWarpPointer.3 \
XWindowAttributes.3 \
XWindowChanges.3 \
XWindowEvent.3 \
XWithdrawWindow.3 \
XWriteBitmapFile.3 \
XXorRegion.3 \
Xau.3 \
XauDisposeAuth.3 \
XauFileName.3 \
XauGetAuthByAddr.3 \
XauGetBestAuthByAddr.3 \
XauLockAuth.3 \
XauReadAuth.3 \
XauUnlockAuth.3 \
XauWriteAuth.3 \
XcmsAllocColor.3 \
XcmsAllocNamedColor.3 \
XcmsCCCOfColormap.3 \
XcmsCIELab.3 \
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC.3 \
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL.3 \
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC.3 \
XcmsCIELabQueryMinL.3 \
XcmsCIELuv.3 \
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC.3 \
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL.3 \
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC.3 \
XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL.3 \
XcmsCIEXYZ.3 \
XcmsCIEuvY.3 \
XcmsCIExyY.3 \
XcmsColor.3 \
XcmsConvertColors.3 \
XcmsCreateCCC.3 \
XcmsDefaultCCC.3 \
XcmsFreeCCC.3 \
XcmsLookupColor.3 \
XcmsPad.3 \
XcmsQueryBlack.3 \
XcmsQueryBlue.3 \
XcmsQueryColor.3 \
XcmsQueryColors.3 \
XcmsQueryGreen.3 \
XcmsQueryRed.3 \
XcmsQueryWhite.3 \
XcmsRGB.3 \
XcmsRGBi.3 \
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap.3 \
XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc.3 \
XcmsSetWhitePoint.3 \
XcmsStoreColor.3 \
XcmsStoreColors.3 \
XcmsTekHVC.3 \
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC.3 \
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV.3 \
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC.3 \
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples.3 \
XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV.3 \
XdbeAllocateBackBufferName.3 \
XdbeBeginIdiom.3 \
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName.3 \
XdbeEndIdiom.3 \
XdbeFreeVisualInfo.3 \
XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes.3 \
XdbeGetVisualInfo.3 \
XdbeQueryExtension.3 \
XdbeSwapBuffers.3 \
XeviGetVisualInfo.3 \
XeviQueryVersion.3 \
XmbDrawImageString.3 \
XmbDrawString.3 \
XmbDrawText.3 \
XmbLookupString.3 \
XmbResetIC.3 \
XmbSetWMProperties.3 \
XmbTextEscapement.3 \
XmbTextExtents.3 \
XmbTextListToTextProperty.3 \
XmbTextPerCharExtents.3 \
XmbTextPropertyToTextList.3 \
XmbufChangeBufferAttributes.3 \
XmbufChangeWindowAttributes.3 \
XmbufCreateBuffers.3 \
XmbufCreateStereoWindow.3 \
XmbufDestroyBuffers.3 \
XmbufDisplayBuffers.3 \
XmbufGetBufferAttributes.3 \
XmbufGetScreenInfo.3 \
XmbufGetVersion.3 \
XmbufGetWindowAttributes.3 \
XmbufQueryExtension.3 \
XrmCombineDatabase.3 \
XrmCombineFileDatabase.3 \
XrmDestroyDatabase.3 \
XrmEnumerateDatabase.3 \
XrmGetDatabase.3 \
