Satoshi Taoka a77a3c279b (1) {chinese,korean,japanese}/Wnn (Wnn 4.2) was updated as follows:
(a) Its name was changed from Wnn to FreeWnn because Wnn6 which is a
      commercial software exits
  (b) Its license was changed to GPL.
  (c) The method to configure was changed from imake to GNU configure.
  (d) Relatively to the original Wnn, the Wnn in the ports tree were
      modified by me a lot. Most of the modifications were adopted
      into FreeWnn.
  (c) Header and library files are installed into
      ${LOCALBASE}/{lib,include} instead of ${X11BASE}/{lib,include}.

(2) FreeWnn is divided into two ports FreeWnn-lib and FreeWnn-server
in chinese, korean and japanese categories. The former is for libwnn
and header files to compile client commands, and the files used in
client commands.  The latter is for a server to convert KANA to KANJI
(Chinese character), and dictionaries and files used by the server.
2000-09-08 04:34:56 +00:00

345 lines
8.2 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += Canna
SUBDIR += FreeWnn-lib
SUBDIR += FreeWnn-server
SUBDIR += Wnn6
SUBDIR += Wnn6-lib
SUBDIR += a2ps
SUBDIR += ack
SUBDIR += acroread-jpnfont
SUBDIR += addttfont
SUBDIR += balsa
SUBDIR += binder
SUBDIR += bookview
SUBDIR += canuum
SUBDIR += cdrom2
SUBDIR += chasen
SUBDIR += chimera
SUBDIR += csrd
SUBDIR += dbskkd-cdb
SUBDIR += deepforest
SUBDIR += diclookup-mule
SUBDIR += dserver
SUBDIR += dvi2dvi
SUBDIR += dvi2ps
SUBDIR += dvi2tty
SUBDIR += dvipsk
SUBDIR += dvipsk-vflib
SUBDIR += e2ps
SUBDIR += easypr
SUBDIR += eb
SUBDIR += eblook
SUBDIR += ebw3
SUBDIR += edict
SUBDIR += edict-fpw
SUBDIR += edict-sdic
SUBDIR += ee
SUBDIR += elisa10x8
SUBDIR += elisa8x8
SUBDIR += elisp-manual
SUBDIR += elvis
SUBDIR += emacs-manual
SUBDIR += emacs20-dl-canna
SUBDIR += emacs20-dl-wnn6
SUBDIR += epwutil
SUBDIR += escpf
SUBDIR += esecanna
SUBDIR += esecanna-module-vje25
SUBDIR += esecanna-module-vje30
SUBDIR += esecanna-module-wnn6
SUBDIR += eterm
SUBDIR += ewipe
SUBDIR += exmh2
SUBDIR += expect
SUBDIR += freepwing
SUBDIR += gawk
SUBDIR += gd
SUBDIR += gicq
SUBDIR += gn-gnspool
SUBDIR += gn-mnews
SUBDIR += gnome-icu
SUBDIR += gp
SUBDIR += grep
SUBDIR += groff
SUBDIR += gtkicq
SUBDIR += gxditview
SUBDIR += hex
SUBDIR += hns
SUBDIR += iv
SUBDIR += japaneseAFM
SUBDIR += jargon-fpw
SUBDIR += jed
SUBDIR += jgv
SUBDIR += jhd
SUBDIR += jls
SUBDIR += jpilot
SUBDIR += jtex209-ascii
SUBDIR += jtex209-both
SUBDIR += jtex209-ntt
SUBDIR += jvim
SUBDIR += jvim-canna
SUBDIR += jvim-canna+freewnn
SUBDIR += jvim-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += jvim-freewnn
SUBDIR += jvim-wnn6
SUBDIR += jvim3
SUBDIR += jvim3-canna
SUBDIR += jvim3-canna+freewnn
SUBDIR += jvim3-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += jvim3-direct_canna
SUBDIR += jvim3-freewnn
SUBDIR += jvim3-wnn6
SUBDIR += k10
SUBDIR += k12
SUBDIR += kakasi
SUBDIR += kanji18
SUBDIR += kanji26
SUBDIR += kappa20
SUBDIR += kbanner
SUBDIR += kcc
SUBDIR += kebook-i18n