XrmGetFileDatabase.3 \
XrmGetResource.3 \
XrmGetStringDatabase.3 \
XrmInitialize.3 \
XrmLocaleOfDatabase.3 \
XrmMergeDatabases.3 \
XrmOptionDescRec.3 \
XrmOptionKind.3 \
XrmParseCommand.3 \
XrmPermStringToQuark.3 \
XrmPutFileDatabase.3 \
XrmPutLineResource.3 \
XrmPutResource.3 \
XrmPutStringResource.3 \
XrmQGetResource.3 \
XrmQGetSearchList.3 \
XrmQGetSearchResource.3 \
XrmQPutResource.3 \
XrmQPutStringResource.3 \
XrmQuarkToString.3 \
XrmSetDatabase.3 \
XrmStringToBindingQuarkList.3 \
XrmStringToQuark.3 \
XrmStringToQuarkList.3 \
XrmUniqueQuark.3 \
XrmValue.3 \
XtAddActions.3 \
XtAddCallback.3 \
XtAddCallbacks.3 \
XtAddConverter.3 \
XtAddEventHandler.3 \
XtAddExposureToRegion.3 \
XtAddGrab.3 \
XtAddInput.3 \
XtAddRawEventHandler.3 \
XtAddTimeOut.3 \
XtAddTimeout.3 \
XtAllocateGC.3 \
XtAppAddActionHook.3 \
XtAppAddActions.3 \
XtAppAddBlockHook.3 \
XtAppAddConverter.3 \
XtAppAddInput.3 \
XtAppAddSignal.3 \
XtAppAddTimeOut.3 \
XtAppAddTimeout.3 \
XtAppAddWorkProc.3 \
XtAppCreateShell.3 \
XtAppError.3 \
XtAppErrorMsg.3 \
XtAppGetErrorDatabase.3 \
XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText.3 \
XtAppGetExitFlag.3 \
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout.3 \
XtAppInitialize.3 \
XtAppLock.3 \
XtAppMainLoop.3 \
XtAppNextEvent.3 \
XtAppPeekEvent.3 \
XtAppPending.3 \
XtAppProcessEvent.3 \
XtAppReleaseCacheRefs.3 \
XtAppSetErrorHandler.3 \
XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler.3 \
XtAppSetExitFlag.3 \
XtAppSetFallbackResources.3 \
XtAppSetSelectionTimeout.3 \
XtAppSetTypeConverter.3 \
XtAppSetWarningHandler.3 \
XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler.3 \
XtAppUnlock.3 \
XtAppWarning.3 \
XtAppWarningMsg.3 \
XtAugmentTranslations.3 \
XtBuildEventMask.3 \
XtCallAcceptFocus.3 \
XtCallActionProc.3 \
XtCallCallbackList.3 \
XtCallCallbacks.3 \
XtCallConverter.3 \
XtCallbackExclusive.3 \
XtCallbackNone.3 \
XtCallbackNonexclusive.3 \
XtCallbackPopdown.3 \
XtCalloc.3 \
XtCancelSelectionRequest.3 \
XtChangeManagedSet.3 \
XtCheckSubclass.3 \
XtClass.3 \
XtCloseDisplay.3 \
XtConfigureWidget.3 \
XtConvert.3 \
XtConvertAndStore.3 \
XtConvertCase.3 \
XtCreateApplicationContext.3 \
XtCreateApplicationShell.3 \
XtCreateManagedWidget.3 \
XtCreatePopupShell.3 \
XtCreateSelectionRequest.3 \
XtCreateWidget.3 \
XtCreateWindow.3 \
XtDatabase.3 \
XtDestroyApplicationContext.3 \
XtDestroyWidget.3 \
XtDirectConvert.3 \
XtDisownSelection.3 \
XtDispatchEvent.3 \
XtDispatchEventToWidget.3 \
XtDisplay.3 \
XtDisplayInitialize.3 \
XtDisplayOfObject.3 \
XtDisplayStringConversionWarning.3 \
XtDisplayToApplicationContext.3 \
XtError.3 \
XtErrorMsg.3 \
XtFindFile.3 \
XtFree.3 \
XtGetActionKeysym.3 \
XtGetActionList.3 \
XtGetApplicationNameAndClass.3 \
XtGetApplicationResources.3 \
XtGetClassExtension.3 \
XtGetConstraintResourceList.3 \
XtGetDisplays.3 \
XtGetErrorDatabase.3 \
XtGetErrorDatabaseText.3 \
XtGetGC.3 \
XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget.3 \
XtGetKeysymTable.3 \
XtGetMultiClickTime.3 \
XtGetResourceList.3 \
XtGetSelectionParameters.3 \
XtGetSelectionRequest.3 \
XtGetSelectionTimeout.3 \
XtGetSelectionValue.3 \
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental.3 \
XtGetSelectionValues.3 \
XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental.3 \
XtGetSubresources.3 \
XtGetSubvalues.3 \
XtGetValues.3 \
XtGrabButton.3 \
XtGrabKey.3 \
XtGrabKeyboard.3 \
XtGrabPointer.3 \
XtHasCallbacks.3 \
XtHooksOfDisplay.3 \
XtInitialize.3 \
XtInitializeWidgetClass.3 \
XtInsertEventHandler.3 \
XtInsertEventTypeHandler.3 \
XtInsertRawEventHandler.3 \
XtInstallAccelerators.3 \
XtInstallAllAccelerators.3 \
XtIsApplicationShell.3 \
XtIsComposite.3 \
XtIsConstraint.3 \
XtIsManaged.3 \
XtIsObject.3 \
XtIsOverrideShell.3 \
XtIsRealized.3 \
XtIsRectObj.3 \
XtIsSensitive.3 \
XtIsShell.3 \
XtIsSubclass.3 \
XtIsTopLevelShell.3 \
XtIsTransientShell.3 \
XtIsVendorShell.3 \
XtIsWMShell.3 \
XtIsWidget.3 \
XtKeysymToKeycodeList.3 \
XtLastEventProcessed.3 \
XtLastTimestampProcessed.3 \
XtMainLoop.3 \
XtMakeGeometryRequest.3 \
XtMakeResizeRequest.3 \
XtMalloc.3 \
XtManageChild.3 \
XtManageChildren.3 \
XtMapWidget.3 \
XtMergeArgLists.3 \
XtMoveWidget.3 \
XtName.3 \
XtNameToWidget.3 \
XtNew.3 \
XtNewString.3 \
XtNextEvent.3 \
XtNoticeSignal.3 \
XtNumber.3 \
XtOffset.3 \
XtOffsetOf.3 \
XtOpenApplication.3 \
XtOpenDisplay.3 \
XtOverrideTranslations.3 \
XtOwnSelection.3 \
XtOwnSelectionIncremental.3 \
XtParent.3 \
XtParseAcceleratorTable.3 \
XtParseTranslationTable.3 \
XtPeekEvent.3 \
XtPending.3 \
XtPopdown.3 \
XtPopup.3 \
XtPopupSpringLoaded.3 \
XtProcessEvent.3 \
XtProcessLock.3 \
XtProcessUnlock.3 \
XtQueryGeometry.3 \
XtRealizeWidget.3 \
XtRealloc.3 \
XtRegisterCaseConverter.3 \
XtRegisterDrawable.3 \
XtRegisterExtensionSelector.3 \
XtRegisterGrabAction.3 \
XtReleaseGC.3 \
XtReleasePropertyAtom.3 \
XtRemoveActionHook.3 \
XtRemoveAllCallbacks.3 \
XtRemoveBlockHook.3 \
XtRemoveCallback.3 \
XtRemoveCallbacks.3 \
XtRemoveEventHandler.3 \
XtRemoveEventTypeHandler.3 \
XtRemoveGrab.3 \
XtRemoveInput.3 \
XtRemoveRawEventHandler.3 \
XtRemoveSignal.3 \
XtRemoveTimeOut.3 \
XtRemoveWorkProc.3 \
XtReservePropertyAtom.3 \
XtResizeWidget.3 \
XtResolvePathname.3 \
XtScreen.3 \
XtScreenDatabase.3 \
XtScreenOfObject.3 \