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna+freewnn
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna+freewnn+sj3
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna+sj3
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn6
SUBDIR += kinput2-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += kinput2-freewnn
SUBDIR += kinput2-freewnn+sj3
SUBDIR += kinput2-sj3
SUBDIR += kinput2-sj3+wnn6
SUBDIR += kinput2-wnn6
SUBDIR += kon2-14dot
SUBDIR += kon2-16dot
SUBDIR += kterm
SUBDIR += kterm16c
SUBDIR += lambdamoo
SUBDIR += latex2html
SUBDIR += less
SUBDIR += lesw
SUBDIR += libicq
SUBDIR += libimg
SUBDIR += libjcode
SUBDIR += libslang
SUBDIR += linux-netscape47-communicator
SUBDIR += linux-netscape47-navigator
SUBDIR += linux_locale
SUBDIR += lipsf
SUBDIR += lookup-emacs20
SUBDIR += lookup-mule
SUBDIR += lookup-xemacs
SUBDIR += lynx
SUBDIR += lynx-current
SUBDIR += lyx
SUBDIR += lyx-doc
SUBDIR += magicpoint
SUBDIR += makejvf
SUBDIR += man
SUBDIR += man-doc
SUBDIR += mendexk-euc
SUBDIR += mendexk-sjis
SUBDIR += mh
SUBDIR += mhonarc
SUBDIR += micq
SUBDIR += mimekit
SUBDIR += mnews
SUBDIR += mnews-gnspool
SUBDIR += mnews-im
SUBDIR += mtools
SUBDIR += muggy
SUBDIR += mule-canna
SUBDIR += mule-canna+freewnn
SUBDIR += mule-canna+freewnn+sj3
SUBDIR += mule-canna+sj3
SUBDIR += mule-canna+sj3+wnn6
SUBDIR += mule-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += mule-freewnn
SUBDIR += mule-freewnn+sj3
SUBDIR += mule-sj3
SUBDIR += mule-sj3+wnn6
SUBDIR += mule-wnn6
SUBDIR += mutt
SUBDIR += mypaedia-fpw
SUBDIR += mypaedia-fpw-package
SUBDIR += namazu
SUBDIR += namazu2
SUBDIR += ndtpd
SUBDIR += ne
SUBDIR += nethack
SUBDIR += netscape-fonts
SUBDIR += netscape3.language
SUBDIR += netscape4-communicator
SUBDIR += netscape4-navigator
SUBDIR += netscape47-communicator
SUBDIR += netscape47-navigator
SUBDIR += newosaka
SUBDIR += ng
SUBDIR += ng-canna
SUBDIR += ngraph-fonts
SUBDIR += nkf
SUBDIR += nvi-euc-jp
SUBDIR += nvi-iso-2022-jp
SUBDIR += nvi-sjis
SUBDIR += okphone
SUBDIR += oleo
SUBDIR += onew-canna
SUBDIR += onew-canna+freewnn
SUBDIR += onew-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += onew-freewnn
SUBDIR += onew-wnn6
SUBDIR += p5-Jcode
SUBDIR += p5-Text-Kakasi
SUBDIR += p5-manual
SUBDIR += p5-mkres
SUBDIR += p5-nkf
SUBDIR += paledit
SUBDIR += perl5
SUBDIR += pgp.language
SUBDIR += pine
SUBDIR += pips760
SUBDIR += pips770
SUBDIR += pips800
SUBDIR += pips820_3300
SUBDIR += plain2
SUBDIR += plan
SUBDIR += platex-common
SUBDIR += platex-euc
SUBDIR += platex-jis
SUBDIR += platex-sjis
SUBDIR += platex209-euc
SUBDIR += platex209-jis
SUBDIR += platex209-sjis
SUBDIR += postgresql
SUBDIR += postgresql7
SUBDIR += ppxp
SUBDIR += prn
SUBDIR += ptex-common
SUBDIR += ptex-euc
SUBDIR += ptex-jis
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts118
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts240
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts300
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts360
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts400
SUBDIR += ptex-pkfonts600
SUBDIR += ptex-sjis
SUBDIR += qkc
SUBDIR += rbnamazu
SUBDIR += recjis
SUBDIR += rogue_s
SUBDIR += rskkserv
SUBDIR += ruby-eb
SUBDIR += ruby-kakasi
SUBDIR += ruby-man
SUBDIR += ruby-slang
SUBDIR += ruby-uconv
SUBDIR += ruby-tk
SUBDIR += ruby-usersguide
SUBDIR += ruby14-tk
SUBDIR += rxvt
SUBDIR += samba
SUBDIR += sdic
SUBDIR += sed
SUBDIR += seizedesktop
SUBDIR += sj3
SUBDIR += sjxa
SUBDIR += skk
SUBDIR += skk10-elisp-emacs20
SUBDIR += skk-elisp
SUBDIR += skk-jisyo
SUBDIR += skk-tools
SUBDIR += skkfep
SUBDIR += skkinput
SUBDIR += skkserv
SUBDIR += slrn
SUBDIR += srd-fpw
SUBDIR += srd-fpw-package
SUBDIR += tcl76
SUBDIR += tcl80
SUBDIR += tcsh
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-asuka
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-ayanami
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-generic
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-koshiki
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-merril
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-miyakonjo
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-multi
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-rishu
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-roomi
SUBDIR += tcsh-nls-ruri2
SUBDIR += texinfo
SUBDIR += tgif
SUBDIR += tgif2tex
SUBDIR += timidity++-slang
SUBDIR += timidity++-tcltk
SUBDIR += tk42
SUBDIR += tk80
SUBDIR += tkdesk
SUBDIR += tkhonyaku
SUBDIR += tkstep80
SUBDIR += today
SUBDIR += truetypefonts
SUBDIR += tvi
SUBDIR += typist
SUBDIR += vera-fpw
SUBDIR += vfghostscript
SUBDIR += vfghostscript5
SUBDIR += vfghostscript55
SUBDIR += vflib
SUBDIR += vftool
SUBDIR += vfxdvi118
SUBDIR += vfxdvi240
SUBDIR += vfxdvi300
SUBDIR += vfxdvi360
SUBDIR += vfxdvi400
SUBDIR += vfxdvi600
SUBDIR += vje30
SUBDIR += vje30-trial
SUBDIR += w3
SUBDIR += w3m
SUBDIR += w3m-ssl
SUBDIR += wdic-fpw
SUBDIR += web1913-fpw
SUBDIR += weblint97
SUBDIR += wine
SUBDIR += word
SUBDIR += wordnet-fpw
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk118
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk240
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk300
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk360
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk400
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pk600
SUBDIR += xdvik-vflib-pkall
SUBDIR += xemacs21-canna
SUBDIR += xemacs21-canna+wnn4
SUBDIR += xemacs21-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += xemacs21-sumo-canna
SUBDIR += xemacs21-sumo-canna+wnn4
SUBDIR += xemacs21-sumo-canna+wnn6
SUBDIR += xemacs21-sumo-wnn4
SUBDIR += xemacs21-sumo-wnn6
SUBDIR += xemacs21-wnn4
SUBDIR += xemacs21-wnn6
SUBDIR += xjman
SUBDIR += xjtext
SUBDIR += xklock
SUBDIR += xmsgsaver
SUBDIR += xnetmaj
SUBDIR += xshodo
SUBDIR += xshodou
SUBDIR += xv
SUBDIR += xyagamo
SUBDIR += yc.el
SUBDIR += zangband
SUBDIR += zipcodes
.include <>