XtSendSelectionRequest.3 \
XtSessionGetToken.3 \
XtSessionReturnToken.3 \
XtSetArg.3 \
XtSetErrorHandler.3 \
XtSetErrorMsgHandler.3 \
XtSetEventDispatcher.3 \
XtSetKeyTranslator.3 \
XtSetKeyboardFocus.3 \
XtSetLanguageProc.3 \
XtSetMappedWhenManaged.3 \
XtSetMultiClickTime.3 \
XtSetSelectionParameters.3 \
XtSetSelectionTimeout.3 \
XtSetSensitive.3 \
XtSetSubvalues.3 \
XtSetTypeConverter.3 \
XtSetValues.3 \
XtSetWMColormapWindows.3 \
XtSetWarningHandler.3 \
XtSetWarningMsgHandler.3 \
XtStringConversionWarning.3 \
XtSuperclass.3 \
XtToolkitInitialize.3 \
XtToolkitThreadInitialize.3 \
XtTranslateCoords.3 \
XtTranslateKeycode.3 \
XtUngrabButton.3 \
XtUngrabKey.3 \
XtUngrabKeyboard.3 \
XtUngrabPointer.3 \
XtUninstallTranslations.3 \
XtUnmanageChild.3 \
XtUnmanageChildren.3 \
XtUnmapWidget.3 \
XtUnrealizeWidget.3 \
XtUnregisterDrawable.3 \
XtVaAppCreateShell.3 \
XtVaAppInitialize.3 \
XtVaCreateArgsList.3 \
XtVaCreateManagedWidget.3 \
XtVaCreatePopupShell.3 \
XtVaCreateWidget.3 \
XtVaGetApplicationResources.3 \
XtVaGetSubresources.3 \
XtVaGetValues.3 \
XtVaOpenApplication.3 \
XtVaSetValues.3 \
XtWarning.3 \
XtWarningMsg.3 \
XtWidgetToApplicationContext.3 \
XtWindow.3 \
XtWindowOfObject.3 \
XtWindowToWidget.3 \
Xv.3 \
XvFreeAdaptorInfo.3 \
XvFreeEncodingInfo.3 \
XvGetPortAttribute.3 \
XvGetStill.3 \
XvGetVideo.3 \
XvGrabPort.3 \
XvPortNotify.3 \
XvPutStill.3 \
XvPutVideo.3 \
XvQueryAdaptors.3 \
XvQueryBestSize.3 \
XvQueryEncodings.3 \
XvQueryExtension.3 \
XvSelectPortNotify.3 \
XvSelectVideoNotify.3 \
XvSetPortAttribute.3 \
XvStopVideo.3 \
XvUngrabPort.3 \
XvVideoNotify.3 \
XwcDrawImageString.3 \
XwcDrawString.3 \
XwcDrawText.3 \
XwcFreeStringList.3 \
XwcLookupString.3 \
XwcResetIC.3 \
XwcTextEscapement.3 \
XwcTextExtents.3 \
XwcTextListToTextProperty.3 \
XwcTextPerCharExtents.3 \
XwcTextPropertyToTextList.3 \
glXChooseVisual.3 \
glXCopyContext.3 \
glXCreateContext.3 \
glXCreateGLXPixmap.3 \
glXDestroyContext.3 \
glXDestroyGLXPixmap.3 \
glXFreeContextEXT.3 \
glXGetClientString.3 \
glXGetConfig.3 \
glXGetContextIDEXT.3 \
glXGetCurrentContext.3 \
glXGetCurrentDisplay.3 \
glXGetCurrentDrawable.3 \
glXImportContextEXT.3 \
glXIntro.3 \
glXIsDirect.3 \
glXMakeCurrent.3 \
glXQueryContextInfoEXT.3 \
glXQueryExtension.3 \
glXQueryExtensionsString.3 \
glXQueryServerString.3 \
glXQueryVersion.3 \
glXSwapBuffers.3 \
glXUseXFont.3 \
glXWaitGL.3 \
MAN7= X.7 \
XConsortium.7 \
XProjectTeam.7 \
XStandards.7 \
(cd ${WRKSRC} && \
imake -DUseInstalled ${PROJECTROOT} -I${PREFIX}/lib/X11/config \
-DTOPDIR=../../.. -DCURDIR=.; \
${MAKE} Makefiles ; \
${MAKE} includes ; \
${MAKE} depend)
.include <>